Game Commission: New Chronic Wasting Disease Positives Lead To Expansion Of Management Areas

On April 11, the Game Commission announced the creation of a new Chronic Wasting Disease Management Area and the expansion of two existing DMAs.

The new DMA 7 was created when CWD was detected at a captive facility in Lycoming County.

The newly established DMA includes portions of Lycoming, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia and Sullivan counties, and will be about 460 square miles in size. This DMA represents the fifth DMA to be created due to a captive facility.

DMA 4 also will expand following detection of CWD at a captive facility in southern Lancaster County. DMA 4’s expansion will follow the Susquehanna River south to the Maryland border and follow the Octoraro Creek north to where it meets the current boundary.

Click Here for the complete announcement.

Visit the Game Commission’s Chronic Wasting Disease webpage for more information.


-- April 13-- Senate Agriculture & Rural Affairs and Game & Fisheries Committees joint hearing on Chronic Wasting Disease.  Hearing Room 1, North Office Building. 9:00 a.m.  Click Here to watch live.

[Posted: April 11, 2022]


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