Scrapbook Photo 03/03/25 - 151 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Three Conservationists Recognized by Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show

The Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show and the PA Outdoor Writers Association recognized three individuals for their contributions to protecting wildlife and helping to restore habitat.

This year the Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show will be held February 3-11 at the Farm Show, Harrisburg.

Ronald J. Kistler, of Allentown, PA, received the 2007 Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show Conservation Award for his three decades of work in helping to preserve wildlife and wildlife habitats.

Kistler’s involvement with wildlife preservation began in 1974 when he joined Lehigh Valley Ducks unlimited--becoming treasurer in 1979 and serving for 24 years.

In 1980, he helped start the Wildlands Trust Fund, now the Wildlands Conservancy which has preserved more than 18,000 acres of public access land for hunting and fishing.

In 2003, Kistler helped finalize four major Game Lands projects totaling 4,705 acres at a cost of the Preservation Fund of $461,400.

Kistler served as treasurer of Lehigh Valley Friends of NRA for 14 years, is a Life Sponsor of Ducks Unlimited, Life Member of Trout Unlimited, Diamond Life Sponsor of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Life Sponsor of Ruffed Grouse Society and life member of four local gun clubs.

The Conservation Award is presented annually to an individual or organization in recognition of their demonstrated commitment to conserving wildlife and wildlife habitats.

Bob V. Danenhower, Sr., of Orefield, PA, received the 2007 Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show Youth Mentor Award for his leadership in scouting and facilitating young peoples‚ interest in hunting, outdoor activities and conservation.

Danenhower has been a Scout Leader for BSA‚s Troop 72 for 12 years. He was instrumental in the planning and running of many outdoors-related youth activities including:

"Mr. D's Wilderness Survival Weekend" camp for kids, held annually in the Poconos coordinating the duties of the scout troop and cub pack to adopt State Game Lands in upper Lehigh County. This has been an ongoing conservation program which includes a game lands clean up once a year and a conservation project once a year.

Danenhower hosts the Sensory Safaris for various groups including girl and boy scouts, youth field days, Good Shepherd Schools and Kids Peace. His programs conclude with on-site conservation lessons, stressing that the biggest threat to wildlife is the loss of habitat.

He also serves as a contact mentor for several Eagle Scout projects dealing with conservation themes. Many of these programs have taken place on state game lands.

Danehower served as the youth education chairman for Safari Club International for four years and as a merit badge counselor for archery, environmental science, mammal study, bird study, insect study, wilderness survival, fishing, and fish and wildlife conservation.

He also cquired funding for and coordinated the construction of an archery range on scout troop property. It is frequently used by cub scouts, boy scouts and day camp kids. He also runs a 3-D shoot every year for the scouts.

Danenhower is owner of Bob's Wildlife Taxidermy in Lehigh County.

The Youth Mentor Award is presented annually to an individual or organization in recognition of their demonstrated commitment to using their knowledge of the outdoors and outdoor sports to educate and help young people.

Jim Walsh, of Pottsville, PA, has received the 2007 Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show Humanitarian Award for his work in teaching youth and adult firearms safety.

Walsh has been involved in shooting since he was 10 years old, and a member of the NRA since 1947.

In 1959, when Hunter Safety was introduced in Pennsylvania as a voluntary program for hunters, the Pennsylvania Game Commission certified Walsh to teach the course. Since then, He has taught numerous hunter safety courses, now the Hunter-Trapper Education Courses.

Walsh has been involved in a wide range of activities promoting the shooting sports including Kid‚s Shooting Camps held at Indiantown Gap, where he taught hunter safety and helped run the rifle range. He also instructed .22 rifle, shotgun and BB gun shooting programs at various locations, including the Hawk Mountain Scout Reservation.

In 1990, Walsh and his wife became involved in the NRA‚s Youth Hunter Education Challenge, a program that promotes firearm safety, shooting skills, and hunting ethics at the national competition held at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, New Mexico.

In 2004, Walsh helped organize the Schuylkill County Youth Hunter Education Challenge. He has also served as the legislative director of the Pennsylvania Rifle and Pistol Association.

Walsh is active in the Schuylkill County Sportsmen‚s Association, serving as secretary and delegate for several member clubs. Currently, he is the alternate delegate for the Tulpehocken Rifle and Pistol Club and is a member of the Schuylkill County Sportsmen's Advisory Board, serving on both the youth and range committees.

The Humanitarian Award is presented annually to an individual or organization in recognition of their demonstrated commitment to promoting the outdoors and outdoor sports.

To learn more, visit the Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show website.

Session Schedule

The Senate and House return to session on January 22.

PA Environment Digest Video Blog

· Raccoon Creek Watershed Cleanup Guided by Ingenuity, Volunteers

On the Hill

· Rep. George Outlines Priorities for House Environmental Committee

· Senate Appoints Remaining Committee Chairs and Members

· CBF to Honor Noah Wenger as Conservationist of the Year

· Bills Introduced

Other News

· PA CREP Program Passes 1,700 miles of Streamside Buffers Planted

· Western PA Watershed Program Grant Applications Due February 20

· PA Watersheds Data System Hits the Road Again With Workshops

· Keystone Stream Team Completes More Projects

· DEP Invites Comments on TMDL Plans on 6 Streams in 4 Counties

· Villanova Issues Call for Papers for Stormwater Management Symposium

· Game Commission Offers Cooperating Landowners Free Tree Seedlings

· PA Participates in Great Rivers EMAP Program for Allegheny, Mon

· Schuylkill Watershed Congress Set for March 3-4

· Southwest PA Tillage Conference and Trade Show January 24

· Counties Outline Legislative Priorities, Including Environment, for Coming Session

· Energy Efficiency Seminar for Businesses, Local Governments February 15

· Squaring the Circle on Sprawl Symposium at Widener University February 22

· Winter Lecture Series Starts at Wildwood Lake Sanctuary February 13

· Invasive Species: Awareness to Action Environmental Issues Conference March 14

· 11th Annual Northwest PA Forest Landowners Conference Set for February 10

· State Forester, Private Landowners Honored for Commitment to Forest Stewardship

· Hunters Reminded to Submit DMAP Deer Hunting Report Cards

· Help Wanted: Fish & Boat Commission Director of Fisheries

· Hurricane on the Bayou, A Special Whitaker Center Film Presentation


· Rebecca Coleman: Champion of the Bluebird, State Park Volunteer Honored

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