Scrapbook Photo 09/16/24 - 98 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
News From PA House & Senate

Warning!  October 24, 25, 26 are the last voting days of this legislative session for the House and Senate.  Hold onto your butts! (And Your Tax Money!)

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--

Environment & Energy NewsClips--

-- Senate Committee Reported Out Bill To Deny Counties Drilling Impact Fee Revenue If Only 99% Of The Land In Their County Available For Shale Gas Leasing; Other Bills [PaEN]

-- The Center Square - Anthony Hennen: PA May Limit Impact Fees For Counties That Ban Natural Gas Development

-- Sen. Yaw: ERE Committee OKs Bills Prioritizing Fairness In Drilling Impact Fee Distribution, Stream Maintenance Package  [Read real story here.]

-- Senate Committee To Hold Oct. 27 Hearing On The Role Of LNG In U.S. Energy Security On World Stage  [PaEN]

-- Senate Confirms Three PUC Commissioners Bringing 5-Member Panel Up To Full Strength For First Time In More Than 18 Months  [PaEN]

-- House Committee Meets Oct. 24 To Consider Gas Royalty, Diesel Engines In Coal Mines Bills  [PaEN]

-- TribLive Editorial: State Fines Should Be Higher Than Tax Cuts To Penalize Environmental Leaks [PaEN]

-- Republican Herald Editorial: State Lawmakers Should Adopt Rules That Preclude State Taxpayers From Subsidizing Pollution From Oil & Gas Industry  [PaEN]

-- Citizens Voice Editorial: Subsidizing Pollution - Taxpayers Pay $1.7 Billion To Subsidize Shell Ethane Plant In Beaver County

-- Republican Herald Editorial: Dangerous Course For Oil & Gas Well Emissions, Obstructionists Should Get Out Of The Way  [PaEN]

-- Inside Climate News: Sinkholes And Damage Attributed To Mariner East II Natural Gas Pipeline Construction Underline The Stakes In PA’s Governor’s Race

-- Chambersburg Public Opinion: Sharp Divide Between PA Candidates For Governor On Natural Gas, Other Issues

-- StateImpactPA - Reid Frazier: Sen. Bartolotta (R) Urged State Dept. Of Health To Drop Out Of Public Forum On Shale Gas Health Studies 

-- NYT: Oil & Gas Lobbyists Plan For Republican U.S. House, Focus On Undercutting Shift Away From Natural Gas For Home Heating

Top 10 Stories On Harrisburg/PA Politics Last Week--

Because In Politics Everything Is Connected To Everything Else--

-- Top 10 Stories: Harrisburg/PA Politics Reported By Local News Media Last Week [PaEN]

Senate, House Bills Moving Last Week

The following environmental and energy bills saw movement last week--


Land Bank Environmental Cleanup Liabilities: Senate Bill 1282 (Pittman-R-Indiana) extending economic development agencies definition to land banks under Act 3 Economic Development Agency, Fiduciary and Lender Environmental Liability Protection Act was reported out of the Senate Appropriations Committee [Senate Fiscal Note & Summary] and was passed by the Senate by a vote of 49 to 0.  The bill now goes to the House for action.  A companion bill-- House Bill 610 (Davis-D-Allegheny) was reported of out Committee and Tabled in the House in September, 2021.  But the prime sponsor is the Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor so the bill won’t go anywhere in the Republican House.

-- Denying Drilling Impact Fees When Only 99% Of Land Available For Leasing: Senate Bill 1331 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) would deny counties revenue from the Act 13 drilling impact fee if they ban fracking on county-owned lands was reported out of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action. 

This bill is in reaction to a ban Allegheny County enacted for its park land earlier this year which makes up less than 1 percent of the land area in the county.  But the big picture is this-- 99% of land remaining in the County could be leased for shale gas drilling, but that’s not enough, apparently.   Read more here.

-- Philadelphia LNG Study Tasks Force: House Bill 2458 (White-R-Philadelphia) create a taskforce to study the exportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to supply the energy needs of allies around the world and what obstacles are currently preventing Philadelphia from ecoming a leader in exporting LNG was reported out of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and then referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.  Read more here.

-- Award Oil & Gas Well Plugging Contracts Without Regard To Cost: House Bill 2528 (Struzzi-R-Indiana) would mandate DEP award oil and gas well plugging contracts to Pennsylvania contractors [with no regard for cost to taxpayers] was reported out of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action.

-- Protecting Military Installation Air Space From Wind Mills:  House Bill 2367 (Mako-R-Northampton) would limit the issuance of permits for construction of wind turbines that could negatively affect military air space was reported out of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action.

-- House Republican Bills Attempting To Address Local Flooding by digging out stream channels and not through natural stream restoration techniques designed to prevent flooding and debris build up were all reported out of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee --

     -- House Bill 2404 (Owlett-R-Tioga): Would allow local government organizations to apply for a permit for continuing maintenance for a period of at least 10 years for the streams within their jurisdiction. This permit would grant an affirmative duty to the local government entity to properly maintain the streams and would not require the local government to get pre-approval for maintenance projects.  The bill was then referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

     -- House Bill 2405 (Pickett-R-Bradford): Would create a program that allows counties to opt in to address hazards within their streams by allowing for emergency maintenance permits in consultation with their county conservation district. This is modeled after a pilot project that has proven successful in Bradford County [but only after a detailed evaluation of county streams].  [Amended]. The bill was then referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

     -- House Bill 2406 (Fritz-R-Susquehanna): Would create a permit specific to smaller maintenance projects for the mitigation of flood-related hazards of less than 250 linear feet. This permit would be reviewed and issued by the local county conservation district.  This bill is on the Senate Calendar for action.

