Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PA Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - May 11 to 17; Lots Of Spills Week; 3 More Abandoned Shale Well NOVs; Well Shut In To Prevent Frack-Out

From May 11 to 17, DEP’s Oil and Gas Compliance Database shows oil and gas inspectors filed 465 inspection entries, and caught up on posting more than the usual number of inspection reports from the previous week.

So far this year, DEP took these actions as of May 10--

-- NOVs Issued In Last Week: 261 conventional, 5 unconventional

-- Year To Date - NOVs Issued: 3,542 conventional and 421 unconventional

-- Enforcements 2024: 220 conventional and 60 unconventional

-- Inspections Last Week: 289 conventional and 422 unconventional

-- Year To Date - Inspections: 6,184 conventional and 9,354 unconventional

-- Wells Drilled Last Week: 4 conventional and 9 unconventional

-- Year To Date Wells Drilled: 52 conventional and 124 unconventional

            3 Abandoned Conventional Well Violations

On May 7, 2024, DEP did a follow-up inspection of the Wise Richard 4 conventional well in Henderson Township, Jefferson County owned by Stonehaven Energy Mgt Co. LLC and found the well abandoned and not plugged and the owner did little to clean up wastewater spill for 19 months.

            On October 24, 2022, DEP issued a violation to Stonehaven Energy when a leak was discovered in a wastewater tank at this well site.

            On March 27, 2023, DEP issued an administrative order to clean up the spill due to the lack of any action by the owner.

            On August 16, 2023, DEP filed a petition to enforce the order in Commonwealth Court which then issued an order to Stonehaven Energy to submit a remediation plan.  No remediation plan has been received.

            As of the May 7, 2024 inspection, no progress was observed in remediating the spill and no changes to the site were noted since an inspection on February 21, 2024.

            The eFACTS database shows Stonehaven Energy has 975 permits for conventional oil and gas wells. with seven wells listed as abandoned-- not this one.  All the others are listed as active.

            DEP’s May 7 inspection report continues violations for abandonment and related to the spills, but no specific follow-up actions by the owner are included.

On May 14, 2024, DEP did an inspection of the George Malinky 1 conventional well in Jordan Township, Clearfield County owned by Stonehaven Energy Mgt Co. LLC and found the well to be abandoned and not plugged.

            DEP originally issued a violation for abandonment on February 15, 2023 and the owner was given until March 31, 2023 to submit a plan to DEP on how the well was to be brought into compliance [DEP inspection report].  There was no record of the well owner responding.

            DEP’s May 14 inspection report continues the violation for abandonment from February, but does not include any follow-up actions by the well owner.

On May 7, 2024, DEP did a file review and issued a violation to Consol PA Coal Co. LLC for failure to plug a conventional well after it was abandoned.  There was no information on location or other details online.

            The eFACTS database shows Consol PA Coal Co. LLC has 147 abandoned conventional wells, many more that number are inactive and holds a total of 1,173 conventional well permits.

            3 Shale Gas Abandoned Wells

On May 15, 2024, DEP inspected the Triana Young Shale Gas Well Pad in Hector Township, Potter County owned by M4 Energy LLC and found three shale gas wells-- 2H, 4H and 6H--  abandoned and not plugged and leaking gas.

            A representative of M4 Energy was at the inspection.

            The eFACTS database shows M4 Energy has permits for three well pads.

            DEP’s inspection report [2H example]  noted the original violations for abandonment were issued on August 7, 2023. There is no record of the well owner doing anything to address the violations.

            No specific follow-up actions were required of the well owner in the inspection report.

          478 Conventional, 5 Shale Gas Abandoned Well Violations In 2024

So far in 2024, DEP issued 478 new or continued violations to conventional oil and gas well owners for abandoning and not plugging wells; and 5 violations were issued to three shale gas well owners [M4 Energy, EQT (Rice Drilling B LLC) and Roulette Oil & Gas LLC)] for abandoning wells and not plugging wells.

            Seneca Shale Gas Well Shut In To Prevent Frack-Out

On May 13, 2024, DEP did an inspection of the Beechwood B09-1 Shale Gas Well pad in Shippen Township, Cameron County owned by Seneca Resources Co. LLC and found well #SRC WT 5036 321HU 53231 “temporarily shut in to prevent Hydraulic Fracturing communication with this well.”

