Clean Water Is Up To You: Being A Master Watershed Steward: Do YOU Have What It Takes?

By Carol Hillestad for Brodhead Watershed Association, Monroe County

Perhaps you’ve always loved being outdoors, especially with other people. Perhaps you are a curious kind of person, who enjoys learning — and sharing what you know.

Perhaps you’re happiest outside, breathing in the woodsy, watery smells along one of our countless crystal creeks.

If so, maybe you have what it takes to become a Master Watershed Steward.

Do you believe it’s important to protect our natural heritage of clean, abundant water? Do you wish you could make a difference in the world? Most importantly, do you have the heart of a volunteer?

If you answered yes to these questions, consider participating in the Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward program.

As a Master Watershed Steward, you will become a part of a trained group of volunteers who study Penn State’s research-based information — and are able to share that knowledge and expertise in the wider community.

Master Watershed Stewards put their knowledge and personal talents to work in dozens of ways.

They help with stream restoration, teach classes about stream ecology or wildlife habitat, or write articles for local publications. They organize cleanups, speak to neighborhood groups, or work with municipal officials or school children.

They test water quality or design and host educational displays.

Training for the 2023 program [in Monroe County] begins on March 8, 2023, continuing every Wednesday evening until early June. Training consists of a mix of remote and in-person classes, plus several Saturday field trips.

You’ll study a broad range of water resource topics, covering groundwater, stream ecology, wetlands, invasive plants, water recreation, stormwater management and much more. Successful completion takes about forty hours of formal classroom training, plus fifty hours of volunteer service after training.

Up to 20 people are selected for the program each year.  The deadline to apply for the upcoming program is Friday, February 10, 2023.

Sounds exciting?  Take the next step and find out more!

Visit the Monroe County Master Watershed Stewards webpage or or email James Vogt, Master Watershed Steward Coordinator for Monroe County, at for more information.

[For information on the program in your county, visit the Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward webpage.]

Visit the Clean Water Is Up To You webpage for other articles in this series.

For more information on programs, initiatives and other upcoming events, visit the Brodhead Watershed Association website or Follow them on FacebookClick Here to sign up for regular updates from the Association.  Click Here to become a member.


-- Morning AgClips: Master Watershed Steward Program Working For Franklin County Waters

-- Fox43: York County Master Watershed Stewards: How To Use Rain Barrels To Conserve Water

-- Bradford Era: Interested In Becoming A Master Watershed Steward In The PA Wilds?  Attend This Oct. 27 Webinar

Related Articles:

-- Nature At Risk: Why You Should Care About Bats - By Carol Hillestad for Brodhead Watershed Association, Monroe County  [PaEN]

-- Pocono Heritage Land Trust: It's About Keeping Promises, Harry Texler's Legacy Under Threat In Monroe County - By Carol Hillestad  [PaEN]

[Posted: September 30, 2022]


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