PA Bulletin Public Notices

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the June 15 PA Bulletin--

-- PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices, Opportunities To Comment - June 15 [PaEN]

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin announcing July 15 and 16 in-person hearings related to proposed State Air Quality Implementation Plan changes on the decommissioning of Stage II gasoline vapor recovery systems at gasoline service stations.  Read more here.

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin of a revised Air Quality General Permit for Coal Mine Methane Enclosed Flare installations (BAQ GP-21).

-- The PA Infrastructure Investment Authority and DEP published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin inviting comments on environmental assessments on water infrastructure projects in Butler, Chester, Elk, Franklin, Potter, Somerset and Washington counties due to be considered at the July 17 PennVEST Board meeting.  The deadline for comments is July 15.

-- The Governor’s Executive Board published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin announcing the approval of a reorganization plan for the Department of Environmental Protection.  Click Here for the previous organizational chart.

-- The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin announcing an August 7 hearing on Wild Resources Conservation Program grant applications. The hearing will be held in the 6th Floor Conference Room of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.  Questions should be directed to Ryan Bortnyk, (717) 783-3331, or Rebecca Bowen, (717) 772-0258,

-- The State Board of Education published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin inviting comments on proposed changes to regulations related to academic standards.  (PA Bulletin, page 3353).  They included changes to and expiration of the Academic Standards for Science, Technology, Environment, Ecology, Technology and Engineering beginning in Section 4.12 on page 3362. 


-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a proposed Individual Stormwater Permit for the proposed 29.5 acre PNK P1, LLC warehouse project in Archbald Borough, Lackawanna County impacting Grassy Island Creek (High Quality) and Exceptional Value wetlands.  (PA Bulletin, page 3442)

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a proposed Individual Stormwater Permit for the proposed 28.2 acre RCM VIII LLC warehouse project in Horsham Township, Montgomery County impacting Park Creek.   (PA Bulletin, page 3443)

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a proposed Individual Stormwater Permit for a proposed 76.1 acre 1600 Freemansburg Associates, LLC warehouse project in Bethlehem Township & Freemansburg Boro, Northampton County impacting Nancy Run (High Quality) and Exceptional Value wetlands. (PA Bulletin, page 3444)

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a proposed Individual Stormwater Permit for a proposed 11.6 acre Endress & Hauser, Inc. warehouse project in Edgmont Township, Delaware County impacting Crum Creek and a tributary to Ridley Creek (High Quality).  (PA Bulletin, page 3445)

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a proposed 41 acre  expansion of the Pioneer Crossing Landfill in Exeter Township, Berks County.   (PA Bulletin, page 3451)  Read more here.

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin inviting comments on the waste permit renewal for the Kelly Run Landfill in Forward Township, Allegheny County. The Landfill accepts a variety of wastes, according to its webpage, including municipal, construction and demolition, business and TENORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material often associated with oil and gas drill cuttings).  (PA Bulletin, page 3452Read more here.

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a dam safety permit for the Mitchell Sludge Sedimentation Pond Dam owned by Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC located in Union Twp., Washington County. (PA Bulletin, page 3464)

-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin of its approval of a Source Water Protection Program for the Mifflin County Municipal Authority in Mifflin County.  (PA Bulletin, page 3492


-- The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 15 PA Bulletin announcing the award of a $19,785 Household Hazardous Waste Education Grant to Mifflin County.  (PA Bulletin, page 3492)


November 19-- NEW. DEP Laboratory Accreditation Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building 9:00 a.m.  Check the Committee webpage for options on joining the meeting remotely.  Contact: Annmarie Beach at or (717) 346-8212.  (formal notice)

PA Bulletin - June 15 , 2024

Note: The Department of Environmental Protection published 74 pages of public notices related to proposed and final permit and approval/ disapproval actions in the June 15 PA Bulletin - pages 3420 to 3494.

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Visit DEP’s Public Participation Center for public participation opportunities. 

-- Allegheny County Health Department Public Comment Notices

DEP Proposals Out For Public Review

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Proposed Regulations With Closed Comment Periods - DEP webpage

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DEP Technical Guidance In Process

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Technical Guidance Comment Deadlines - DEP webpage

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Recently Closed Comment Periods For Technical Guidance - DEP webpage

Technical Guidance Recently Finalized - DEP webpage

Copies of Final Technical Guidance - DEP webpage

DEP Non-Regulatory/Technical Guidance Documents Agenda [February 2024] - DEP webpage

[Posted: June 14, 2024]


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