            A May 3, 2024 DEP inspection report did not report any problems at this well pad that has seven active shale gas wells in production.

            DEP’s May 13 inspection report found “The vent readings and pressure gauge reading are consistent with previous inspections. No violations noted at this inspection.”

            No violations and follow-up for the well owner was noted in this inspection report.

            Roulette Shale Gas Wells Shut In Due To Gathering Pipeline Pressures

On May 13 & 16, 2024, DEP inspected two shale gas wells-- Kaple YX202 and Colussy YX201-- in Roulette Township, Potter County owned by Roulette Oil & Gas LLC and found both wells were “temporarily shut in for sale line pressure.”

These are single well Marcellus Shale gas wells drilled in 2007.

DEP’s inspection report for the Kaple wells shows the inspector found 100% combustible gas reading between the casing and where the hammer style fitting was attached to the well and an open value with a pressure reading of 1,600 psi.  No combustible gas was detected on or near the production equipment.

DEP’s inspection report for the Colussy found the value open on the well with a pressure of approximately 600 psi with no readings reported between the casing and the hammer style fitting.

DEP’s eFACTS database shows Roulette Oil & Gas LLC has 347 shale gas and conventional well permits, 19 are listed as abandoned..

No follow-up actions were included for the well owner in either report.

            Conventional Well Wastewater Leaks, Venting Gas

On May 7, 8, 10, 14 & 15, 2024, DEP inspected multiple conventional wells owned by Diversified Prod LLC and found--

-- Clearfield County, Jordan Township: Williams Kovel 1 - DEP conducted a compliant inspection that found a wastewater release from a storage tank traveled downslope 70 feet, according to the partial cleanup observed by the inspector.  Conductivity readings showed contamination was in additional areas.  DEP’s inspection report included violations related to the spill and requested the well owner to submit a written plan by May 31, 2024 on how the site will be brought into compliance.

-- Clarion County, Porter Township: Ambrose 10 - Multiple areas of production wastewater spills, storage tank overflowing with no secondary containment, failure of erosion and sedimentation controls.  Well owner requested to submit a plan by May 28, 2024 to bring the well into compliance.  DEP inspection report included multiple violations related to spills.

-- Jefferson County, Rose Township: Barnett 1 - On May 9 the company reported a wastewater storage tank released 4,200 gallons of wastewater into unlined secondary containment.  DEP inspected on May 14 and found a partial cleanup underway.  The inspector noted the site was 320 feet from a residence that uses a spring for their water supply.  DEP’s inspection report included violations related to the spill and requested the well owner to submit a written plan by June 5, 2024 on how the site will be brought into compliance.

-- Jefferson County, Warsaw Township: Don Shaffer 2 - Owner reported wastewater storage tank leak on May 9 and DEP inspected on May 15 and documented partial cleanup at the site.  DEP’s inspection report included violations for the spill and requested the owner to submit a written report by June 6, 2024 on how the site will be brought into compliance.

-- Washington County, Fallowfield Township:  Spesak F41 - Follow-up inspection found no cleanup activity on wastewater leaks where violations were issued on November 16, 2023.  DEP’s inspection report continued violations with no follow-up actions by the well owner.

-- Washington County, Fallowfield Township: Stech F69 - Follow-up inspection found owner did little to correct erosion and sedimentation control violations discovered on November 30, 2023.  DEP’s inspection report included no specific follow-up actions by the well owner.

-- Westmoreland County, Bell Township: Elmer Reed 1 - Gas venting from production tank, owner requested to submit plan by June 10, 2024 to bring the well into compliance.  DEP inspection report includes related violations.

-- Westmoreland County, Donegal Township: Eleanor Morris 1 - owner failed to complete the remediation of the site impacted by a wastewater spill on February 26, 2024. DEP’s inspection report notes outstanding tasks not completed and continues violations.

            DEP’s eFACTS database shows Diversified Prod LLC holds permits for 21,704 oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania.

On May 9, 2024, DEP inspected the Wilford Chambers 1 conventional gas well in Richhill Township, Greene County owned by BB Mulvaney and found it was venting gas near a residence.

            Violations were also noted for a release of wastewater, failure to notify DEP of a permit transfer and failure to submit annual production, waste generation and well integrity reports.

            The eFACTS database shows Mulvaney has two active conventional wells.

            DEP’s inspection report requested the owner to submit a written report by May 27, 2024 on how the well will be brought into compliance.

