Scrapbook Photo 01/27/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
2006 Legislative Accomplishments on Environmental Issues

2006 was a busy year for the General Assembly on environmental issues. Here’s a rundown on the major bills and resolutions that saw final action during the year--

Recycling Fee: House Bill 1902 (Rubley-R-Chester) extending the $2/ton Recycling Fee sunset date through 2012 was signed into law as Act 140.

Downtown Relocation Law: House Bill 218 (Reed-D-Indiana), which expands the law that requires the Commonwealth to look at locating state offices in downtown areas, was signed into law as Act 39.

Conservation District Funding: Senate Bill 1224 (Wenger-R-Lancaster) creating the Conservation District Fund was signed into law by the Governor as Act 110.

Clean Streams Penalties: House Bill 2042 (Reichley-R-Berks) that would increase penalties for water pollution under the Clean Streams Law was signed into law as Act 123.

Infrastructure Security: House Bill 854 (Rubley-R-Chester) establishing the Terrorism Infrastructure Disclosure Protection Act prohibiting the release of certain infrastructure records was signed into law as Act 156.

Windmill Farm Assessments: Senate Bill 514 (Gordner-R-Columbia) amending the Tax Reform Act related to property tax assessments for windmill farms and other issues was signed into law by the Governor as Act 167.

Preserving Open Space: House Billl 183 (Ross-R-Chester) providing more local taxing options for preserving open space was signed into law as Act 154.

Open Space Preservation: House Bill 87 (Steil-R-Bucks) further authorizing local governments to preserve open space through the waiver of certain service fees was signed into law as Act 4.

Agricultural Area Security Law: Senate Bill 723 (Wenger-R-Lancaster) providing revisions of certain definitions and a legislative report under the Agricultural Area Security law was signed into law as Act 46.

Land Conservation Easement Taxation: Senate Bill 300 (Armstrong-R-Lancaster) would change inheritance tax provisions for land held under conservation easements created by the Agricultural Area Security Act so that the value was 50 percent of the value it otherwise would have under tax law was signed into law as Act 67.

Healthy Foods, Healthy Schools: Senate Bill 1209 (Waugh-R-York) establishing the Healthy Foods, Healthy Schools Program was signed into law as Act 184.

Geologists Continuing Education: Senate Bill 655 (Madigan-R-Bradford) establishing continuing education requirements for individuals licensed under the Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologists Registration Law was signed into law as Act 170.

Tire Recycling: House Bill 1114 (Yudichak-D-Luzerne) expanding the waste tire recycling program was signed into law as Act 7.

Water Shutoff: House Bill 893 (Semmel-R-Berks) establishing procedures for shutting off water service for nonpayment of sewer bills was signed into law as Act 28.

Ecoterrorism: House Bill 213 (Godshall-R-Montgomery) establishing penalties for eco-terrorism was signed into law as Act 27.

Environmental Capital Budget: House Bill 2317 (Feese-R-Lycoming) establishing the 2005-2006 Capital Budget for flood control, Keystone Recreation and Environmental Stewardship projects was signed into law as Act 83.

In-Lieu of Tax Payments: Senate Bill 868 (Scarnati-R-Warren) increasing the in-lieu of tax payments for State Forest and Game Lands from $1.20 to $3.60, funded by gaming revenues was signed into law as Act 102.

Penalties for Non-Native Fish: House Bill 1320 (Reichley-R-Berks) establishing penalties for the sale, transport, possession or release of non-native injurious fish was signed into law as Act 75.

Oil and Gas Leases: Senate Bill 594 (MJ White-R-Venango) establishing the Dormant Oil and Gas Act to create trusts for prior oil and gas well owners was signed into law as Act 115.

One Call Program: Senate Bill 1104 (Tomlinson-R-Bucks) making changes to the One Call Program was signed into law as Act 181.

Arbor Day: House Resolution 706 (Marsico-R-Dauphin) designating April 28 as “Arbor Day.”

Watershed Awareness Month: House Resolution 711 (Adolph-R-Delaware, George-D-Clearfield) designating May as Watershed Awareness Month and Senate Resolution 291 sponsored by Sen. Rhoades (R-Schuylkill), Sen. Musto (D-Luzerne), Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango) and 30 other Senators designating May as "Watershed Awareness Month."

Federal Abandoned Mine Reclamation Funding: House Resolution 719 (Markosek-D-Allegheny) urging Congress to reauthorize the federal abandoned mine reclamation fee.

Drinking Water Month: Senate Resolution 259 (sponsored by Sen. Musto-D-Luzerne, and Sen. Mary Jo White-R-Venango) designating May 7-13 as “Drinking Water Week”

Radon Action Month: House Resolution 918 (Rubley-R-Chester) designating January 2007 as “Radon Action Month.”

Miner’s Day: House Resolution 795 (DeWeese-D-Greene) designating December 19 as “Coal Miner’s Day” in Pennsylvania.

America Recycles Day: House Resolution 494 (Rubley-R-Chester) designating November 15 as “America Recycles Day.”

PA GIS Day: House Resolution 499 (Fairchild-R-Mifflin) designating November 15 as “Pennsylvania GIS Day.”

These bills were vetoed by the Governor--

Storage Tanks: House Bill 1195 (Yudichak-D-Luzerne) that makes changes to the program to help underground tank owners upgrade tanks was vetoed by Gov. Rendell saying the expansion of the tank programs it contains were not supported by additional revenues. Vetoed by Governor

Governor’s Transfer of Funds: House Bill 471 (Reichley-R-Berks) an Administrative Code bill relating to merchant marine bonuses from World War II and cardiovascular disease was amended with provisions limiting the ability of the Governor to transfer funds during a fiscal year in response to concerns raised about Gaming Control Board funding was vetoed by Gov. Rendell (Veto #13).


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