General Assembly Passes Budget After Marathon Weekend Session

After working nearly all weekend, the Senate, House and Governor’s Office agreed to a final 2004-05 budget which contains no new taxes or fees.

The budget does not contain the environmental spending and waste fee proposals by Gov. Rendell, but a commitment was made to consider environmental funding in fiscal year 2005-06.

NOTE: With all the last minute activity in the Senate and House, we will update this report if needed now that both the chambers are recessed for the summer.

Contents - On the Hill

· Governor’s Environmental Funding Proposals to be Considered Later

· Pollution Reduction, Environmental Education Moved By House

· Last Piece of Economic Stimulus Package Considered, But Not Finalized

· Quick Updates: Manure Hauler Certification Now Law, Guaranteed Energy Savings Contracts, Vehicle Emissions Inspection, Waste Tire Bill, Energy Efficiency Standards, State Forest Naming

In Other News

· PA Sustainable Energy Board, Regional Funds Hold Annual Meeting

· EPA Sets Nonattainment Areas for Fine Particulate Pollution, DEP Responds

· EPA Proposes to Change New Source Review Regulation

· DEP Challenges EPA Plan to Regulate Mercury

· EPA Mercury Reduction Proposals Penalizes Pennsylvania Coal

· Another Unjustified Slap at Pennsylvania’s Economy By the Administration

· Pennsylvania's Nesting Bald Eagle Population Increases

· Another Successful Rivers Conservation Fly Fishing Youth Camp Completed

· DEP Works to Enhance Environmental Education in Pennsylvania

· EPA Has New Web Tool for Brownfields Information

· Now’s the Time to Place Ads in Fishing Regulation Summary Book

Taking Positive Actions

· Rebecca Flora Recognized as “Cultural Force” in Pittsburgh

· DEP Recognizes Centre County for Ecycling Efforts

Watershed NewsClips


· Six-Month Regulatory Agenda for Executive Agencies

Technical Guidance & Permits

· Final Guidance “Experimental On-lot Wastewater Technology Verification Program”


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