On May 10, 2024, DEP inspected the Kimmy 1 conventional gas well in Venango Township, Erie County owned by Dannic Energy Corp and found evidence of wastewater leaking from a storage tank and around the wellhead.

            DEP’s eFACTS database shows Dannic Energy Corp holds permits for 836 oil and gas wells.

.           DEP’s inspection report requested the owner to submit a written report by May 31, 2024 on how the well site will be brought into compliance.

On May 15, 2024, DEP did a follow-up inspection of the Gaut 2 conventional well in South Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County owned by Questa Petro Co. and found evidence of wastewater releases from a storage tank that had since been removed.

            DEP’s eFACTS database shows Questa Petro Co. holds 379 oil and gas well permits.

            DEP’s inspection report included multiple violations related to the spill and requested the well owner to submit a written report by May 29, 2024 on how the site will be brought into compliance.

            Shale Gas Well Pad Spills

On May 8, 2024, DEP did a follow-up inspection of the Mallory Pad A Shale Gas Well Pad in Plunketts Creek Township, Lycoming County owned by EQT ARO LLC and found evidence of wastewater contamination in a stormwater channel.

            Areas of the pad impacted by a spill report on March 1, 2024 appeared dry without staining.

            Meanwhile drilling continued to remove plugs from wells on the pad.

            DEP’s inspection report included a new violationa for the new spill and a request to the owner to submit a written report by May 24, 2024 on how the site will be cleaned up.

On May 14, 2024, DEP did another follow-up inspection at the Mallory Pad A Shale Gas Well pad and found no effort was made to permanently clean up the wastewater contamination found earlier.

            Wastewater was continuing to flow into the stormwater channel and into a sump and was being sucked up by a vacuum truck.

            Meanwhile drilling continued to remove plugs from wells on the pad.

            DEP’s inspection report continued the new violations, but had no specific follow-up requests of the pad owner.

On May 13, 2025, DEP inspected the Sun Mine Shale Gas Well Pad in Fawn Township, Allegheny County owned by Range Resources Appalachia LLC in response to a notification by the company a spill took place on May 10.

            The company said drill cuttings and a soap slurry fluid were sprayed out of the flare stack in a “fine mist” from the eco tank after a malfunction in the fluid-gas separator.

            The company had already done a cleanup of the site around the tank, the well pad berm and down the slope of the well pad by removing contaminated soil.

            DEP’s inspection report included violations for the release, but noted it was “immediately corrected.”

          2024 Land Recycling/Brownfield Cleanups

So far in 2024, DEP received or acted on 122 Act 2 Land Recycling notices related to oil and gas facility site cleanups.  Read more here.

            Pipeline/Well Pad Slope Failures

On May 7, 2024, DEP did a follow-up inspection of a portion of the NITMS022-NITMH022 Pipeline in Wayne Township, Greene County owned by EQM Gathering OPCO LLC and found the company had failed to repair a slope failure reported on April 4, 2024.

            DEP’s inspection report continued the violations, but had no specific follow-ups for the facility owner.

On May 7, 2024, DEP did an inspection of the Beta 5 Winterfell Pipeline right-of-way in Richhill Township, Greene County owned by EQM Gathering OPCO LLC in response to a notification of a slope failure.

            DEP found the owner took steps to temporarily stabilize the failure area, but had not yet installed permanent stabilization measures.

            DEP’s inspection report included violations for the slope failure and requested a written report by May 24, 2024 on how the site will be brought into compliance.

On May 13, 2024, DEP did a follow-up inspection of a portion of the NINF-S042 Gas Pipeline in Fallowfield Township Washington County owned by EQM Gathering OPCO LLC and found the slope failure was not repaired since it was discovered on March 20, and in fact, has moved further down slope.

            DEP’s inspection report notes the area remains unstable and prone to additional movement and continues the previous violations.

            No specific follow-up actions were required of the pipeline owner.

On May 15, 2024, DEP did follow-up inspections at several locations along the Revolution Gas Pipeline in Beaver County owned by ETC Northeast Pipeline LLC where slope failures occurred on or about April 8.

            DEP inspection reports [Station 1777+25 example] show some areas experienced more slope movement and more soil cracking. 

The previous violations were continued, but no specific follow-up actions were included for the pipeline owner.

