Scrapbook Photo 07/15/24 - 152 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - Sept. 30 to Oct. 6 -- Company Tries To Limit DEP Investigation; Unauthorized Water Withdrawals; Can’t Pay For Reno Cleanup; Venting Gas Wells; More Abandoned Conventional Wells

From September 30 to October 6, DEP’s Oil and Gas Compliance Database shows oil and gas inspectors filed 464 inspection entries.

So far this year-- as of September 29--

-- NOVs Issued In Last Week: 276 conventional, 14 unconventional

-- Year To Date - NOVs Issued: 5,158 conventional and 1,017 unconventional

-- Inspections Last Week: 380 conventional and 483 unconventional

-- Year To Date - Inspections: 11,805 conventional and 17,991 unconventional

-- Last Week - Wells Drilled:  4 conventional and 10 unconventional

-- Year To Date - Wells Drilled: 144 conventional and 315 unconventional

Repsol Gas USA Temporarily Limits DEP Investigation

On September 21, 2023, DEP issued a notice of violation to Repsol Oil and Gas USA, LLC for denying the agency’s right to document damaged shale gas well casing during its investigation of an incident of uncontrolled natural gas venting in Bradford County in August.

The venting of natural gas started on or about August 27, according to the company, and involved gas venting from 13+ and 9+ inch annulus vents on the 9H shale gas well at the Cummings Lumber well pad in Troy Township, Bradford County.

The incident resulted in a temporary one-half mile evacuation order around the well and a precautionary cancellation of events at the Troy Area School District.  Read more here.

In a recently filed September 21, 2023 inspection report, DEP said-- “Repsol restricted the Department’s ability to document the condition of the damaged casing during an inspection conducted on 9/21/2023.”

DEP’s inspector returned to the site the following day-- September 22-- and this time was allowed to photograph the damaged sections of well casing.  Repsol also provided photos of the casing damage.  Read more here.

Unauthorized Water Withdrawals For 17 Days

On October 3, 2023, DEP issued a notice of violation to CNX Gas Company LLC for making unauthorized water withdrawals to support shale gas fracking operations for 17 days between May 6, 2023 and July 6, 2023 totaling 389,518 gallons.

The source of the water withdrawal was the Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County Beaver Run Reservoir in Bell and Washington Townships, Westmoreland County.

DEP’s notice of violation asked the company to submit a written plan on how they will return the situation to compliance within 10 business days.  Read more here.

Conventional Operator Can’t Pay For Village Of Reno Cleanup

On October 5, Petro Erie Inc. filed an expanded appeal with the Environmental Hearing Board of DEP’s August 16, 2023 order requiring the operator to restore the Village Of Reno’s water supply and clean up the spill of conventional oil well wastewater from wells the company operates in Venango County.  [EHB Docket No. 2023075

One grounds for the appeal is that the “Appellant lacks the financial ability to comply with the Order.”  Read more here.

This is the second order DEP issued in this case and the second appeal of those orders filed by Petro Erie, Inc.  [EHB Docket No. 2023063]

This is the second time the company said it lacked the financial ability to comply with DEP’s orders.  Read more here.

Gas Storage Area Abandoned Conventional Wells

On October 4, 2023, DEP inspected six conventional gas wells serving the Holbrook Natural Gas Storage Reservoir in Center Township, Greene County operated by EQT Gathering of PA LLC and issued notices of violation for failure to plug the wells upon abandoning them.

The wells included: WM Hughes L3069, FB Mitchell L4222, I&H Orndoff L2574, WH Jennings L3707, Timothy & Nancy Horr 2 and WM Hughes L3069.

DEP’s inspection report said the operator discussed plans for plugging all 15 wells at the Holbrook facility during the inspection because they were no longer being used.

DEP requested the operator to submit a written report by November 4, 2023 on how they will bring the wells into compliance.

