Conservation Districts Recognize Farmers Working to Protect Chesapeake Bay
The Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts this week announced that Curry Wagner of Hummelstown, PACD will recognize these award recipients on July 17 in The Clean Water Farm Award, initiated in 1986, recognizes farmers within Curry Wagner and his family operate a broiler and beef cattle operation while farming about 60 acres. The Wagner family implements many Best Management Practices (BMPs), a combination of practices determined to be the most effective, practical means of reducing pollution. They participated in the Dauphin County Conservation District’s Chesapeake Bay Program and incorporated such BMPs as roof runoff management, water control structures and underground outlets to improve the barnyard. The Wagner farm works closely with a crop consultant to balance rates of commercial fertilizer and manure use on the fields. They also implement an Integrated Pest Management Program and work closely with conservation partners to insure that all fields are covered by conservation plans. Recipients Ron and Catherine Kittle own and operate a 200 plus acre farm in In addition to practicing no-till, the Kittles are advocates for this conservation practice on other farms and serve as a resource to farmers new to the practice. They also implement crop rotation and contour farming practices to reduce soil erosion and storm water runoff. Ron and Catherine were recently selected as Recipients of the annual Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Farm Award are nominated by county conservation district staff. This annual award program is coordinated by the Pennsylvania Chesapeake Bay Education Office. The awards are sponsored jointly by the Department of Environmental Protection’s Chesapeake Bay Program and the Department of Agriculture to recognize farmers who implement BMPs. The Pennsylvania Chesapeake Bay Education Office conducts numerous activities promoting the theme, “We All Live Downstream.” |
3/30/2007 |
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