Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Creating New Brownfields: Oil & Gas Well Drillers Notified DEP They Are Cleaning Up Soil & Water Contaminated With Chemicals Harmful To Human Health, Aquatic Life At 272 Locations In PA

Conventional and unconventional oil and gas drillers have notified DEP they are in the process of cleaning up soil and water contaminated with carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurotoxic and other chemicals harmful to human health and aquatic life found in drilling wastewater and other waste at 272 locations across Pennsylvania.

These 272 locations represent nearly 55 percent of the pending site cleanups under the Land Recycling Program in DEP’s regional offices in the Southwest, Northwest, Northcentral and Northeast Regions.

Use of the Land Recycling Program to clean up contaminated soil and water is an option available to landowners by law.

But in this case, the number of sites in the Land Recycling Program can be used to measure the extent to which both the conventional and unconventional oil and gas drilling industries turn virgin farm and forest land into new brownfield sites because of the soil and water contamination they cause as they move across Pennsylvania’s landscape.  Read more here.

47 Sites In 2022

So far in 2022, oil and gas drillers reported 47 sites with soil and groundwater contaminated with harmful chemicals and other pollutants are in the final stages of cleanup under the Land Recycling Program.

The information on the 47 sites is included in notices required to be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin by DEP’s Land Recycling Program, which was designed to clean up brownfield sites and return them to some sort of productive use. 

The Final Reports in the notices for the 47 sites come at the end of the cleanup process, so the actual spills, leaks or mishandling of waste could have occurred as many as five years ago.

The cleanup plans submitted for these 47 sites deal with a whole range of toxic, carcinogenic and harmful chemicals and contaminants (see more below).

These public notices, particularly those related to cleaning up drilling wastewater, brine and production water, however, are missing public acknowledgement of the more than 31 chemicals and pollutants-- including radioactive radium-- recent Penn State studies and others have told us are in this wastewater.  Read more here.

A deeper review of the reports required for the oil and gas facility contamination site cleanups is needed to determine if DEP is allowing the road dumping of conventional drilling wastewater it would otherwise require to be cleaned up at other locations under the Land Recycling Program.

The 47 oil and gas facilities covered by these Bulletin notices are located in Allegheny, Bradford, Butler, Clearfield, Elk, Fayette, Greene, Lycoming, McKean, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Venango, Washington and Wyoming counties.

The notices include the name and location of the oil and gas facilities involved, a short description of the chemicals and pollutants contaminating soil and water at each location and whether the cleanup done by the drillers met one of the three standards available under the Land Recycling Program-- background, site-specific or statewide health standard.

Depending on which cleanup standard is used, there could be permanent restrictions on what the contaminated land can be used for in the future.

Cleanup standards for these and all types of brownfield sites are established by regulation in Chapter 250 of DEP’s regulations and are available on DEP’s Standards, Guidance and Procedures webpage.

Pending Land Recycling Cleanups

The full list of 272 oil and gas facilities and sites with Land Recycling Program cleanups pending in the DEP’s four regional office areas comes from DEP’s Sites In Progress Database

Again, many of the spills, leaks and mishandled wastes could have occurred as many as five years ago.

The Southwest Region has 136, the Northwest Region 41, the Northcentral Region 70 and the Northeast Region 25.

Just short of 55 percent of all the sites where Land Recycling cleanups are now pending in these regions are from this one industry-- oil and gas.

The counties with the most oil and gas facility cleanups pending are--  Clearfield (25), Greene (64), Indiana (20), Lycoming (15), Susquehanna (19), Tioga (14) and Washington (40).

Visit DEP’s Sites In Progress Database to look up your DEP Region and then county.

You can also check DEP’s Completed Land Recycling Sites Database for sites that completed the Land Recycling Program cleanup process in these same areas.  There is no doubt there are hundreds more oil and gas facility site cleanups in the Land Recycling Program completed database.

Using DEP’s two Land Recycling databases and DEP’s Environmental Site Assessment Search Tool, you can search for cleanups happening in your county or near you.

Types Of Chemicals/Pollutants

The notices about the Final Reports on each cleanup submitted by oil and gas operators show that they dealt with a whole range of harmful chemicals and other contaminants.

