Scrapbook Photo 03/16/25 - 141 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust Partners With Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Of The United Methodist Church To Preserve 130 Acre Camp In Chester County

On January 16, the French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust and the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church announced the completion of a voluntary land conservation agreement to preserve Camp Innabah’s 130-acre property along Pughtown Road in East Vincent Township, Chester County.

A space that has been a cherished center for community, outdoor recreation, and connection to the natural world for generations will never face the pressures of land development.

“After working with the Camp for several years to develop an agreement which balances long term preservation and recreational access with the safety of the Camp’s guests, French & Pickering is excited to partner with the Camp and the community to permanently protect this natural treasure. We particularly appreciate the significant funding assistance from our State, County, and Municipal partners,” said Karl Russek, Conservation Director for French & Pickering.

The camp was founded in 1929 as an all-girls overnight camp and has since grown to include a variety of programs for people of all ages.

The Camp facility features a patchwork of mature woodlands, wetlands, and over 4,000 feet of stream frontage.

Included in this total is 2,640 feet of the Exceptional-Value French Creek, a natural landmark for northern Chester County and a tributary to the Schuylkill River.

This property also features ecologically important flood-plain habitat for birds, amphibians, and rare native plants.

To further share this landscape with the wider community, this agreement includes provisions for long-term public access to hiking trails and parking for the French Creek Trail.

Over 1,500 feet of the French Creek Trail is hosted on the property.

“At Camp Innabah, we are dedicated to conserving and preserving the natural beauty of God’s creation. By working together with our East Vincent Township community, we strive to nurture a love for nature and ensure these spaces are protected for future generations. Camp Innabah is very grateful to French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust, as well as East Vincent Township, Chester County, and the state of Pennsylvania, for their support of this incredible opportunity to preserve 130 acres. This will help ensure we can stay committed to providing experiences that last a lifetime in an environment where campers and guests can make new friends, challenge themselves, explore and grow their faith,” noted Michael Hyde, the Director of Camp Innabah.

French & Pickering worked with the Camp to obtain over $1,360,000 in funding, including $861,000 from the Chester County Preservation Partnership Program, $500,000 from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and Bureau of Recreation and Conservation through the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, and $252,000 from the East Vincent Township Supervisors.

French & Pickering is grateful to Camp Innabah for their willingness to include responsible public access as well as their dedication to conservation and commitment to the permanent protection and stewardship of this remarkable landscape.

Click Here for the announcement.

Visit the French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust website to learn more about land preservation.

(Photo: Top, left to right: Matthew Morley, Camp Innabah Attorney; Karl Russek, French & Pickering Conservation Director; Hosea Latshaw, Camp Innabah Representative; Rev. Jared Stoltzfus, Eastern PA Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) Trustee; Michael Hyde, Camp Innabah Director. Bottom, left to right: Rev. Julian J. Milewski, Pastor for Ringtown Aurand Memorial UMC and Eastern PA Conference of the UMC; Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Eastern PA Conference of the UMC Director of Connectional Ministries; Jen Trachtman, French & Pickering Board President.


-- Inquirer - Frank Kummer: 130-Acre Chester County Church Camp Preserved With Some Trails Opening To Public

[Posted: January 16, 2025]


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