A New Year’s Resolution Every Pennsylvania Angler Should Make

With the dawning of a New Year, there’s one resolution that every Pennsylvania angler should make: a promise to pass on the fishing tradition, according to Dr. Douglas Austin, Executive Director of the Fish and Boat Commission.

You likely remember your very first fishing trip and who took you. And odds are pretty good that it was that experience that's directly responsible for why you're still fishing today.

You can do your part in giving another a great start by visiting the Fish and Boat Commission’s website at www.fishandboat.com and connecting with the Anglers’ Legacy Pledge.

The Anglers' Legacy Pledge is simply a vow to give back what you've been given by introducing somebody new to the activity that you love. There's no membership fee and no obligation. You're just making a promise to do your part to share your fishing knowledge and expertise with someone new.

The Anglers’ Legacy program is a project of the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation. The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase participation in recreational angling and boating and, thereby, increase public awareness and appreciation of the need for protecting, conserving and restoring this nation's aquatic natural resources.

The Fish and Boat Commission has embraced RBFF as a partner as the Foundation’s mission closely mirrors the agency’s own ideal-- particularly as it relates to engaging youth.

Statistics from the National Survey of Hunting, Fishing and Wildlife Recreation show that in 1980, 26 percent of Pennsylvania youngsters aged 6-15 fished. In 1995, that number climbed to 41 percent, but dropped to 35 percent in 2000.

While on the Commission website, also check out the Fishing Fundamentals section. There you can find tips on basic fishing skills and equipment and places to fish close to home that are perfect to share with beginners.


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