Other Abandoned Conventional Wells

On October 2, 2023, DEP inspected two conventional wells operated by Andreassi, Andreassi & Hillwig in Toby Township, Clarion County and found them to be abandoned-- WA Stewart 1 and Hillis 3.

The inspection reports noted they were on DEP’s Abandoned Well List.

The casing on both wells was open to the atmosphere, but nothing was venting and there were holes in the casing near ground level.

The Hillis 3 well site featured a collapsed pumphouse with equipment buried underneath.

DEP did not issue any notices of violation for these wells.  [DEP inspection report + photos for WA Stewart 1; DEP inspection report + photos for Hillis 3]

4 Leaking Gas Storage Area Wells

On October 3, 2023, DEP inspected a series of 19 conventional wells serving the Wellendorf Underground Gas Storage Reservoir operated by National Fuel Gas Supply Corp in Sergeant Township, McKean County.

DEP found four wells to be “venting a small amount of gas” and the wells are “being monitored weekly”-- Mars CO 5488, Hall & Kaul 2432, Butterfield Lands 1447 and Butterfield Lands 1399.

No violations were issued.  [DEP inspection report for Butterfield 1399]

New Conventional Wells Venting Gas To Atmosphere

On October 4, 2023, DEP inspected a group of nine conventional gas wells operated by Pennhills Resources LLC in Howe Township, Forest County.

Three of the wells-- WT 2850 Lot 8 29, Lot 8 31 and Lot 10 24 were found to be newly drilled and venting gas to the atmosphere, a “normal” operation to clear out any small debris in the well left from drilling.

Drill cuttings from the wells were directed into a lined pit onsite.

No violations were issued.  [DEP inspection report for Lot 8 29; DEP inspection report Lot 8 31;  DEP inspection report for Lot 10 24; ]

DEP’s Air Quality Program adopted final regulations in April setting limits on volatile organic compound emissions that also limit methane methane emissions.  Read more here.

Shale Gas Pad Spills

On October 4, 2023, DEP did an inspection of the COP Tract 551 shale gas pad A&B operated by EQT ARO LLC in McIntyre Township, Lycoming County and found the operator was making some progress in cleaning up a spill on the well pad that occurred on September 18.

DEP reported some areas had been excavated, including a stormwater channel, and in others there was still fluid present.

DEP’s inspection report said the notices of violation issued in September would stand.

This is the same EQT well pad where a tank truck rolled over on the access road spilling more than 4,600 gallons of production wastewater on August 30.  Read more here.

DEP said EQT isn’t finished cleaning and restoring the site of the rollover.

On October 2, 2023, DEP did a follow up inspection of the Laurel Hill D shale gas well pad in Cogan House Township, Lycoming County operated by Range Resources Appalachia LLC and found contaminated wastewater on the pad surface.

DEP first discovered the wastewater spills during an inspection on September 13, 2023.

A Range employee said “a hole was identified in the well site secondary containment which a work crew was working to fix during this inspection” and “a trench would be installed to capture the fluid.”

The company indicated they would be cleaning up the spills using Act 2 Land Recycling Program standards.

DEP’s inspection report said the notice of violation issued for the spill on September 13 would continue.

On October 5, 2023, DEP inspected the Shumhurst shale gas well pad operated by Chesapeake Appalachia LLC in Tuscarora Township, Bradford County and found multiple areas with wastewater puddles in unprotected parts of the pad, a leaking, unlined waste rolloffs and failure to install secondary containment in certain areas.

DEP issued a notice of violation for the spills and leaks and for failure to prevent water pollution.

DEP requested the operator to submit a written report by November 1, 2023 on how they are going to bring the well pad into compliance and suggested they use Act 2 Land Recycling Program standards to clean up the spills.  [DEP inspection report + photos]

On October 2, 2023, DEP conducted an inspection of the GH58 shale gas well pad operated by CNX Gas Co. LLC in Center Township, Greene County after the company notified DEP of a small spill at the well pad.

The spill was contained on the well pad and no waterways were impacted. 

