
The Department of Environmental Protection, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Independent Regulatory Review Commission and the Historic Preservation Board all published notices this week. Here are the details…

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of 2007 mine reclamation bond rates, an announcement of pre-certification adademy and exam schedule for Sewage Enforcement Officers and notice of long-term operation and maintenance costs for calculating water supply replacement projects.

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission published notice of a March 14 meeting to consider approval of certain water resources projects. Also on the agenda for the business meeting will be: 1) a panel session on water resources management issues in the Morrison Cove Watershed, Juniata Subbasin, of the Susquehanna River Basin; 2) a report on hydrologic conditions in the basin; 3) adoption of the 2007 Water Resources Program; 4) revisions to the Fiscal Year 2008 budget; 5) approval/ratification of grants and contracts; 6) presentation of the Commission's Frederick Zimmerman and William Jeannes Awards; and 7) recognition of former Maryland Member Kendl Philbrick.

The Independent Regulatory Review Commission published its comments on the Notification of Proximity to Airports regulation proposed by the Environmental Quality Board.

The state Historic Preservation Board published notice of National Register nominations to be considered at its March 13 meeting.

Pennsylvania Bulletin – March 3, 2007

Comment Deadlines: Technical Guidance (DEP website)

Copies of Proposed Regulations (DEP website)

Status of Regulations, 6-Month Calendar (DEP website)


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