Certification Training Opportunities Coming Up From Chesapeake Bay Conservation Landscaping Council Professionals

The Chesapeake Bay Conservation Landscaping Council is offering a full menu of certification training  opportunities in the coming months. Here's a sampling--

Crew Certification

-- June 29 in Lititz, Lancaster County: The CBLP-Crews certificate is a one-day course on sustainable landscape maintenance for stormwater BMP’s. This course is designed for maintenance crews and crew leaders and it is interactive, practical, hands- on- with no powerpoint.  Click Here to register.

Landscape Professional Level 1 Certification

-- Multiple Dates and Locations: CBLP is a voluntary, regional credential for professionals who design, install, and maintain sustainable landscapes in the Bay watershed.  Click Here for details.

The Campbell Foundation, through Lancaster Clean Water Partners, is providing a limited number of $200 scholarships for any municipal staff in Lancaster County, PA. Email katie@cblpro.org  and ask about discounts or scholarships before paying.

Riparian Buffer Certificate

-- 3 session certificate course beginning September 1.  This comprehensive course on planning, implementing, and managing riparian buffers is designed for landscape professionals, government employees, nonprofit staff, as well as others who work on buffers. It is comprised of a series of videos, interactive webinars, and in-person field workshops.  Click Here to register.

Visit the Chesapeake Bay Conservation Landscaping Council website to find a certified landscape professional, for other upcoming training opportunities and much more.

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-- Tell Your Legislator NOW To Set Aside $500 Million From Federal American Rescue Funds To Support Local Environmental, State Park & Forest Projects

[Posted: June 7, 2022]


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