Getting copies of the Final Reports and reviewing them would provide much more information about all the chemicals and pollutants involved in the cleanups-- and therefore used at these sites-- the specific cleanup methods used, and the specific standards the cleanups attained.

Here are just a few examples of the chemicals included in the notices--

-- Drilling Wastewaters: Frac flowback fluid, drilling mud, brine and production wastewaters

-- Petroleum Products: Diesel fuel, motor oil, hydraulic fluid

-- Combinations of these chemicals were reported at multiple locations--

          -- Aluminum , barium, boron, chloride, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, vanadium, and zinc-- typically associated with drilling wastewater

          -- Acenaphthene, anthracene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)- pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, biphenyl, chrysene, fluoranthene, fluorene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, methylnaphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, benzene, secbutylbenzene, tertbutylbenzene, cyclohexane, ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene (cumene), naphthalene, toluene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, xylene, and phenolics

          -- 1,1-Biphenyl, Fluorene, 2-Methylnaphthalene, m&p-Xylene, Total Xylenes, 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene, Naphthalene, n-Butylbenzene, p-Isopropyltoluene Bromobenzene, o-Xylene, and 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene

         -- Fluorene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, 2-Methylnaphthalene, Phenanthrene, Pyrene, Benzene, sec-Butylbenzene, tert-Butylbenzene, Cyclohexane, Ethylbenzene, Isopropylbenzene (Cumene), Naphthalene, Phenol, Toluene, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-Trimethylben- zene, Xylenes, Acenaphthene, Anthracene, Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(g,h,i)- perylene, 1,1-Biphenyl (Diphenyl), Chrysene, Fluoranthene

-- Inorganic metals

-- Mineral oil

Missing Chemicals, Pollutants

These public notices required by the Land Recycling Program, particularly those related to cleaning up drilling wastewater, brine and production water, were missing public acknowledgement of all of the more than 31 chemicals and pollutants-- including radioactive radium-- recent Penn State studies and others have told us are in this wastewater.  Read more here.

Without a thorough review of the actual Final Reports-- more importantly the reports filed with the Intent to Remediate a site-- we do not know if the oil and gas companies are analyzing contaminated soil and water for all the chemicals and pollutants current science tells us are in these potentially harmful materials.

Onsite Waste Disposal

The cleanups of leaks, spills and mishandled waste covered by the Land Recycling Program also typically do not cover the routine disposal of drill cuttings and wastewater allowed by DEP’s regulations on drilling sites.

Both conventional and unconventional operators are allowed to request DEP to approve “alternative” on-site waste disposal plans for drill cuttings and wastewater that disperse these wastes directly to the environment on the drilling site.  Read more here.

Between 2016 and 2021, DEP approved 752 plans for the permanent disposal of drill cuttings and wastewater at drill sites-- 721 were for conventional sites and 31 were for unconventional shale gas drilling.  Read more here.

Drill cuttings are usually disposed of by the decades-old process of “dusting” -- forcefully blowing drill cuttings on the ground around the drill sites.  Read more here.

Drillers can also dispose of tophole wastewater from the drilling process by pumping it over the surface of the ground, as long as the pumping does not cause erosion or a direct discharge into a stream.  Read more here.

Road Dumping Drilling Wastewater

Also not covered by the Land Recycling Program is the fact that conventional oil and gas operators are not prohibited from dumping untreated drilling wastewater, brine and production water on dirt and gravel roads as a dust suppressant even though a Penn State study released in May shows chemicals, radioactive radium, and other contaminants in these wastewaters exceed health and environmental standards.  Read more here.

A road dumping ban is in place for unconventional shale gas operators.

DEP has, in fact, designated the 84 municipalities that allow dumping of untreated conventional oil and gas wastewater on their roads as “waste facilities,” yet they are not required to clean up those dump sites to meet health or other standards.  Read more here.

A deeper review of the reports required for the oil and gas facility contamination sites and the most recent Penn State study and other current science is needed to determine if DEP is allowing the road dumping of untreated wastewater that would otherwise be cleaned up at other locations under the Land Recycling Program.

