Scrapbook Photo 02/24/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Taking Positive Action - Pollution Prevention Week

National Pollution Prevention Week is September 20-26 this year. It’s a time when businesses, environmental groups and citizens can join forces for a common cause.

By sharing information about pollution prevention (P2), businesses can become more competitive, businesses and government can realize cost savings, and environmental quality can be enhanced.

Sponsoring activities is a great way to promote P2 while showing off your environmental activities. Inexpensive and effective events can be planned including prevention as a component of current operations, a regularly scheduled event, or a newly coordinated activity with others.

Here are some ideas for successful events from the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable:

· Distributing promotional materials on your current activities

· Distributing industry specific P2 fact sheets.

· Organizing a "clean shop" tour.

· Hosting a bring-your-own lunch or breakfast seminar on P2.

· Providing on-site prevention audits or technical assistance.

· Telling other businesses or clients about your P2 activities.

· Evaluating existing waste practices and P2 options.

· Conducting in-house training on P2.

· Visiting local schools and educate kids on P2 concepts thay can do at home.

· Providing assistance to teachers on P2 curricula.

For more ideas, visit the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable P2 Week webpage.


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