Registration Open For PA Recreation & Park Society 2022 Annual Conference & Expo March 29-April 1

Register now for the PA Recreation and Park Society’s 75th Annual Conference and Expo at the Kalahari Resort in Monroe County March 29 to April 1.

The 2022 PRPS Conference & Expo will feature all things old and new as PRPS is “Looking Back, While Moving PA Forward.”

 Hundreds of our friends in parks and recreation will gather again to discover the latest and greatest products in the field while feeling inspired and energized by those who share the same passion and interests!

Keynote Speaker, Kristine Stratton, president and chief executive officer of the National Parks and Recreation Association, will share the power of parks and recreation!

Richard Hight, a world-famous artist, thought provoking storyteller will share his story and leaves much to the imagination as it unfolds on canvas.

Enjoy a look into the history of PRPS with Executive Director Tim Herd, and former Director Bob Griffith!

And lastly, we’ll top things off with our endnote speaker, Erik Dominquez, founder of Speak Up! Stories, encouraging us to “Speak Up Boldy, and Share Our Story.” You don’t want to miss this! 

We’ll also feature the PRPS App, which is your on-the-go pocket guide for all things relating to the conference! Build your schedule and receive the latest information on event happenings, games, socials, and more! More information to come! 

For more information on programs, initiatives, upcoming events and training opportunities, visit the PA Recreation and Park Society website.  Like them on Facebook,  Follow them on Twitter, visit their YouTube Channel, and find them on InstagramClick Here to support their work.

[Posted: December 3, 2021]


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