Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DCNR’s 2022 Application Season Opening For Community Conservation Partnership, Riparian Buffer, Trails, ATV & Snowmobile Grants

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 2022 grant application season for Community Conservation Partnership, riparian buffer, land conservation, trails and ATV and snowmobiles is opening--

-- Community Conservation Partnership Grant applications are being accepted now through April 6  for recreation, land conservation, trail, riparian buffer, park rehabilitation and more.  (formal notice)

Priority projects for funding include--

-- Community parks and recreation: Priority projects in this category include projects that help rehabilitate existing parks and those that improve access for all.

-- Land conservation: Priority projects in this category include land conservation projects that protect critical habitat, climate resilient lands, forested watersheds, wetlands, and riparian corridors or create critical connections between public or conservation lands.

-- Watershed restoration/rivers implementation: Priority projects in this category include projects that enhance public access to this Commonwealth's waterways or projects that improve this Commonwealth's watersheds and waterways including the planting of riparian forest buffers.

-- Trails: Priority projects in this category include projects that close priority trail gaps and implement the 2020—2024 Pennsylvania Land and Water Trail Network Strategic Plan, available online.

-- Riparian Forest Buffer Grant applications are now being accepted through April 6, with applicants encouraged to install multifunction buffers.

-- ATV & Snowmobile Grant applications will be accepted from February 1 to March 31 for planning, acquisition of land and development of ATV and/or snowmobile trails and facilities.

-- Peer & Circuit Rider Grant applications are accepted any time for help municipalities, counties, multi-municipal partnerships and councils of government increase local capacity for recreation, parks and conservation.

Visit the DCNR Grants webpage for all the details and to apply.

For more funding opportunities, visit the PA Environment Digest Grants & Awards webpage.

Upcoming Grants:

-- Commonwealth Financing Authority Act 13 Drilling Impact Fee Funded Grants Typically Open February 1 - New Guidelines Coming At CFA Meeting Jan. 26

-- Applications Now Being Accepted For 2022 Schuylkill River Restoration Fund; Land Transaction Assistance Grants

-- WeConservePA: Conservation Easement Transaction Assistance Grants Now Available 

-- Lancaster Clean Water Partners: Feb. 18 Grant Deadline Reminder

[Posted: January 21, 2022] 


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