Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Senate/House Bills Moving

Here’s the rundown on environmental bills moving in the General Assembly this week….


Landowner Liability: House Bill 13 (Readshaw-D-Allegheny) relating to landowner liability and opening land to recreation was passed by the Senate without change and now heads for the Governor’s desk.

Hazardous Sites Cleanup Funding: Senate Bill 913 (MJWhite-R-Venango) authorizing the transfer of certain excess fine and penalty revenues to the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund was referred to and reported from Senate Appropriations Committee with amendments. The amendment would transfer $3.3 million of proceeds from the Realty Transfer Tax each month to the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund before the allocations are made in the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund. The bill was then passed by the Senate 36 to 14. (See separate article.)

Nuclear Plant Fees: House Bill 496 (George-D-Clearfield) that would increase fees on nuclear power plants and for transportation escorts was reported from the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, re-referred to and reported from the Senate Appropriations Committee and passed by the Senate. The bill now returns to the House for a concurrence vote.

Transmission Lines: Senate Resolution 129 (Stout-D-Washington) expressing opposition to the designation of national corridors of interest in Pennsylvania for electric transmission lines was reported from Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and adopted by the Senate.

Alternative Energy Standards: Senate Bill 715 (Musto-D-Luzerne) amends the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act incorporating the Governor’s Energy Independence Proposal changes was referred back to the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.

Keystone Fund: Senate Bill 728 (Scarnati-R-Jefferson) restoring the State System of Higher Education allocation from the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund for fiscal year 2006-07 was passed by the Senate and sent to the House. Similar legislation-- House Bill 1295 (Hanna-D-Clinton)—was amended and reported from and then back to Senate Appropriations Committee and re-reported as amended.

PUC Nominees: The Senate confirmed the nominations of Ty Christy and Kim Pizzingrilli to the PUC.


Storage Tanks: Senate Bill 815 (Musto-D-Luzerne) extending the storage tank pollution prevention program through 2012 was reported from the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House without amendment. It now goes to the Governor for his action.

Uniform Covenants: House Bill 43 (Rubley-R-Chester) establishing uniform environmental covenants for brownfield site redevelopment was passed by the House and sent to the Senate for action.

Alternative Energy Standards: House Bill 1203 (Hornaman-D-Erie) amending the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act in line with Gov. Rendell’s Energy Independence Proposal was passed by the House and now goes to the Senate for action.

Utility Code Changes: House Bill 1201 (George-D-Clearfield) making changes to Title 66 (Utility Code) consistent with Gov. Rendell’s Energy Independence Proposal, including the proposed system benefit charge, was reported from the House Rules Committee and is now on the House Calendar for action.

Electric Distribution: House Bill 1530 (Dermody-D-Allegheny) providing for electric supplier long term contracts was reported from House Rules Committee and is now on the House Calendar for action.

Weatherization: House Bill 913 (Vereb-R-Montgomery) providing for a Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program and authorizing additional funding was reported from the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and re-referred to the House Rules Committee.

Historic Preservation Grants: House Bill 221 (Tangretti-D-Westmoreland) establishing an Historic Preservation Incentive Grant Program was reported from House Apprpriations Committee and is on the House Calendar for action.

Capitol Budget: House Bill 1589 (Evans-D-Philadelphia) providing for a Capitol Budget for environmental, recreation, transportation, economic development and other projects was reported from and back to the House Appropriations Committee.

Home Generated Sharps: House Bill 1320 (Siptroth-D-Monroe) establishing a program within DEP for the disposal of home-generated medical sharps was reported from the House Rules Committee and is now on the House Calendar for action.

Appeal of Land Use Plans: The House Local Government Committee reported out House Bill 1329 (Kessler-D-Berks) further providing for the jurisdiction of common pleas court in reviewing challenges to land development ordinances and amended House Bill 1330 (Kessler-D-Berks) also providing for appeals from land use resolutions and maps was amended and reported from Committee.

Study of Local Governments: House Resolution 180 (Yudichak-D-Luzerne) establishing a commission to study the Commonwealth’s fragmented system of local governments was amended and reported from the House Local Government Committee and is now on the House Calendar for action.

Fluoridation: House Bill 1649 (Barrar-R-Chester) requiring the fluoridation of public water supplies was reported from the House Health and Human Services Committee and re-referred to the House Rules Committee.


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