On May 15, 2024, DEP inspected the newly constructed Mingo Shale Gas Well Pad in Union Township, Washington County owned by EQT Prod Co and discovered multiple slope failures.

            No wells have been drilled on this pad.

            DEP’s inspection report included violations for the slope failures and requested the owner to submit a written plan by May 31, 2024 on how the site will be brought into compliance.

            Failure To Complete Restoration Of Impoundments

On May 7, 2024, DEP did follow-up inspections at two impoundments owned by Geopetro LLC in Beaver County and found restoration work had not been complete on either one--

-- Ohioville Borough: Paul Bussard Pad A & Frac Pond: Failure to address violations issued on February 21, 2024.  DEP inspection report.

-- South Beaver Township: David L. Thompson Pad A Impoundment: Failure to address violations issued on March 28, 2024.  DEP inspection report.

            The inspection reports did not include any specific follow-ups by the owner.

            Multiple E&S Control Failures At Injection Well Site

On May 8, 2024, DEP did an inspection of the Zelman Underground Injection Disposal Well site in Brady Township, Clearfield County owned by Kendra Disposal LLC and found multiple erosion and sedimentation control failures at the site and on the gravel road leading to the facility.

            The site was fully operational at the time of the inspection, but no wastewater was being accepted as the company “is currently in contract negotiations with waste operators,” according to DEP.

            DEP’s inspection report included multiple violations for these failures and requested the owner to submit a written report by May 29, 2024 on how the site will be brought into compliance.

            Water Management Plan Violations

On May 10, 2024, DEP issued notices of violation to Equitrans Water SVC (PA) LLC for failure to comply with water management plans.  The NOVs were not posted online and no other details were available.

On May 10, 2024, DEP issued notices of violation to HG Energy II Appalachia LLC for failure to comply with water management plans.  The NOVs were not posted online and no other details were available.

          Report Violations

To report oil and gas violations or any environmental emergency or complaint, visit DEP’s Environmental Complaint webpage.

            Text photos and the location of abandoned wells to 717-788-8990.

          Check These Resources

Visit DEP’s Compliance Reporting Database webpage to search their compliance records by date and owner and the Inspection Reports Viewer.

Sign up for DEP’s eNOTICE service which sends you information on oil and gas and other permits submitted to DEP for review in your community.

(Photos: Row 1-- BB Mulvaney conventional well venting gas, leaking wastewater; Dannic Energy Corp multiple leaks of conventional well wastewater; Diversified Prod LLC overflowing conventional wastewater tank; EQT ARO LLC wastewater spill in stormwater channel at shale gas drill pad; Row 2-- Diversified Prod LLC wastewater tank continues to leak;  Geopetro LLC failure to restore fracking water impoundment; Kendra Disposal LLC injection well site, access road erosion & sedimentation control failures; Row 3-Stonehaven Energy Mgt Co. LLC abandoned well and did nothing to clean up conventional wastewater spill for 19 months in spite of court order; Diversified Prod LLC dead vegetation from conventional wastewater spill; Diversified Prod LLC area impacted by spill from wastewater tank; Row 4-- Diversified Prod LLC 4,200 gallon spill of conventional wastewater; EQT Prod Co new shale gas well pad slope failure; M4 Energy LLC abandoned shale gas wells; Range Resources Appalachia LLC flare stack sprayed fine mist of drilling cuttings and fluids over shale gas well pad.)

[Note: If you believe your company was listed in error, contact DEP’s Oil and Gas Program.]

[Note: These may not be all the NOVs issued to oil and gas companies during this time period.  Additional inspection reports may be added to DEP’s Oil and Gas Compliance Database.]

PA Oil & Gas Industry Public Notice Dashboards:

-- PA Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - May 11 to 17; Lots Of Spills Week; 3 More Abandoned Shale Well NOVs; Well Shut In To Prevent Frack-Out  [PaEN]

-- PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices, Opportunities To Comment - May 18 [PaEN]

-- DEP Posted 72 Pages Of Permit-Related Notices In May 18 PA Bulletin  [PaEN]

Related Articles This Week - Gas:

-- Rep. Vitali To Introduce Bill Banning The Disposal Of Conventional Oil & Gas Wastewater By Dumping It On Public Roads; Rep. Causer To Introduce Bill Legalizing It  [PaEN]

-- Illegal Wastewater Dumping Continues, Even On Mothers Day, Conventional Oil & Gas Well Owners’ Campaign Of Intimidation Of Senate Witness; Now Dumping Before It Rains, On Paved Roads [PaEN]