DEP issued notices of violation and requested the company to submit a written report by October 18, 2023 on how it would bring the well pad into compliance. [DEP inspection report]

Land Slip In Gas Pipeline Right-Of-Way

On September 27, 2023, DEP was notified by Equitrans of a land slip on the right-of-way of the NIJUS048 natural gas pipeline in Amwell Township, Washington  County.

Land slips are movements of cover soil and/or fill that could potentially impact the integrity of a natural gas pipeline.

On October 3, 2023, DEP inspected the landslip area and found the soil/fill movement did not impact pipeline integrity.

DEP noted there had been similar land slips in this same area on February 18, April 14 and April 21 of 2023.  Each time the company said it took appropriate steps to stabilize the area.

Notices of violation were issued related to failure to comply with terms of the erosion and sedimentation control permit and other violations.

DEP requested the company to submit a written plan by October 20, 2023 for how it would bring the area into compliance.  [DEP inspection report + photos]

Report Violations

To report oil and gas violations or any environmental emergency or complaint, visit DEP’s Environmental Complaint webpage.

Check These Resources

Visit DEP’s Compliance Reporting Database webpage to search their compliance records by date and operator and the Inspection Reports Viewer.

Sign up for DEP’s eNOTICE service which sends you information on oil and gas and other permits submitted to DEP for review in your community.

[Note: If you believe your company was listed in error, contact DEP’s Oil and Gas Program.]

[Note: These may not be all the NOVs issued to oil and gas companies during this time period.  Additional inspection reports may be added to DEP’s Oil and Gas Compliance Database.]

(Photos: top- Andreassi, Andreassi & Hillwig abandoned conventional wells in Clarion County (2); Range Resources Appalachia, LLC shale gas well pad spills; middle- CNX Gas Co. LLC shale gas well pad spill; National Fuel Gas Supply Corp leaking conventional well at Wellendorf Underground Gas Storage Reservoir; Griebel Gas & Oil conventional gas well leaking gas from piping; Chesapeake Appalachia LLC leaking waste rolloff not in secondary containment;  bottom- EQT ARO LLC excavation of spill area on shale gas pad; Pennhills Resources LLC lined pit at new conventional gas well site for drill cuttings + new access road and gas gathering pipeline.)

PA Oil & Gas Industry Public Notice Dashboards:

-- Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - Sept. 30 to Oct. 6 -- Company Tries To Limit DEP Investigation; Unauthorized Water Withdrawals; Can’t Pay For Reno Cleanup; Venting Gas Wells; More Abandoned Conventional Wells  [PaEN]

        -- Repsol Gas USA Issued Violation For Denying DEP Right To Document Damaged Shale Gas Well Casing During Investigation Of Uncontrolled Gas Venting In Bradford County  [PaEN]

        -- DEP Issues Violation To CNX Gas Company For Unauthorized Water Withdrawals For 17 Days From Beaver Run Reservoir In Westmoreland County  [PaEN]

        -- Petro Erie Inc. Again Claims It Lacks The Financial Ability To Comply With DEP’s 2nd Order To Cleanup Conventional Oil Well Wastewater Spill That Contaminated The Village Of Reno’s Water Supply In Venango County  [PaEN]

        -- Environmental Hearing Board Will Hear Key Arguments On Appeal By A Washington County Family Alleging Shale Gas Drilling Contaminated Their Water Supply With PFAS And Other Chemicals  [PaEN]

-- PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices/Opportunities To Comment - October 7   [PaEN]

        -- DEP Invites Comments On PA General Energy Constructing 3 Shale Natural Gas, Water Pipelines Thru Exceptional Value, High Quality, Wild Trout Streams In Lycoming County  [PaEN]

        -- DEP Now Accepting Comments On 2 Proposed Olympus Energy Water Withdrawal Structures At Beaver Run Reservoir To Support Shale Gas Development In Westmoreland County  [PaEN]

