PA Bulletin Public Notices

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the August 5 PA Bulletin--

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the August 5 PA Bulletin announcing the availability of the final Chapter 105 Environmental Assessment Alternatives Analysis technical guidance related to projects impacting waterways and wetlands in Pennsylvania [DEP ID: 310-2100-002].  Read more here.

-- PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices/Opportunities To Comment - August 5  [PaEN]

-- The Department of Environmental Protection invites comments on a proposed Section 401 Water Quality Certification related to an Equitrans proposal to drill two new horizontal natural gas storage wells in the Swarts Complex and Hunters Cave Storage Fields in Center, Franklin, Morris and Washington Townships, Greene County.  (PA Bulletin, page 4499)   Read more here.

-- The Department of Environmental Protection invites comments at a September 19 public meeting and hearing on the expansion of the Marcus Hook Terminal’s ethane chilling capacity in Marcus Hook Borough, Delaware County.  (PA Bulletin, page 4456)   Read more here.

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the August 5 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a corrected notice for the 2023 Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan.

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the August 5 PA Bulletin inviting comments on proposed Air Quality State Implementation Plan revision on Ozone Attainment for the Philadelphia Region; Hearing set for Sept. 6.

-- Governor’s Office published Catalog Of Nonregulatory [Technical Guidance] Documents for each agency in August 5 PA Bulletin.

-- Fish and Boat Commission published notices in August 5 PA Bulletin--

     -- Additions To List Of Class A Wild Trout Streams

     -- Additions To Classification of Wild Trout Streams


August 15-- Agenda Posted. DEP Environmental Justice Advisory Board meeting. Delaware Room, 16th Floor Rachel Carson Building.  1:00 p.m.. Visit the Board webpage for options to join the meeting remotely.   Contact: Jennifer McLuckie,

PA Bulletin - August 5, 2023

Note: The Department of Environmental Protection published 75 pages of public notices related to proposed and final permit and approval/ disapproval actions in the August 5 PA Bulletin - pages 4428 to 4503.

Sign Up For DEP’s eNotice: Did you know DEP can send you email notices of permit applications submitted in your community?  Notice of new technical guidance documents and regulations?  All through its eNotice system.  Click Here to sign up.

Related Tools ----------------------

Visit DEP’s Public Participation Center for public participation opportunities. 

-- Allegheny County Health Department Public Comment Notices

DEP Proposals Out For Public Review

Other Proposals Open For Public Comment - DEP webpage

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Recently Closed Comment Periods For Other Proposals - DEP webpage

Other Proposals Recently Finalized - DEP webpage

DEP Regulations In Process

Proposed Regulations Open For Comment - DEP webpage

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Proposed Regulations With Closed Comment Periods - DEP webpage

Recently Finalized Regulations - DEP webpage

DEP Regulatory Update - DEP webpage

DEP Technical Guidance In Process

Draft Technical Guidance Documents - DEP webpage

Technical Guidance Comment Deadlines - DEP webpage

Submit Comments on Proposals Through DEP’s eComment System

Recently Closed Comment Periods For Technical Guidance - DEP webpage

Technical Guidance Recently Finalized - DEP webpage

Copies of Final Technical Guidance - DEP webpage

DEP Non-Regulatory/Technical Guidance Documents Agenda [March 2023] - DEP webpage

[Posted: August 4, 2023]


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