North Branch Land Trust To Host 6 Open House Events To Give Landowners, Public An Opportunity To Learn About Land Conservation In Northeast
On February 28, the North Branch Land Trust announced it will be hosting a series of six open house events in Northeast Pennsylvania counties as part of its new Strategic Plan. People attending these informal gatherings in communities where the organization is actively conserving land will have the opportunity to learn about many aspects of the Land Trust, including-- -- The process for property owners to conserve and protect their own land. -- Details on significant property the Land Trust has transferred to regional partners including what is now Vosburg Neck State Park and the Wanamie Tract and Montage Tract in the Pinchot State Forest. -- Sanctuaries and preserves the Land Trust owns and maintains for public use. -- Updates on ongoing projects that will become trails for public use. -- How the Land Trust’s mission and work improves our lives and region through conservation and stewardship of the places we hold dear. Schedule The open house events will start at 6:00 p.m. on-- -- March 12 - Wyoming County: Nimble Hill Winery & Brewery, 3971 US-6, Tunkhannock -- March 20 - Susquehanna County: Community Foundation of the Endless Mountains, 270 Lake Avenue, Montrose. -- May 8 - Bradford County: Wyalusing Firehall, 24 2nd Street, Wyalusing -- May 21 - Lackawanna County: Taylor Community Library, 710 S Main Street, Taylor -- June 2 - Luzerne County: The Hazleton Art League, Hayden Family Center For The Arts, 31 W Broad St, Hazleton -- TBA - Luzerne County: There will be a sixth open house at the North Branch Land Trust office, 105 Lt. Michael Cleary Drive, Dallas at a date and time to be determined People interested in attending these open house events can register online, although advance registration isn’t required. “Our Strategic Plan was recently updated to provide a solid framework for the work of the Land Trust for years to come,” said Ellen Ferretti, Executive Director. “As part of the Strategic Plan, crafted by our Board, key stakeholders and partners, we are reengaging with the Upper Susquehanna Counties that are part of the area we serve. “The new Vision for the Land Trust is: We envision a future where abundant conserved lands help maintain clean air and water, diverse forests and wildlife habitats, vibrant working farms, and inspiring natural beauty. “We envision a future in which North Branch Land Trust is a highly respected leader in conservation and a vital institution that enhances the quality of life for all. With these open houses, we hope to fulfill our Mission and Vision to partner with landowners and conserve the lands and waters we hold dear.” Joe Butkiewicz, Director of Community Engagement for the Land Trust, noted, “People read about North Branch in the news for the land its conserved and outdoor walks and educational events it has organized. This is a chance for people to meet with Land Trust staff and ask questions about their own land or projects we’re working on.” The North Branch Land Trust was founded in 1993 as a nonprofit, community-driven organization dedicated to conserving the lands, waters, and natural resources of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Since 1995, the Land Trust has conserved or taken ownership of natural lands totaling over 22,000 acres across eight Northeastern Pennsylvania counties. North Branch Land Trust partners with landowners, communities, and stakeholders to conserve and care for Northeastern Pennsylvania’s lands and waters. 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