Next Digest August 16

The Capitol Building and Administration offices were half empty this week with many folks going to Democratic National Convention in Boston. As a special feature, we included Gov. Rendell’s address to the Convention on energy issues.

We also included two different updates released by members of the House this week on the Growing Greener environmental funding initiative.

Contents - On the Hill

· Senate Environmental Committee Sets Hearing on Timber Theft

· Joint Committee Holds Forestry Task Force, Aquaculture Meetings

· Two Updates on the Growing Greener Environmental Funding Initiative

In Other News

· Recycling Officials Hold Annual Conference, Concern Expressed for Future

· Watch for Nomination Forms for 2004 Waste Watcher Awards

· Controls on Fine Particulate Matter to be Discussed at Air Committee

· DEP Offers Comments to EPA on Rule to Reduce Regional Haze

· Report Details Impacts of Manure on Bay, Changes in Dairy Feed Recommended

· Chesapeake Bay Program Adopts New Indicator to Track Sprawl

· EPA Region Announces New Approach to Controlling Nutrients

· 20th Anniversary of Pennsylvania Conservation Corps Celebrated

· State’s 2nd Breeding Bird Atlas Survey Needs Volunteers

· American Forests Seeking Seeds from Historic Trees

· Meetings to be Held on Improved Public Access to EPA Rulemaking

· EPA Adds Corporate Level Recognition to Performance Track

· EPA Helps Rural Communities Reduce Asthma Emergency Room Visits

· EPA, DEP Partner on Workshops to Advise on Brownfields Funding

· Op-Ed: Gov. Rendell Talks About Energy Issues at Democratic Convention

Taking Positive Actions

· Learn How to Compost In Your Own Backyard

· Sun & Earth Making Mark in Environment-Friendly Products

Watershed NewsClips


· IRRC Approves incidental mining regulation

· August 17 Environmental Quality Board meeting

Technical Guidance & Permits

· Proposed General Permit on Spent Mushroom Compost

======== FYI ==================

Learn How to Compost In Your Own Backyard


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