-- DEP Imposed $2.2 Million In Penalties Against Shale Gas Drilling, Pipeline Companies In 2023 For Violations Dating Back To 2018  [PaEN]

-- Environmental Hearing Board Clears Away More Attempts By Olympus Energy To Block Shale Gas Permit Appeal By Protect PT In Westmoreland County; Olympus Fails To Provide Info On PFAS ‘Forever Chemical’ Use  [PaEN]

-- The Derrick: PUC To Hold May 21 Prehearing On Future Of Venango Water Company; Water Source Contaminated By Conventional Oil Well Wastewater Spill  [PaEN]

-- Penn State Extension May 30 Webinar On Landowner Role In Conventional Orphaned, Abandoned Oil And Gas Wells  [PaEN]

-- National Energy Technology Lab, University Of Pittsburgh Say Oil & Gas Wastewater Can Be Major Source Of Lithium For Rechargeable Battery Production  [PaEN] 

-- DEP: $5 Million In Grants Recommended To Support Mitigation Projects In Beaver County Related To Shell Petrochemical Plant Environmental Violations + Shell Paid Total Penalties Of $7,606,027.75  [PaEN]

NewsClips This Week - Gas:

-- The Energy Age Blog: Shale Gas Violations Run Rampant In Pennsylvania, $2.2 Million In Penalties Assessed

-- Warren Times: Oil & Gas Wastewater Spreading Battle Back On In General Assembly

-- KDKA: West Deer Twp. Residents Fighting Back Against Proposed Olympus Energy Shale Gas Well Installations In Allegheny County

-- WPXI: West Deer Twp. Neighbors Fight To Keep Olympus Energy Shale Gas Wells Far From Homes In Allegheny County 

-- Post-Gazette - Anya Litvak: Environmental Mitigation Fund, Set Up Thru Shell Petrochemical Plant Air Penalties Ready To Dole Out Money

-- Beaver County Times: Projects Selected For Shell Petrochemical Plant Environmental Mitigation Funding

-- Post-Gazette/Inside Climate News: Water Quality Advocates Concerned About Increased Pollution, Strong Odors From Outfalls From Shell Petrochemical Plant In Beaver County

-- Inside Climate News: Q&A: Is Pittsburgh Becoming ‘The Plastic City’?

-- The Energy Age Blog: EQT Corp. New Act 14 Notices Of New Wells From Sarah Shale Gas Well Pad In Union Twp., Washington County Headed To Library, South Park In Allegheny County

-- The Energy Age Blog: Path Of May 11 Tornado In Washington County Ended Between The McIntosh Natural Gas Compressor Station, EQT Sarah Shale Gas Well Pad 

-- TribLive: Does It Seem Like More Tornadoes Are Striking Western PA?  They Are

-- Erie Times Guest Essay: State Program To Plug Abandoned Conventional Oil & Gas Wells Saves Lives, Creates Prosperity - By Environmental Health Project

-- AP: CNX Plans $1.5 Billion Hydrogen Aviation Fuels Plant At Pittsburgh Airport, But Wants Federal Tax Credit To Build It

-- CNX, KeyState Plan Hydrogen Aviation Fuel Hub At Pittsburgh Airport

-- AAA Gasoline Prices: PA- $3.75  National- $3.59  Ohio- $3.50

-- WNEP: UGI Utilities Announces 4.5% Increase In Cost Of Gas Starting June 1, Another 7.3% Increase Projected For Dec. 1 

-- Baker Hughes: PA Natural Gas Drilling Rigs Same As Last Week- 21

-- The Allegheny Front/WV Public Broadcasting: Residents Near Mountain Valley Gas Pipeline Say Details Are Scarce On What Caused Rupture Of Pipe During Test

-- Marcellus Drilling News: Martins Ferry, WV Not Getting Answers On PA Company’s Abandoned Oil & Gas Wastewater Facility Cleanup From Ohio DNR

-- Oil & Gas Journal: Gulfstream LNG Gas Export Facility Gains FERC Approval For Next Step In permitting Process [Not Affected By Pause]

-- Marcellus Drilling News: ETF Trends: US LNG Gas Export Capacity To Rise 80% By 2028 [Even With Pause In Permits For New Export Facilities]

[Posted: May 18, 2024]


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