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Commonwealth Financing Authority Announces $16 Million In Act 13 Funding For Watershed Restoration, Flood Mitigation, Recreation; Small Water & Sewer Application Period Opening

On January 28, the Commonwealth Financing Authority announced the award of $16 million in grants and loans funded by the Act 13 drilling impact fee for watershed restoration, flood mitigation, recreation, sewage and oil and gas well plugging.

“These significant investments are creating safe and healthy communities, and delivering real results for Pennsylvanians,” said DCED Secretary Rick Siger. “From funding flood mitigation projects, rehabbing our recreational trails, plugging abandoned wells and restoring watersheds, these are projects that will enhance our community and economy while improving the quality of life for Pennsylvanians.”

The funding approved included--

-- Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement & Treatment Program (AMDATP)one project approved; $64,482 total funding. The program provides funding for abandoned mine drainage, abatement, and treatment. The Villanova College of Engineering was approved for funding for a research study of the use of shrimp shell and eggshell waste for acid mine drainage in Radnor Township, Delaware County.

-- Watershed Restoration Protection Program (WRPP) 16 projects approved; $1,482,434 total funding. The program provides funding for watershed restoration and protection projects. For example, Kingsley Township was approved for $140,000 in funding for the Tionesta Creek Stream Bank Restoration Project in Forest County.

-- Baseline Water Quality Data Program (BWQDP)one project approved; $105,594 total funding. The program provides funding for statewide initiatives to establish baseline water quality data on private water supplies. Doylestown Township in Bucks County was approved for funding for the collection of private water supply samples.

-- Flood Mitigation Program (FMP)9 projects approved; $1,038,600 total funding. The program provides funding for statewide initiatives to assist with flood mitigation projects. For example, Clearfield Borough was approved for $125,000 in funding for the Stinky Run Flood Control Project in Clearfield County.

-- The Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program (GTRP)117 projects approved; $13,062,240 total funding. The program provides funding for the planning, acquisition, development, rehabilitation and repair of greenways, recreational trails, open space, parks and beautification projects. For example, the City of Williamsport was approved for $80,000 in funding for improvements to Young’s Woods Park in Lycoming County.

-- Orphan or Abandoned Well Plugging Program (OAWP)one project approved; $70,000 total funding. The program provides funding for orphan or abandoned well plugging projects. The Well Done Foundation was approved for $70,000 in funding to plug two gas wells both located in Millcreek Township, Erie County.

-- Sewage Facilities Program (SFP)three projects approved; $194,926 total funding. The program provides funding for statewide initiatives for complying with the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act. For example, West Manheim Township in York County was approved for $37,426 for planning costs associated with the update to their Act 537 plan.

A full list of the following approvals is available on the CFA’s website.

Visit the CFA’s Act 13 Programs webpage for more information on these funding opportunities.

Applications will be accepted annually for these programs from February 1 to May 31.  Questions should be directed to 717-787-6245.

New Grant Round Opening

The CFA announced the application period for the PA Small Water and Sewer Program will begin on February 3 and run through April 30, 2025.

Municipalities and Municipal Authorities are eligible to apply for these grants to cover the costs of activities to assist with the construction, improvement, expansion, or rehabilitation or repair of water supply systems, sanitary sewer systems, and storm water system projects.

Visit the Commonwealth Financing Authority webpage for information of other funding opportunities.

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[Posted: January 28, 2025]


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