Online Training - EPA to Introduce New Stormwater Guide In Free Webcast March 7

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will introduce its new guide for assessing compliance and effectiveness of municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) programs in a free webcast on March 7 at noon.

The guide is intended for use by EPA and state staff conducting evaluations of MS4 programs, but can also be used by MS4s as a self-assessment of their program. The guide describes how to conduct an evaluation of each major stormwater program component and includes detailed worksheets to assist an evaluator during the evaluation.

Presenters include: Jenny Malloy of EPA’s Stormwater Program, John Tinger of EPA Region 9, Jason Papacosma of Arlington County, VA, and John Kosco of Tetra Tech.

Download a brochure on the webcast. A copy of the Guide is also available online.

Information on other NPDES online training courses is also available,

To register for the webcast, visit the NPDES training webpage.


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