Cleanup Sites By County

These are the locations for the 47 sites included in the notices published in the PA Bulletin through August 20--

-- Allegheny County--

-- EQT Corporation - EQT Prentice Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with aluminum, barium, boron, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, vanadium, and zinc in Forward Township, Allegheny County.  (PA Bulletin, page 3623)

-- Range Resources-Appalachia - Ray Well Pad #2H: soil contaminated with aluminum, barium, boron, chloride, iron, lithium, manganese, strontium, vanadium, and zinc in Findlay Twp., Allegheny County - Final Cleanup Report.  (PA Bulletin, page 4306)

-- Penneco Oil Company: Penneco Gospel Church #10H Final Report concerning remediation of soil contaminated with acenaphthene, anthracene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)- pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, biphe- nyl, chrysene, fluoranthene, fluorene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)- pyrene, methylnaphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, ben- zene, sec-butylbenzene, tert-butylbenzene, cyclohexane, ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene (cumene), naphthalene, toluene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, xylene, and phenolics in Plum Borough, Allegheny County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 5191)

-- Bradford County--

-- Chesapeake Appalachia: Covington 5H On Covington BRA Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with production fluid in Sheshequin Township, Bradford County - approved (PA Bulletin, page 1056)

-- SWN Production Company - Beaumont-Schaunt Pad: Final Report on remediation of mineral oil contaminated soil in Stevens Township, Bradford County - approved  (PA Bulletin, page 1683)

-- Chesapeake Appalachia - Tanner & Hana 6HC BRA on Tanner & Hana Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Wyalusing Township, Bradford County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 1683)

-- Chesapeake Appalachia - Atgas 4H on Atgas BRA Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Leroy Township, Bradford County - approved. (PA Bulletin, page 2414)

-- Chesapeake Appalachia - Yencha BRA 2H or Yencha BRA Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Monroe Township, Bradford County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 3167)

-- SWN Production Co, LLC - GU 04-Williams-Aeppli Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated by drilling wastewater in Herrick Township, Bradford County.  (PA Bulletin, page 2765)

-- SWN Production Company, LLC - Greenzweig Large Impoundment: Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Herrick Township, Bradford County. (PA Bulletin, page 3141)

-- Chesapeake Appalachia -  Hattie BRA Pad N2H: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Wilmot Twp., Bradford County. (PA Bulletin, page 4191)

-- Chesapeake Appalachia - Linski BRA Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil  contaminated with drilling wastewater in Tuscarora Twp, Bradford County - approved. (PA Bulletin, page 4191)

-- Chesapeake Appalachia - Solowiej BRA Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contamination with drilling wastewater in Wyalusing Twp., Bradford County  (PA Bulletin, page 4280)

-- Chesapeake Appalachia - Solowiej BRA Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contamination with drilling wastewater in Wyalusing Twp, Bradford County.  (PA Bulletin, page 4306)

-- Chesapeake Appalachia - Manahan BRA 2H, 101H, 103H, 104HC on the Manahan BRA Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Albany Twp., Bradford County.  (PA Bulletin, page 4307)

 -- Butler County--

-- PennEnergy Resources, LLC - Magil Storage Yard: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with chloride, aluminum, barium, boron, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, stron- tium, vanadium, and zinc in Connoquenessing Township, Butler County - approved. (PA Bulletin, page 2642)

-- PennEnergy Resources, LLC - Rape Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with 1,1-Biphenyl, Fluorene, 2-Methylnaphthalene, m&p-Xylene, Total Xylenes, 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene, Naphthalene, n-Butylbenzene, p-Isopropyltoluene Bromobenzene, o-Xylene, and 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene in Forward Township, Butler County - disapproved. (PA Bulletin, page 3030)

-- PennEnergy Resources, LLC - Dorsch Unit Unconventional Well Site: Notice of Intent to remediate soil and groundwater contaminated with unknown quantity of drilling wastewater in Lancaster Twp., Butler County.  (PA Bulletin, page 3864)

 -- Clearfield County--

-- Greylock Conventional, LLC: Northern Central Bank Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Chest Twp., Clearfield County - approved  (PA Bulletin, page 4191)

