On the Senate/House Agenda/Bills Introduced
The Senate and Senate return to voting session June 4. Here’s what’s on the agenda this week-- House Calendar: House Resolution 112 (Mann-D-Lehigh) directing DEP to implement policies that encourage electronic waste recycling; House Resolution 193 (Haluska-D-Cambria) directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to study the future value of assets on Game Commission land; House Bill 772 (Hershey-R-Chester) establishing the Keystone Energy and Environmental Excellence Awards program and an energy efficiency and pollution reduction initiative; House Bill 894 (Leach-D-Montgomery) authorizing additional reimbursements for school building construction which meets the LEED standards; House Bill 1280 (Freeman-D-Lehigh) amending the Municipalities Planning Code to further define traditional neighborhood development; House Resolution 122 (George-D-Clearfield) petitioning the President and Congress to increase funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program; House Resolution 268 (Rohrer-R-Berks) directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to study Game Commission forestry and mineral development policies. Committees: the Consumer Affairs Committee meets to consider House Resolution 297 (DeWeese-D-Greene) expressing opposition to the designation of national interest electric transmission corridors; the Intergovernmental Afffairs Committee meets to consider House Bill 1304 (Fairchild-R-Mifflin) establishing the PA Geospatical Council; the Local Government Committee meets to consider House Bill 904 (Freeman-D-Lehigh) authorizing local building moratoriums, House Bill 983 (Steil-R-Bucks) providing additional options for local preservation of open space, House Bill 1281 (Freeman) requiring municipalities to take steps to protect the Appalachian Trail, House Bill 1329 (Kessler-D-Berks) further providing for the jurisdiction of courts on zoning appeals, House Bill 1330 (Kessler) further providing for appeals of local land development ordinances; the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee meets to consider House Bill 656 (Bastian-R-Somerset) that would allow farms preserved under the state Clean and Green law to allow the development of wind farms; the Game and Fisheries Committee meets to consider House Bill 1116 (Kortz-D-Allegheny) authorizing vouchers for game licenses, House Bill 1109 (Staback-D-Lackawanna) authorizing vouchers for fishing licences and Senate Bill 580 (Madigan-R-Tioga) use of dogs while hunting wild turkey; the Health and Human Services Committee meets to consider House Bill 798 (Phillips-R-Northumberland) creating a Task Force on Lyme Disease and related maladies with DCNR, Department of Health and Game Commission; the Education Committee meets to consider House Bill 894 (Leach-D-Montgomery) authorizing the Department of Education to provide extra reimbursement for school building construction meeting LEED green building standards, House Bill 1297 (Leach-D-Montgomery) establishing an electric meter lending program in local liabraries (with a request the bill be referred to the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee); the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to consider House Bill 454 (Frankel-D-Allegheny) establishing an Office of Environmental Advocate within the Department of Environmental Protection; and Senate Bill 356 (MJWhite-R-Venango) establishing the Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education in law. Senate Committee: the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy and Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure joint committee hearing on energy policy in Bills Introduced Several more environmental bills were introduced this week… Sewer Lateral Funding: Senate Bill 909 (C.Williams-D-Montgomery) establishing a program to fund sewer laterals for low-income households. Special Funds: Senate Bill 913 (MJWhite-R-Venango) authorizing the transfer of certain excess fine and penalty revenues to the General Fund. |
6/1/2007 |
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