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NFWF Now Accepting Applications For Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund Small Watershed Grants

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the federal-state Chesapeake Bay Program partnership, is now soliciting proposals through the 2022 Small Watershed Grants (SWG) Program.

Applications are due April 21.

Eligible projects are required to be within the Chesapeake Bay watershed and promote voluntary, community-based efforts to protect and restore the diverse and vital habitats of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers and streams.

NFWF will award funding through two distinct funding opportunities--

-- Small Watershed Implementation (SWG-I) Grants of $75,000-$500,000 will be awarded for projects that result in direct, on-the-ground  actions to protect and restore water quality, species, and habitats in the Bay watershed; and

-- Small Watershed Planning and Technical Assistance (SWG-PTA) Grants up to $75,000 will be awarded for projects that enhance local capacity to implement future on-the-ground actions through community-based assessment, planning, design, and other technical assistance-oriented activities.

There are several important changes to this year’s program.

For both funding opportunities, non-federal matching funds are encouraged but not required and NFWF anticipates record program funding available.

NFWF is also pleased to announce the most expansive set of SWG program priorities ever, while strengthening its commitment to better advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice outcomes from funded projects.

New application requirements will help NFWF and its reviewers understand diversity and inclusion within applicant organizations, demographics of communities impacted by proposed activities, and how communities will be meaningfully engaged in project activities.

Feb. 15 Webinar

NFWF will be holding an informational applicant webinar at 1:00 p.m. February 15.  Click Here to register.

We will also record and post the webinar on our Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund website late next week for those unable to join on Tuesday.

NFWF strongly encourages prospective applicants to contact NFWF program staff and/or enlisted field liaisons to discuss proposed projects and obtain guidance on program fit and competitiveness.

For all the details, visit the NFWF Small Watershed Grants (SWG) Program webpage.

Related Article:

-- NFWF Accepting Applications For Delaware River Watershed Conservation Grants

[Posted: February 8, 2022]


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