 -- Elk County--

-- Pin Oak Energy Partners, LLC - Beechwood Pad A, 411 Boundary Lane: Notice of Intent to remediate soil contaminated with Vanadium, Aluminum, Barium, Boron, Iron, Lithium, Manganese, Selenium, Strontium, Zinc, Chloride and site groundwater has been impacted with Aluminum, Iron, and Manganese in St. Mary’s, Elk County (PA Bulletin, page 2020)

-- KU Resources, Inc. - Beechwood Pad A, 411 Boundary Lane: soil and groundwater contaminated with Aluminum, Barium, Boron, Chloride, Iron, Lithium, Manganese, Selenium, Strontium, Vanadium, and Zinc final report in St. Marys, Elk County. (PA Bulletin, page 3716)

-- Fayette County--

-- Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage, Inc. - EGTS North Summit Storage Pool: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with inorganic metals and chlorides related to drilling wastewater in South Union Township, Fayette County - approved. (PA Bulletin, page 3030)

-- Greene County--

-- EQT Corporation - Carpenter Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with aluminum, barium, boron, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, vanadium, and zinc in Center Township, Greene County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 3364)

-- Greylock Production, LLC - Greylock Beacon Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with aluminum, barium, boron, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, vanadium, and zinc in Greene Township, Greene County.  (PA Bulletin, page 3500)

-- CNX - GH 84 Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Washington Twp., Greene County  approved.   (PA Bulletin, page 4192)

-- EQT Corporation - Drift Ridge Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with aluminum, barium, boron, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, vanadium, zinc, and chloride in Wayne Twp., Greene County.  (PA Bulletin, page 4306)

-- CNX - GH 56 Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with aluminum, barium, boron, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, vanadium, and zinc in Center Twp., Greene County.  (PA Bulletin, page 4460)

-- CNX - GH 6 Well Pad Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with aluminum, barium, boron, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, vanadium, and zinc in Center Township, Greene County.  (PA Bulletin, page 5190)

-- Lycoming County--

-- Inflection Energy PA, LLC - TLC Well Site: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Eldred Township, Lycoming County.  (PA Bulletin, page 1056)

-- Inflection Energy PA, LLC - TLC Well Site: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Eldred Township, Lycoming County.  (PA Bulletin, page 2765)

-- EQT Corporation - COP Tract 551B: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in McIntyre Township, Lycoming County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 2414)

-- Inflection Energy PA, LLC - TLC Well Site: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Eldred Township, Lycoming County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 3271)

-- EQT Corporation - COP Tract 551A: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in McIntyre Township, Lycoming County - approved. (PA Bulletin, page 3502)

-- McKean County--

-- Potato Creek 3H Oil & Gas Well  Final Report on remediation of site soil contaminated with Zinc,  Chloride, Aluminum, Barium, Boron, Chloride, Lithium, Manganese, Selenium, Strontium, Vanadium and site groundwater contaminated with Chloride, Aluminum, Barium, Boron, Zinc, Lithium, Vanadium, Selenium, and Norwich Township, McKean County - disapproved  (PA Bulletin, page 3167)

-- Potato Creek 3H Oil & Gas Well Final Report concerning remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with aluminum, barium, boron, chloride, chromium, copper, lead, lithium, selenium, strontium, arsenic, and zinc in Norwich Township, McKean County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 5191)

 -- Sullivan County--

--Dynamic Frac Services: Diesel fuel, motor oil, hydraulic fluid and drilling wastewater contaminating a site final report in Elkland Twp., Sullivan County - approved. (PA Bulletin, page 4192)

 -- Susquehanna County--

-- Coterra Energy, Inc. C. Larue Pad 2: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated by “natural gas well drilling operations” in Dimock Township, Susquehanna County-- approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 757)

-- Coterra Energy, Inc. W. Brooks Pad 2: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated by a release of drilling mud and drilling wastewater in Springville Township, Susquehanna County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 893)

-- Coterra Energy, Inc. J. Griffiths Pad1: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated by releases of diesel-based drilling mud to soil in Rush Township, Susquehanna County - disapproved.  (PA Bulletin, page 2171).

