Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Invites Comments On New Air Quality General Permit For Human, Animal Remains Incinerators

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the February 8 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a new, proposed Air Quality General Permit GP-14 for human or animal remains crematory incinerators.

The proposed GP-14 includes visible and odor emissions monitoring, abd recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable Federal and State air quality requirements, including records of maintenance performed, municipal notifications, malfunction reporting and annual facility inventory reporting.

The records required must be maintained onsite or at the nearest local field office for a minimum of 5 years.

The GP includes a general plan approval application fee of $1,600, a general operating permit application/renewal fee of $750, an annual operating permit maintenance fee of $500, a transfer of ownership fee of $500 and an administrative amendment fee of $500.

The term for the GP is 5 years and authorization can be renewed before the expiration date.

Comments due March 24.    [Click Here for documents]

Read the entire PA Bulletin notice for information on how to submit comments.

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[Posted: February 9, 2025]


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