     -- House Bill 2407 (Hamm-R-Lycoming): Would clarify that the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has no authority for permitting or enforcement related to stream clearing or maintenance activities. This authority shall belong solely to DEP and the county conservation districts as appropriate.  This bill is on the Senate Calendar for action.

Increase Weight Limits For Electric Vehicles: House Bill 722 (Rothman-R-Cumberland) increasing maximum weight limits to accommodate electric-powered trucks was reported out of the Senate Transportation Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action.

Bill Calendars

Senate (October 24): Senate Bill 1249 (Comitta-D-Chester) establishing a Pollinator Habitat Program Fund and Program in PennDOT; Senate Bill 1331 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) would deny counties revenue from the Act 13 drilling impact fee if they ban fracking on county-owned lands.  Read more hereHouse Bill 2367 (Mako-R -Northampton) would limit the issuance of permits for construction of wind turbines that could negatively affect military air space; House Bill 2406 (Fritz-R-Susquehanna): Would create a permit specific to smaller maintenance projects for the mitigation of flood-related hazards of less than 250 linear feet. This permit would be reviewed and issued by the local county conservation district Read more here; House Bill 2407 (Hamm-R- Lycoming): Would clarify that the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has no authority for permitting or enforcement related to stream clearing or maintenance activities Read more here;  House Bill 2528 (Struzzi-R-Indiana) would mandate DEP award conventional oil and gas well plugging contracts to Pennsylvania contractors-- with no regard for cost to taxpayers Read more here;  <> Click Here for full Senate Bill Calendar.

NEW. House Republican The Week Ahead In Bill Activity By Full House

House (October 24): House Bill 2069 (Cutler-R- Lancaster) Amend Article III, Section 9, to exempt the disapproval of a regulation by the General Assembly from the presentment requirement for the governor’s approval or disapproval [Read more here]; House Bill 2070 (Cutler- R-Lancaster) Amend Article IV, to add a new section providing that any executive order or proclamation issued by the governor, which purports to have the force of law, may not be in effect for more than 21 days, unless extended by concurrent resolution of the General Assembly [Read more here]; House Resolution 74 (Daley-D-Montgomery) directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study of wildlife conservation corridors; Senate Bill 153 (Langerholc-R-Bedford) increasing weight limit for electric-powered trucks.  <> Click Here for full House Bill Calendar.

Committee Meetings


October 24-- House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee hearing on “fossil fuels - driving America’s economy and quality of life.”  Room G-50 Irvis Building. 9:30 a.m.  Click Here to watch live.

October 24-- House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 806 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) further providing for disclosures on statements to oil and gas royalty interest owners and Senate Bill 1255 (Pittman-R-Indiana) revising the regulation to require oil and oil filters in diesel-powered equipment in underground coal mines. Room 60 East Wing. Call of the Chair. Click Here to watch live.

<>  Click Here for full House Committee Schedule. 


Watch For: October 25-- Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1338 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) and Senate Bill 1339 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) which try to rebrand fossil fuels like natural gas, propane into “low emission transportation fuels” and eliminate rebates and incentives for hybrid and electric vehicles.  Read more here.

October 27-- Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee to hold hearing “to examine the role of LNG (liquified natural gas) in strengthening American energy security on the world stage.” Steamfitters Local Union 420, 14420 Townsend, Philadelphia. 9:00 a.m. Click Here to see if the hearing will be available online.

 <>  Click Here for full Senate Committee Schedule.

Bills Introduced

Removing All PA Regs Adopting California Low-Emission Vehicle Program: House Bill 2890 (Heffley-R-Carbon) abrogating the entire 25 PA Code Chapter 126 adopting California Clean Vehicle Program.

Carbon Sequestration In Support Of Hydrogen Hub: House Bill 2889 (Snyder-D- Washington) providing for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide storage to support the development of a hydrogen hub in Pennsylvania (sponsor summary).

 Directing DEP To Apply For Primary For Waste Injection Wells: Senate Bill [# Not Assigned] (Yaw-R-Lycoming) directing DEP to apply to EPA for primacy to regulate Class VI injection wells for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide and prohibiting the adoption of any standard more stringent than federal requirements (sponsor summary).  [Note: DEP already raised a concern that Act 96 of 2022-- formerly House Bill 2644-- would prevent DEP from adopting bonding requirements to ensure proper plugging of Class VI injection wells.  Read more here.  The language in this bill does not clearly say Act 96 does not apply.  The language also does not clearly give DEP the authority to adopt permit fees to cover the cost of this new program.] 

Bills Pending In Key Committees

Check the PA Environmental Council Bill Tracker for the status and updates on pending state legislation and regulations that affect environmental and conservation efforts in Pennsylvania.

Session Schedule

Here is the latest voting session schedule for the Senate and House--


October 24, 25, 26

November 15 [All Bills Die]


October 24, 25, 26

November 14, 15, 16  [All Bills Die]

[Posted: October 23, 2022]


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