-- Coterra Energy, Inc. Rag Apple Well Site: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated by diesel fuel in Springville Township, Susquehanna County- approved (PA Bulletin, page 1527)

-- Cabot Oil & Gas - S. Warriner Pad 1: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated by drilling wastewater in Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County- approved  (PA Bulletin, page 1827)

-- Chesapeake Appalachia - Marbaker Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Auburn Township, Susquehanna County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 3625)

-- Coterra Energy, Inc. - Rutowski Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated by diesel fuel in Lenox Township, Susquehanna County-- approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 3166)

-- SWN Production Company - Range Unit 75 SGL-A Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated by drilling wastewater final report in Great Bend Twp., Susquehanna County - approved  (PA Bulletin, page 3894)

 -- Tioga County--

-- Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC - Johnson (02-135) K Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with drilling wastewater in Hamilton Twp., Tioga County - approved. (PA Bulletin, page 5190)

-- Venango County--

-- OWS Energy, LLC: Barber Brady Unit 1 Well: Final Report on remediation of site soil contaminated with Aluminum, Barium, Boron, Iron, Lithium, Manganese, Selenium Strontium, Vanadium and Zinc in Sugarcreek Borough, Venango County- approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 2052)

-- Washington County--

-- Range Resources Appalachia, LLC - Cross Creek 21 Impoundment: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with Aluminum, Barium, Boron, Chloride, Iron, Lithium, Manganese, Strontium, Vanadium, Zinc, Selenium in Cross Creek Township, Washington County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 3030).

-- EQT Corporation - EQT Kevech Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with aluminum, barium, boron, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, and zinc in Fallowfield Township, Washington County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 3030)

-- MCC Partners - West Pad Unit 18H: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with Fluorene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, 2-Methylnaphthalene, Phenanthrene, Pyrene, Benzene, sec-Butylbenzene, tert-Butylbenzene, Cyclohexane, Ethyl- benzene, Isopropylbenzene (Cumene), Naphthalene, Phe- nol, Toluene, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-Trimethylben- zene, Xylenes, Acenaphthene, Anthracene, Benzo(a)anthra- cene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(g,h,i)- perylene, 1,1-Biphenyl (Diphenyl), Chrysene, Fluoranthene Jefferson Twp., Washington County.  (PA Bulletin, page 4191)

-- Wyoming County--

-- Callon (Marcellus) LLC - Mazzara Well Pad: Final Report on remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated by a release of drilling wastewater in Washington Township, Wyoming County - approved.  (PA Bulletin, page 893)

-- Chesapeake Energy - Franclaire Pad: Final Report on soil contaminated by release of drilling wastewater in Braintrim Township, Wyoming County - approved  (PA Bulletin, page 2051)

-- Chesapeake Energy - Amcor Well Site: Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated by diesel fuel spill from an aboveground tank in Meshoppen Township, Wyoming County- approved  (PA Bulletin, page 2414)

-- Callon (Marcellus) LLC - Yarsavage Well Pad:  Final Report on remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with frac flowback fluid (brine) in Washington Twp., Wyoming County.  (PA Bulletin, page 4991)

Pending Land Recycling Cleanups By County

DEP’s Land Recycling Program’s Sites In Progress Database shows the number of oil and gas facility cleanups pending as of August 22 in each of DEP’s Regions with oil and gas drilling activity--

-- Southwest: Allegheny (7); Beaver (1); Cambria (4); Fayette (11); Greene (64); Somerset (0); Washington (40);  and Westmoreland (9).

-- Northwest: Armstrong (3); Butler (1); Clarion (0); Crawford (0); Elk (1); Erie (1); Forest (0); Indiana (20); Jefferson (1); Lawrence (0); McKean (7); Mercer (0); Venango (6); and Warren (1).

-- Northcentral: Bradford (6); Centre (1); Clearfield (25); Clinton (1); Columbia (0); Lycoming (15); Montour (0); Northumberland (1); Potter (3); Snyder (0); Sullivan (3); Tioga (14); and Union (1).

-- Northeast: Carbon (0); Lackawanna (0); Lehigh (2); Luzerne (1); Monroe (0); Northampton (0); Pike (0); Schuylkill (0); Susquehanna (19); and Wyoming (3).

