Scrapbook Photo 09/23/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Calendar of Events

Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page

· November 20 – Senate Rules Committee meets to consider House Bill 854 (Rubley-R-Chester) establishing the Terrorism Infrastructure Disclosure Protection Act prohibiting the release of certain infrastructure records; House Resolution 382 (Frankel-D-Allegheny) memorializing Congress to reauthorize the fee to support the federal Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund; and Senate Bill 1104 (Tomlinson-R-Bucks) making changes to the One Call Program. Rules Committee Room. Off the Floor.

· November 20 – Environmental Issues Forum, Joint Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee featuring J. Kent Crawford, USGS, to discuss the emerging contaminants project. Room 205 Ryan Building. Noon.

· November 21 CANCELLED – Environmental Quality Board meeting.

· December 1 State Planning Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00 a.m.

· December 4 – DEP Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:30.

· December 12 CANCELLED. Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Board meeting.

· December 14 Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Board meeting. 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg. 10:00.

· December 19 - DEP public hearing on Greene County Ozone Implementation Plan.

· December 19 DEP public hearing on Ozone Implementation Plan for Reading.

DEP Calendar of Events

Watershed Events (courtesy PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers)

Environmental Education Workshop/Training Calendar

(courtesy PA Center for Environmental Education)

Senate Committee Schedule

House Committee Schedule


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