Scrapbook Photo 02/24/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Nominations Invited for Abele Conservation Heritage Award

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is seeking nominations for the 2004 Ralph W. Abele Conservation Heritage Award.

Nominations should be postmarked no later than October 1.

The Ralph W. Abele Conservation Heritage Award is the highest recognition the PFBC can confer on persons who distinguish themselves in the cause of conservation. The PFBC established the Abele Award to recognize citizens of Pennsylvania who have made outstanding contributions to the protection, conservation and enhancement of the aquatic resources of the Commonwealth.

The award serves as a memorial to Ralph Abele, longtime Commission Executive Director, for his steadfast and courageous work in protecting and conserving our natural resources.

The Abele Award is presented to a Pennsylvanian who has dedicated his or her time and energy to the conservation of the state's natural resources, specifically the aquatic resources, through one or more of the following accomplishments:

§ Personally invested heavily in the long-term education of Pennsylvania's youth on conservation issues vital to an improved aquatic environment.

§ Put at risk their person and livelihood to undertake public activities and positions on behalf of improving and protecting the aquatic resources of Pennsylvania.

§ Led a regional or statewide environmental effort that has been recognized for its duration and success in protecting and enhancing the aquatic resources of Pennsylvania.

§ Played a leading role in reclaiming and enhancing a major significant natural water resource within the Commonwealth.

§ Led an effort to pass major environmental legislation for the protection, conservation and enhancement of the natural environment of Pennsylvania.

§ Brought national recognition to Pennsylvania through personal activities, actions and contributions to the aquatic resources.

Past Abele Award winners include notables such as Ken Sink, Dr. Maurice Goddard, Lenny Green, Dr. William Kodrich, Robert W. McCullough, Jr., Peter Duncan, James L. Myers, Larry J. Schweiger, Enoch S. ("Inky") Moore, Robert P. Ging, Jr., Raymond Savel, Dr. Ed Bellis and Edward Kissell.

The nominations should describe, in a maximum of three typewritten pages, the following: Biographical Information; how the nominee meets the categories for recognition; specific accomplishments of the nominee; past recognitions of the nominee; affiliations of the nominee; and additional information to warrant award of this honor.

Submission of letters supporting the nomination or other endorsements of a nominee is not part of the nomination process.Only the nomination letters (maximum of three typewritten pages) will be submitted to the review committee.

In addition to the Abele Conservation Heritage Award, Ralph Abele is remembered by a special Conservation Scholarship Program for college students studying conservation and wildlife.

Nominations should be submitted to RWA Conservation Heritage Award, Executive Office, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, PO Box 67000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000. .


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