National Wild Turkey Federation Honors CONSOL Energy

CONSOL Energy Inc. was recently honored by the National Wild Turkey Federation with its Energy for Wildlife Corporate Achievement Award. The award recognizes corporations that demonstrate outstanding efforts to improve wildlife habitat and promote conservation and the country's hunting heritage.

The award was presented to CNX Land Resources, Inc., a CONSOL Energy company, during the NWTF's annual Convention and Sport Show in Atlanta in February.

Energy for Wildlife is a membership-based certification program for all energy companies with the primary goal of enhancing wildlife habitat on company-managed, -owned or -influenced lands. These lands include power line and gas rights of way, plant sites, woodlands and other properties.

CONSOL is also a Centurion Corporate Life Sponsor of the NWTF, and is currently working with the Federation to write and implement management plans on select properties. During the last 10 years, the company has allocated 50,000 acres of wildlife habitat to states for public access, and donated more than $50,000 for the purchase of conservation equipment.

Dennis Fredericks, manager - conservation properties accepted the award on behalf of CONSOL Energy. "Together, CONSOL and the NWTF are doing a lot of good things, not only for wild turkeys, but other species as well," Fredericks said.

"CONSOL Energy has always supported the NWTF's conservation programs," said Jay Jordan, NWTF's Energy for Wildlife Program Coordinator. "The folks at CONSOL have made great partners as we work together for wildlife. We're proud to have them on our team, and we look forward to continued success together in the future."

NewsClip: CNX Land Resources Wins Energy for Wildlife Award


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