Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
North Central Grassroots Conservation Fair March 14 Wellsboro, Tioga County

The North Central Grassroots Conservation Fair will be held March 14 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Wellsboro Fireman's Annex, East Avenue, Wellsboro, Tioga County.

The Fair is an opportunity for the public to learn about the conservation organizations in this area and all that they have accomplished in conserving and protecting the natural resources.

Whether you’re a fisherman and want to hear from watershed organizations like the Tiadaghton Chapter of Trout Unlimited or you’re a land owner who wants to learn about how to improve habitat on your land by speaking to a local Master Gardener or the Tioga County’s Woodland Home Owners Association, there is something here for you.

Along with tables staffed by local organizations, speakers will headline the event,  including--

-- Emily Shosh is the Northern Region Community Forestry Specialist. She helps many organizations get trees in the ground! Her talk will be on "Stewarding your State Forests".

-- Dr. Ben Hayes is a Professor and Director of Watershed Sciences and Engineering at Bucknell University.  His talk will be on, "The Logging Legacy and Stream Response to Catastrophic Floods in North-Central PA: Implications for Watershed Restoration and Conservation."  This is an important topic, and we will all benifit from hearing this presentation.

-- Jim Weaver or better known as the "Tioga County's Lorax" has been a long time member of the Tiadaghton Chapter of Trout Unlimited.  He will be discussing the club's succesful work over the past few years and give you some insights on what it means to be a member of a conservation club.  He may even give a few fishing secrets!

-- Scott Koser works for Trout Unlimited National and is the Manager of the PA Coldwater Habitat Program.  They have been a consistent partner for TCCD, and there are many projects in the county completed due to their involvement.  Scott's talk will be on "Community Partners, Working Together to Improve Community Resources".

-- John Zaktansky is the director of the Middle Susquehanna RiverKeeper Association.  This organization does a lot, but by far the coolest part is their youth education programs, many of them are held at the Montour Preserve in Danville.  If you have young kids that love the outdoors, you will want to hear what this organization has available. 🪻

-- Renee' Carey, The Executive Director of North-Central PA Conservancy.  This organization has done big things for the county.  Because of their conservation easements we have the Cavanaugh Access to the Rail Trail and many other new public lands to explore.  Her talk will be on conservation easements and what they are.

This project is funded by the Tioga County Conservation District and operated with the support of the Tiadaghton Chapter of Trout Unlimited.

To register for the event, call the Tioga County Conservation District at 570-724-1801.

[Posted: February 14, 2025]


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