Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Names Southwest Regional Director, Environmental Advocate

Environmental Protection Secretary Kathleen A. McGinty named Kenneth T. Bowman director of the department’s Southwest Regional Office. He will oversee more than 270 employees involved with environmental regulatory programs in the 10-county area surrounding Pittsburgh.

The Secretary also named Ayanna A. King director of the Office of Environmental Advocate, which provides guidance to DEP staff, regional environmental advocates and industry representatives in matters related to state and federal civil rights issues in policy matters and environmental law.

Since 1969, Bowman has worked at DEP in a variety of positions within the southwest region. Most recently, he had been the assistant regional director and was involved in all permit coordination, emergency response and brownfields development. Prior to this post, he was attorney supervisor and assistant counsel, litigating civil environmental cases involving multiple state and federal environmental statues. He also was chief of Engineering Services and an air pollution control engineer.

“Ken has more than three decades of experience with DEP, with experience in so many of the issues that the department must tackle each and every day,” Secretary McGinty said. “We are extremely fortunate to have someone who can take charge and ensure a seamless transition in helping the department get the environmental job done while continuing the work we already have under way to revitalize southwestern Pennsylvania.”

Bowman holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, where he subsequently earned a master’s degree in chemical engineering. He also holds a juris doctor from Duquesne University School of Law.

Bowman replaces Charles Durtisa, who retired in June after a 35-year career with the department. He had served as southwest regional director since April 1988.

King begins her post Aug. 23. She currently is executive director and consultant of the Pittsburgh Transportation Equity Project, where she is responsible for developing new projects to improve environmental impacts, advocating for dedicating funding sources and preparing policy papers and advocacy letters for legislators in the area.

Previously, she was economic development director for the Hill Community Development Corp., providing technical assistance for community-based projects and assisting in the development of a strategic marketing plan for recruitment of new businesses to the community.

The founder of the Youth Policy Institute, a 16-week training program to teach youth how to guide social issues through the legislative process, King also was president of Ayanna’s Consulting & Concepts, which offered clients tips on communications and outreach.


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