Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state…
· New Advanced Coal Project Tax Credit Applications Due
Pinchot Legacy Lasts Long After His Death
Geisinger, School Team to Study Environment, Health Link
Fourth Grader Urges School Board to Implement Recycling Program
Ex-Steelers Player Russell Finds Niche in Recycling
Tire Drop-Off Program Gets Blowout Response
Learning By Greening, Climate Change
Climate Change Steps By Lehigh Valley Colleges
States Vary Greatly in Greenhouse gases, PA 3rd Biggest Polluter
States' Per Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Officials Aim to Reduce Township’s Greenhouse Gases
How States Rank in Total Carbon Emissions
Truck Wash Uses High-Efficiency Water Recycling SystemHonda Accord Hybrid’s Sales Run Out of Gas
Some Hybrid Buyers Miss Out on Tax Incentives
School Buses to Fill Up With Cleaner Fuels
Rendell’s Ambitious Energy Effort
Wind Farm Plan Takes Rendell to Spain
State Willing to License Forests for Wind Farms
Editorial: Coal as Motor Fuel
Op-Ed: It’s Light Out on Success of Deregulation
Op-Ed: PA Has Tools for Better Energy Market
Take Steps to Ease Nasy Electricity Price Jolt
PUC: Electric Competition is Here to Stay
PUC Nominee Advocates Energy Plan
Pittsburgh Added to Public Meeting Sites for National Corridor Designations
Editorial: It’s an Outrage to Place Wind Turbines on State’s Public Lands
Panel to Review Clean and Green Bill, Wind Energy
Editorial: Clean and Green? Remains to be Seen
First International Trade Missions Builds on Renewable Energy Foundation
TMI Radiation Monitoring System Connected to State Agencies
Farmers Seek Right to Control Their Land
Carbon County Urges Landowners to Preserve Land
Wyalusing Hosting Susquehanna Greenway Regional Meeting
Outdoor Enthusiasts Find a World of Adventure at McConnell’s Mill State Park
Editorial: Dedicated Source Would Fund Efforts to Allay Hazardous Waste
Editorial: Counties’ Funds Threatened, Recycling Tipping Fee Needed
Law to Limit Billboards Considered in Peters
Gypsy Moths Strike Hard, Defoliating Pest is Worse Than Expected
Gypsy Moth Epidemic Hits Area
It’s Not Fall, It’s the Rise of the Gypsy Moth
Montour, Panhandle Trails Connection Celebrated
Editorial: King Enhanced Role of Heinz Endowments
Deer Audit Won’t Come Out of Game Commission’s Pocket
Time is Now to Improve the Habitat
Schneck: Forest Habitat to be Seen on Tour
Falcons Still Listed as Endangered
Editorial: Area Falcon Return Proof of Something Going Right
Will Critters Miss Handouts?