Southwestern PA Commission Water Resource Center Nov. 15 Webinar - Cost/Benefit Comparison Of Common MS4 Stormwater Management BMPs

The Southwestern PA Commission Water Resource Center will host a November 15 webinar on the Cost/Benefit Comparison Of Common MS4 Stormwater Management BMPs starting at 11:30 a.m.

While stream restoration tends to be the go-to BMP for larger sediment reduction projects, the DEP allows municipalities to employ a large suite of BMPs to achieve their sediment reduction targets for MS4 permit compliance.

These different BMPs can also be an opportunity to improve, enhance (or complete long overdue maintenance) on a variety of public and private infrastructure.

Experts from a leading regional municipal engineering firm and stream/wetland restoration company will provide insights on the pros and cons of the common MS4 BMPs, to help MS4 permittees spend every precious MS4-program dollar as cost-effectively as possible.

The webinar speakers include Erin G. Letavic, PE, Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc, and Jon Kasitz, RES.

Click Here to register for this free event or for more information.

To learn about more educational opportunities, visit the SPC Water Resource Center Events webpage.

[Posted: October 5, 2022]


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