Lancaster Solid Waste Authority Conducts First Carbon Credit Trade

The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority announced this week it has conducted the first transatlantic exchange of project-based greenhouse gas reduction credits through membership in the Chicago Climate Exchange.

Including this transaction, the Authority has sold 43,700 metric tons earning over $174,000 from selling these credits through the CCX.

“PURE” the Clean Planet Trust, a registered charity in London, England dedicated to combating climate change through carbon offsetting requested through CCX the purchase of 7,500 emission reduction credits specifically from LCSWMA. The carbon credits will be sold for $4.25 per metric ton for a total of $31,875.

Jim Warner, LCSWMA Executive Director, said, “We are extremely pleased that PURE has chosen our landfill gas-to-energy project as a premium source from which to purchase carbon credits. With this transatlantic trade, our Authority continues to establish precedents within our industry.”

Through donations made by individuals and businesses, PURE purchases and retires carbon emission reductions from renewable energy projects such as electricity from landfill methane, biogas or agricultural waste and wind power to offset the carbon dioxide emissions generated by the purchaser. PURE conducts transactions with legally binding emissions trading programs with standardized rules and independently verified emission reductions.

Addison Lee, London’s largest private hire, chauffeur and coach company requested this specific purchase through PURE. Said Robert Rabinowitz, PhD., Company Secretary of PURE, “The Authority’s emission reduction credits are considered desirable by PURE and Addison Lee because of the uniqueness of the Authority’s integrated solid waste management and carbon emission reduction program, the US EPA’s recognition of their landfill gas system, and the importance and trustworthiness of a Public Authority providing reliable renewable energy services on behalf of its citizenry.”

In October 2006, LCSWMA became the first public environmental services organization in the US to become a Member of CCX, North America’s only, and the world’s first, voluntary, legally binding multi-sector market for reducing and trading greenhouse gas emissions.

As a provider of GHG emission reductions, the Authority’s landfill gas-to-energy system has destroyed over 65,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalents since the plant began operation in February 2006.

As per CCX rules, the Authority has voluntarily made a legally binding commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 6 percent by 2010 from the greenhouse gases generated from its waste-to-energy facility and waste transfer vehicles.

In January 2007, the U.S. EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program recognized the Authority and project partner PPL Energy Services by announcing the landfill gas-to-energy system located at the Frey Farm Landfill in Manor Township as a Project of the Year Award recipient.


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