News From PA House & Senate

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--

Committee Meetings


March 25-- House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee hearing on Conventional Oil & Gas Well Plugging, Abandonment.  Room G-50 Irvis Office.  10:00 a.m.  Click Here to watch online

March 26-- House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee meets to consider House Bill 1732 (Webster-D-Montgomery) requiring testing of landfill leachate for hazardous waste and radioactivity (sponsor memo);  House Bill 1943 (McNeill-D-Lehigh) require disclosure of all chemicals used in fracking oil and gas wells (sponsor memo); House Bill 919 (Rabb-D-Philadelphia) establishing natural organic reduction as an option for human interment (sponsor memo).  Room 60 East Wing.  9:30 a.m.  Click Here to watch online

<>  Click Here for full House Committee Schedule.


March 27-- Senate Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee hearing on Norfolk Southern train derailment one year later.   Darlington Township Volunteer Fire Company, 3590 Darlington Road, Darlington, PA Beaver County. 10:30 a.m.  Click Here to check availability of live stream.

<>  Click Here for full Senate Committee Schedule.

Bills Moving In House/Senate


Carbon Sequestration: Senate Bill 831 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) providing for ownership and management of pore space in underground geology related to geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide was removed from the Table, amended on Third Consideration and remains on the Senate Calendar for action.

Increasing Penalties For Damaging Critical Infrastructure:  Senate Bill 819 (Yaw-R- Lycoming) increasing penalties for individuals that damage “critical infrastructure” being constructed or built, including electric utility, natural gas pipelines and compressor stations, gas processing plants, natural gas storage facilities and others was reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action.  [Note: This legislation was originally developed after the public protests over the Dakota Access Pipeline [Read more here].

Reducing The Number Of State Regulations: Senate Bill 259 (Mastriano-R-Adams) establish a program to reduce the number of state regulations by 25%, in particular those applying to small businesses, to reduce compliance costs and regulatory burdens without regard to their effectiveness in protecting public health, the environment, worker safety or other benefits was Tabled Pursuant to Senate Rule 9.


Diesel Mining Equipment Oil Changes: Senate Bill 115 (Stefano-R-Fayette) adopt the 100-hour diesel oil change requirement for underground coal mining equipment was removed from the Table, reported into and out of the House Appropriations Committee  [House Fiscal Note & Summary] and passed by the House without amendment.  The bill now goes to the Governor for his action.

Tax Treatment Of Minerals/Oil & Gas: Senate Bill 654 (Bartolotta-R-Washington) adopt federal tax treatment of mineral reserves and oil and gas deposits was reported from the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House.  It returns to the Senate for a concurrence vote in House changes.

Community Solar: House Bill 1842 (Schweyer-D-Lehigh) authorizing a community solar program was unanimously amended and reported out of the House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee and is now on the House Calendar for action.  Read more here.

Lake Erie Wind Energy: House Bill 254 (Merski-D-Erie) authorizing the leasing of certain areas of Lake Erie for wind energy development (sponsor summary) was amended and reported out of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and Tabled.

County Recycling Fee: House Bill 597 (Kim-D-Dauphin) authorizing a county recycling and waste management fee (sponsor summary) was amended and reported out of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and Tabled.

Asphalt Pavement Sealers: House Bill 1166 (Steele-D-Allegheny) prohibit use of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in asphalt pavement sealers (sponsor summary) was amended and reported out of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and Tabled. 

Maintenance of Sewer/Water Lateral Lines: House Bill 1903 (Cerrato-D-Montgomery) authorizing publicly-owned sewer and water systems to use public funds to maintain and repair private sewer and water lateral lines (sponsor memo) was amended and reported out of the House Local Government Committee and Tabled.

Top 10 Stories On Harrisburg/PA Politics Last Week--

Because In Politics Everything Is Connected To Everything Else--

-- Top 10 Stories: Harrisburg/PA Politics Reported By Local News Media Last Week  [PaEN]

Bill Calendars

House (March 25): House Bill 1842 (Schweyer-D-Lehigh) authorizing a community solar program;  House Resolution 196 (Matzie-D-Beaver) designating the week of September 18-24, 2023 Rail Safety Week; House Resolution 228 (Otten-D-Chester) designating the week of October 1 through 7, 2023, as "Climate Week" in Pennsylvania. <> Click Here for full House Bill Calendar.

Senate (April 8): Senate Bill 1058 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) abrogating the final regulation reducing carbon pollution from power plants [RGGI];  Senate Bill 831 (Yaw-R- Lycoming) would direct the state to apply for primary authority to regulate Class VI carbon dioxide underground injection wells from the US Environmental Protection Agency and establish a legal and regulatory framework for potential carbon dioxide capture, utilization and sequestration in Pennsylvania; Senate Bill 832 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) establishing an Independent Energy Office; Senate Bill 819 (Yaw-R- Lycoming) increasing penalties for individuals that damage “critical infrastructure” being constructed or built, including electric utility, natural gas pipelines and compressor stations, gas processing plants, natural gas storage facilities;  House Bill 1246 (Malagari-D-Montgomery) set operational temperatures for crematories. <> Click Here for full Senate Bill Calendar. 

Bills Introduced

-- Sen. Comitta, Sen. Santarsiero, Rep. Otten, Rep. Abney To Introduce Gov. Shapiro’s Energy, Climate Initiatives  [PaEN]

Bills Pending In Key Committees

Check the PA Environmental Council Bill Tracker for the status and updates on pending state legislation and regulations that affect environmental and conservation efforts in Pennsylvania.

Session Schedule

Here is the latest voting session schedule for the Senate and House--


March 25, 26, 27

April 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 29, 30

May 1, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22

June 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28


April 8, 9, 10, 29, 30

May 1, 6, 7, 8

June 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

[Posted: March 24, 2024]


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