For More Information

Find out more about each of these facilities by doing an online search through DEP’s eFACTS facility database.  Each facility has an ID number or a facility name you can search for through eFACTS to see what information is available online.

For additional background, you can use DEP’s Environmental Site Assessment Search Tool to find the specific location of the facility.  You can also see what DEP-permitted facilities or cleanups are around your home or business.

Copies of the Final Reports referenced in these notices are available from DEP by making requests in one of several ways by following the instructions on DEP’s Public Records webpage.

Related Articles:

-- Conventional Oil & Natural Gas Drilling: An Industrial Machine Moving Across The PA Countryside Leaving Behind Big Liabilities & Spreading Pollution Everywhere It Goes  [PaEN]

-- New Abandoned Wells: DEP Records Show Abandoning Oil & Gas Wells Without Plugging Them Is Pervasive In Conventional Drilling Industry; Who Is Protecting Taxpayers?  [PaEN]

-- New Penn State Study Finds Runoff From Conventional Oil & Gas Wastewater Dumped On Unpaved Roads Contains Pollutants That Exceed Human-Health, Environmental Standards  [PaEN]

-- Penn State Study: Potential Pollution Caused By Road Dumping Conventional Oil & Gas Wastewater Makes It Unsuitable For A Dust Suppressant, Washes Right Off The Road Into The Ditch  [PaEN]

-- Conventional Oil & Gas Drillers Dispose Of Drill Cuttings By ‘Dusting’ - Blowing Them On The Ground, And In The Air Around Drill Sites  [PaEN]

-- On-Site Conventional Oil & Gas Drilling Waste Disposal Plans Making Hundreds Of Drilling Sites Waste Dumps  [PaEN]

-- DEP Lists 84 Townships As ‘Waste Facilities’ Where Conventional Oil & Gas Wastewater Has Been Disposed Of By Road Spreading; Municipalities Need To Do Their Due Diligence [PaEN]

-- Environmental Health Project: PA’s Natural Gas Boom - What Went Wrong? Why Does It Matter?  What Can We Do Better To Protect Public Health?  [PaEN]

-- Senate Hearing: Body Of Evidence Is 'Large, Growing,’ ‘Consistent’ And 'Compelling' That Shale Gas Development Is Having A Negative Impact On Public Health; PA Must Act  [PaEN]

Related Articles This Week:

-- Bay Journal: New Abandoned Wells - More Concerns Emerge Over Pennsylvania’s Conventional Oil & Gas Wells - By Ad Crable, Chesapeake Bay Journal [PaEN]

-- U.S. Dept. Of Interior Awards PA $25 Million In Conventional Oil & Gas Well Plugging Funding From Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law  [PaEN]

-- DEP To Hold Oct. 5 Virtual Hearing On Proposed Transco Natural Gas Pipeline Regional Energy Access Expansion Project In Eastern PA  [PaEN]

-- DEP Invites Comments On 2 Proposed Oil & Gas Wastewater Impoundments By Range Resources-Appalachia, LLC In Washington County  [PaEN]

-- EPA To Hold Aug. 30 Hearing On Proposed Drilling Wastewater Injection Well In Plum Borough, Allegheny County  [PaEN]

-- State Fire Commissioner Now Accepting Applications For Act 13 Emergency Services Grants  [PaEN]

-- Post-Gazette - Anya Litvak: Allegheny County Judge Rules Environmental Violations [NOVs] Can Inform How Townships Evaluate Land Use Permits For Natural Gas Drilling Operations; Appeal Expected By Olympus Energy

-- Inquirer Guest Essay: My Son Was Diagnosed With Leukemia At Age 3, Was Fracking To Blame? - By Patrice Tomcik, Moms Clean Air Force

-- Post-Gazette: House Energy Committee Voted To Kill Oil & Gas Methane Reduction Regs, Now $500 Million In Federal Highway Funding Is At Risk

-- Scranton Times Editorial: House Committee’s Vote Against Reducing Oil & Gas Methane Emissions Another Example Of Pandering To Industry

-- Post-Gazette Editorial: Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes - Rep. Metcalfe’s Antics Will Cost PA Dearly [House Committee Vote To Disapprove Oil & Gas Methane Reduction Regs]

[Posted: August 24, 2022]


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