Scrapbook Photo 12/09/24 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Hearing on Bernhart Creek Watershed TMDL Set for February 21

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. February 21, in Berks County to give residents a chance to comment on the health and future of the Bernhart Creek Watershed.

The hearing will be held at the Berks County Agriculture Building on County Welfare Drive, Leesport.

“We are looking at the total maximum daily load, which is the ceiling on the amount of pollution Bernhart Creek can take in without becoming impaired,” DEP Southcentral Regional Director Rachel Diamond said.

A portion of Bernhart Creek is currently impaired by urban and agricultural runoff.

The Clean Water Act requires states to submit total maximum daily load plans to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval. The proposed total maximum daily load was developed using water quality samples taken during various flow conditions in 2006.

Those interested in presenting comments at the hearing should call Vicki Welty at the DEP Southcentral Regional Office at 717-705-4729, to pre-register. Each registered speaker will be given 10 minutes to present his or her testimony.

The Department will also accept written testimony, which should be sent to Joseph Adams, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg, PA 17110, or at .

The proposed total maximum daily load for the Bernhart Creek Watershed is available online through DEP’s TMDL webpage.


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