Follow-Up Comments On Growing Greener II Offer Mixed Reviews

After the dust settled on the budget, slots and property tax reform, folks had several different views of what happened on the Governor’s environmental funding initiatives.

In a July 9 memo, House Majority Leader Rep. Sam Smith (R-Jefferson) told House members this about last minute budget discussions—

“You should be aware of the fact that the governor only pushed his plan through media events; he never pushed it legislatively or via budget negotiations. We never discussed specific dollar amounts; we did not discuss which programs to target; and, we did not settle on sources of funding. So, despite public claims from at least one Democrat Senator about a specific amount, such is not the case.

“The fact is the Governor’s Growing Greener proposal was a shotgun proposal blasting money in all directions. Republicans and Democrats alike had problems with the funding source and, while there are some elements of our model Growing Greener environmental program that justify borrowing (bond financing), other elements should clearly be paid for out of general funds (or pay as you go).”

Also in comments this week, Jan Jarrett from PennFuture said, "Pennsylvania's environment became road kill on the highway to slots. This agreement (Brightbill-Smith commitment) isn't worth the tree destroyed to print it. It protects nothing. Not one stream, not one park, not one forest, not one farm, not one hometown.

“The health, environment and economy of Pennsylvania can't be protected by mere promises. It takes money -- money, which the legislature has just refused to make available. It's time for our elected officials to stop making campaign promises, and to show us the money."

NewsClip: General Assembly Fails to Act on Growing Greener II


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