Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
11th Annual Northwest PA Grazing Conference to Be Held March 4

The Natural Resources Conservation Service, Penn State Cooperative Extension Service, Headwaters Resource Conservation and Development Council, and the Jefferson County Conservation District are sponsoring the 11th Annual Northwest Pennsylvania Grazing Conference on March 4 near DuBois.

This year’s Conference will be held in the same location as last year’s, the Tri County Church of God. The Tri County Church is located 1.3 miles North on Rt. 255 from Exit 101 on I-80, just east of DuBois, Pennsylvania. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.; the conference will start at 9:15 a.m..

The Northwest Pennsylvania Grazing Conference was started ten years ago as a means to bring the latest in grazing technology to livestock producers in Northwestern and Central Pennsylvania and to provide producers with an opportunity to share and exchange ideas. Vendors and exhibitors also participate and provide information on the latest in product development.

The interest, awareness, and advocacy of grassed based agriculture continues to grow throughout the Country. Both farmers and consumers recognize the many benefits realized from livestock systems that rely on grass as the primary input. Health benefits, reduction in energy consumption and cost of production, reduction in erosion, runoff and water pollution due to less tillage, and of course the move away from big, corporate agribusiness and increased opportunities for direct marketing right off the farm.

The line-up of speakers for this year’s conference bring a wealth of knowledge and year’s of experience in livestock grazing management. Livestock operations based on sound grazing management can produce a profit and provide a quality lifestyle.

This year’s Keynote speaker exemplifies this philosophy. Ralph Quillin is a nationally recognized speaker who has been in 28 states promoting the benefits of intensive grazing. Mr. Quillin founded and operates Kentucky Graziers, a grazing products supply business and Quillin Leather and Tack. In addition, over the past 26 years, he has managed a brood herd of 90 fall calving registered Angus on his 140 acre farm. His grazing and management systems have allowed him to do this as a part time, one man operation.

In addition, Michael Wright owner and operator of Big Horn Meats, Pittsfield, Warren County, Pa will discuss his direct marketing operation where he grazes beef, hogs, chickens, and goats. Troy Bishopp from New York will speak on why government should support grass based agriculture and how he contract grazes on abandoned land. Dr. Darrell Emmick, a grazing specialist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service in New York, will discuss how animal behavior can affect grazing management and how to solve environmental problems associated with small horse operations.

Other scheduled presentations will include using: “Switchgrass as a Biofuel”, “Composted Bedded Pack Livestock Barns”, “Managing Pasture Forages”, Marketing AG Products”, “Maintaining Herd Health”, and “Livestock Watering Systems”. The last session of the day will be an open question and answer period with the speakers.

For more information, call Gary Swope, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 814-375-2125 or, Headwaters RC&D, 814-375-1372 ext 4.


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