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PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers Hosts Aug. 31 Virtual Local Government Engagement Conversation Café

The PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers is hosting a virtual Local Government Engagement Conversation Café on August 31, a peer learning opportunity on meeting the challenges of local government engagement.

Attendees will hear and share a current experience, challenge or opportunity related to engaging with state or local government officials, or with a policy, plan, or initiative to help conserve, protect, and restore watersheds and local waterways.

You will be invited to ask questions and share advice, ideas, and resources from your own experiences with others.

You will learn practical approaches that you can implement locally and be able to offer support for your colleagues and peers who are working to advance sound management of water resources through civic engagement and advocacy.

Why a Conversation Café and not a “webinar?”

Cultivating trust and engaging meaningfully and effectively with local government is critical to protecting water resources and watershed health.

Learning how to do so with support from peers, for example, fellow leaders and volunteers of community-based watershed organizations, can provide inspiration for trying new approaches or persevering through an obstacle or challenge you are encountering.

Sharing experiences, challenges, and successes provides the opportunity to both teach and learn.

Your uncertainties or concerns are likely shared by others, and together we can offer ideas for moving through them.

Collaborative learning can develop a sense of empowerment that can help make your next civic engagement effort or project more successful.

The Conversation Café will be held from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.  This event is free to attend, but registration is required to get the Zoom link.

Click Here to register and for more information.

Visit POWR’s Events webpage for recordings of past online events and educational sessions.

For more information on programs, initiatives, upcoming events and help available to community-based watershed organizations, visit the PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers website.  Follow them on Facebook.

[Posted: August 8, 2022]


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