Wetlands Conservation, Stream Barrier Removal Grant Applications Due

Applications are now being accepted for the North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grants Program and NOAA American Rivers Grants. Details below--

Applications for the North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grants Program are due November 30. The program is designed to promote long-term wetlands conservation activities through encouraging participation by new grantees and partners who otherwise may not be able to compete in the Standard Grants program. Also, the Council believes that a Small Grants program can be important in developing a pool of new partners/grantees who eventually might participate in the Standard Grants program.

Stream Barrier Removal Grant Program applications are due December 3. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded American Rivers $800,000 to fund the removal of dams and other stream barriers in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Northwest and California. Since 2001, NOAA has partnered with us to provide communities with financial and technical assistance to restore stream habitats that benefit fish and local economies.


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