-- DEP Posted 69 Pages Of Permit-Related Notices In October 7 PA Bulletin  [PaEN] 

NewsClips This Week - Shale Gas:

-- WPXI: Activists, Washington County Residents Concerned After Study Explores Link Between Natural Gas Development, Cancer

-- Orphan Conventional Oil & Gas Wells Hard To Plug, Despite Influx Of Federal Dollars In PA, OH

-- JD Supra: Repurposing Oil & Gas Wells For Ground-Sourced Heat Energy In PA Raises Multiple Legal Issues

-- AP: PA Chocolate Factory Fined For Failing To Evacuate Before Fatal Natural Gas Explosion

-- TribLive: Car Rally Held To Raise Money For Rustic Ridge Families Impacted By Home Explosion, Fires In Allegheny County

-- TribLive: At 16%, Westmoreland County Tops Local Population Loss Estimates 

-- Post-Gazette: Study: Westmoreland County Will Lead Population Decline In Western PA, While Others Will Boom

-- PA Capital-Star: Population Projections Highlight Need For Long-Term Solutions To Sustain Rural PA Communities; Population Expected To Shrink By 5.8%

-- Forbes: How One Contrarian Company [Mostly Conventional Oil & Gas Well Owner Diversified Energy] Thrives In A Shale And Gas World  [Check The Company’s Compliance Record In PA ]

-- WOSU: The State Of Natural Gas Development/Fracking In Ohio

-- Observer-Reporter: DEP Secretary To Be Featured Speaker At Washington & Jefferson Hydrogen Seminar

-- TribLive: Columbia Gas Tests Hydrogen Blends In Natural Gas Appliances

-- Reuters: Equitrans Reaches Agreement With US Regulator For Mountain Valley Pipeline For Inspections, Integrity Testing, Among Other Measures

Related Articles This Week:

-- House Unanimously Passes Bill Against Lawsuits Aimed At Silencing Citizen Critics And Dampening Public Participation  [PaEN]

-- Dickinson College Environmental & Indigenous Rights Honoree Tara Houska: Don’t Disconnect Yourself From The Reality Of Nature; Endless Expansion Of Pipelines Have No Place In Reality; Find Powerful Moments Of Joy  [PaEN]

-- DEP Updates Location Of Scranton Public Hearing On Interim Final Environmental Justice Permit Review Policy  [PaEN]

-- Member Of Pine Creek Headwaters Protection Group Briefs DCNR Advisory Council On Siting Of Shale Gas Well Pad On State Forest Land To Accommodate Taking Gas From Private Land In Tioga County  [PaEN]

-- Agencies Celebrate Eastern Hellbender License Plate Recognizing PA’s Clean Water Ambassador; Shale Gas Development On DCNR Land Threatens Habitat  [PaEN]

-- DCNR Announces Appointment Of Seth Cassell As Pennsylvania's 18th State Forester  [PaEN]

-- The Allegheny Front: Three Rivers Waterkeeper Citizen Monitoring Finds Plastics Maker Styrenics LLC Discharging Plastic Nurdles Into Ohio River, Threatens Lawsuit To Stop Them  - By Reid Frazier  [PaEN]

-- PUC: Focus Of Natural Gas Explosion In Port Richmond Section Of Philadelphia Now Inside The Buildings  [PaEN]

-- Center For Rural Pennsylvania: Rural Population To Shrink 5.8%; Fewer Young People, More Older People; Current Policies Failed To Sustain Communities, Ensure Long-Term Rural Resiliency  [PaEN]

-- PA Interfaith Power & Light 10th Annual Conference- No Faith In Fossil Fuels - Nov. 5: Virtual Keynote & Panel Discussion, 5 Regional Workshop Locations  [PaEN]

-- Washington & Jefferson College Hosts Oct. 17 In-Person Harnessing Hydrogen: Exploring Local & Regional Opportunities In Appalachia Program  [PaEN]

[Posted: October 7, 2023]


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