Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Over 130 Attend 2007 Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference

by Andy McAllister, Watershed Coordinator, Western Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation

The 2007 Pennsylvania AMR Conference is now a memory. And a good one at that! Over 130 participants enjoyed the varied presentations and exhibits over the two day event and, as always, had a particularly good time reconnecting with other members of our "AMR family."

John Dawes, Chairman of the AML Campaign and Director of the Western Pennsylvania Watershed Program gave the keynote address with a recounting of the events and meetings that led up to the Congress passing the amended Title IV – Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund -- that will provide Pennsylvania with about $1.4 billion for mine reclamation over the next 15 years.

Following his presentation, the AMR Conference Planning Committee bestowed upon John the first ever "Mayfly Award" in appreciation for all of his hard work as the chairman of the AML Campaign. The mayfly was selected as the symbol for this award because its presence in a stream signifies clean water.

The "SMCRA Title IV" track on Friday was very popular. One session of particular interest to the conferees attending this track was "Highlights of SMCRA Reauthorization." During that session Pam Milavec, Bruce Golden, and Andy McAllister took you through the past, present, and future of Title IV. Part of the Title IV track included a session by Mike Hewitt on how to use the RAMLIS mapping tool to better understand how to use GIS to find out where those priority sites are.

Another well-attended session was the Appalachian Region Reforestation Initiative presented by Patrick Angel of the Office of Surface Mining. ARRI is a great example of how thinking "outside the box" can result in higher-quality reclamation of our abandoned mine lands.

The SMCRA Title IV discussion panel later in the day, featured OSM’s George Rieger as well as Sue Wilson and Dave Strong from DEP’s Citizen's Advisory Council. The commentary from the audience will prove useful as the state continues to gather opinions for how Title IV funds should be used.

For the "Road Blocks and Limiting Factors" track, the prevailing wage panel also on Friday drew many participants. Alfred Risoliti, Pete Getzie, and Bob Hedin provided good commentary and important aspects to consider when getting involved in reclamation projects.

During the Chapter 105 permitting discussion group, Rita Coleman, Troy Conrad, and Pam Milavec explained the DEP’s efforts in trying to improve the permitting process for groups. Also as part of that track, Brent Means of OSM asked, "What defines success for a passive treatment system?" His thought provoking presentation demonstrated that success is far more elusive than what might seem obvious. Afterward, while on the topic of treatment systems, the Operation, Maintenance and Replacement (O, M &R) panel presented some potential solutions to the complex issue of O,M,&R.

The "Technologies and Materials" track was new for this year and many of the conferees attended presentations by Warren Cohn of ACF Environmental, Joe Schueck of Agri-Drain, Mike Kaufman of Chemstream, and Tom Kerr of HDR Engineering. This new track provided participants a chance to see how private firms can assist with reclamation efforts.

Friday night was a wonderful chance for all of us to enjoy each other’s company at the "Picnic By The Pool" and The Down To Earth Band was a perfect fit for entertaining this down to earth crowd.

Attendees on Saturday got an opportunity to attend several concurrent sessions: Tom Clark of the Susquehanna River Basin Commisison, touched on the modeling efforts to strategize AMD remediation in the West Branch of the Susquehanna while Tim Kania of the DEP clarified the remining incentives in Pennsylvania as they relate to abandoned mine reclamation.

For those interested in how to improve their grant applications, Malcolm Crittenden and Ron Horansky, both of the DEP, focused on techniques for better proposal writing while helping us understand how watersheds get prioritized. And finally, Hanna Wheeler of the Eastern Coal Regional Roundtable and Stefanie Chitester of the Appalachian Coal Country Watershed Team explained how those two organizations are helping watershed groups work more effectively.

Special thanks to the 2007 AMR Conference Planning Committee for making this year’s conference one to remember and a very special "Thank You" to the Western Pennsylvania Watershed Program for providing funding.

Also, special thanks to the sponsors of the 2007 Conference: ACF Environmental, Agri-Drain, Chemstream, HDR Engineering, American Mushroom Institute

All of the powerpoint presentations plus photos from the Conference will be available on the 2007 Pennsylvania AMR Conference website .

Make it a point to be a part of the 10th Pennsylvania AMR Conference in 2008!

For more information on abandoned mine reclamation, visit the websites of the Western Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation and the Eastern Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation.

Session Schedule

The Senate and House will return to voting session September 17. The House released its fall schedule this week—

September 10 (Non-voting), 17 (Non-voting), 24, 25, and 26

October 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, and 31

November 13, 14, 19, 20, 27, and 28

December 3, 4, 5(Non-voting), 10, 11, and 12

The Senate released their fall schedule last week-

September 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26

October 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30

November 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 27, 28

December 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12

PA Environment Digest Video Blog

On the Hill

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