Budget Season Coming Into Focus – It’s Ugly
We provide an update on the budget schedule in this Digest, but things still look very ugly for the budget season-- $1.5 billion deficit--and it is getting uglier.
Rocky Landscape: Budget Address, Hearings Now Set for February and March
The 2005-06 budget season will officially open on February 8 with the Governor’s Budget Address, although funding issues with mass transit, Medicaid and others are continuing to take center stage publicly and privately for this fiscal year as well.
First Environmental Issues Forum to Focus on Nutrient Trading Program
The Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee’s (JCC) first Environmental Issues Forum of the 2005-2006 legislative session will be held on February 1.
PUC Sets Technical Conference on Implementing Alternative Energy Law
The Public Utility Commission (PUC) announced this week it will hold a technical conference on January 19 to discuss implementation issues related to the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act of 2004, signed by Gov. Rendell in November.
Are You Prepared for a Winter Flood?
Pennsylvania received significant rain, sleet and ice in the last week to ten days causing the National Weather Service to issue Flood Watches and Warnings for many parts of Pennsylvania, especially for small streams and rivers.
NOx Allocations for Upcoming Seasons
DEP Proposes NOx Allocations for Upcoming Ozone Seasons
Rendell Unveils Pennsylvania's Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy
Marking his first meeting as Chair of the Chesapeake Bay Executive Council, Gov. Rendell unveiled Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy this week.
Grants Made By Western PA Watershed Protection Project, New Apps Due
The Western Pennsylvania Watershed Protection Program this week announced grant awards for six projects totaling $66,000, according to John Dawes, Administrator of the program.
Revised Drinking Water Project Priority List Now Available
The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority and Department of Environmental Protection published notice of their Drinking Water Project Priority List for 2004-05 this week. A copy of the Priority List is available online.
Central PA Green Building Association Sponsoring 2 Upcoming Events
The Green Building Association of Central Pennsylvania is sponsoring two special events on green building best practices.
Save the Dates: Green Building Summit, Workshops Set in Pittsburgh Region
The Green Building Alliance's second annual Building Solutions Summit on April 7 is targeted towards smart building owners and developers constructing and operating environmentally responsible buildings.
Affordable Housing Goes Green in Cumberland County
The construction of 14 homes in Penn Township, Cumberland County will tread softly on the environment and reduce heating and cooling costs for their future homeowners.
Conservation Planning Using a Green Infrastructure Approach
Most land and water conservation initiatives in the United States are reactive not proactive; haphazard not systematic; piecemeal not holistic; single-scale not multi-scale, single-purpose not multi-functional. Current conservation efforts often focus on individual pieces of land, limiting their conservation benefits to the environment and human health.
Energy Grant Applications Due
Dept. of Energy Grants Solicitations Open in February
EPA Extends Deadline for Brownfields Grants to January 21
EPA is extending to January 21 the deadline for applicants to submit proposals for the brownfields assessment, revolving loan fund and cleanup grants that are affected by the bona fide prospective purchaser reopener. Final proposals must be received before 6 p.m.
EPA Helps Local Governments Use Environmental Management Systems
Environmental management systems (EMS) are a well established tool to help local governments prevent pollution, operate more efficiently and improve environmental performance within their communities.
Free Waste Reduction Assessments Available in Allegheny County from PRC
The Pennsylvania Resources Council (PRC) currently has funding for its WasteCap program to conduct free waste assessments at small- to mid-sized businesses and institutions throughout Allegheny County.
Pollution Prevention Grants Awarded
DEP Awards Small Business Pollution Prevention Grants
Beverage Industry Cuts Packaging in Half Since 1990
Since 1990 the weight of packaging used for carbinated beverages has dropped by half, in spite of a 24 percent increase in carbonated beverages consumed through 2003.
DEP Seeks Waste Tire Removal, Recycling Grant Proposals for Starr Pile
The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking proposals for demonstrating techniques for removing and recycling waste tires from the Starr Tire pile, Columbia County.
EPA Proposes to Modify Toxics Release Inventory Reporting Requirements
EPA announced this week the first of two proposed rules intended to reduce the time and resources needed to submit annual reports to EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). TRI data and information are currently provided to federal officials by nearly 23,000 industrial and federal facility owners and operators nationwide.
PA Center for Environmental Education EE and Higher Ed Newsletter Available
The Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education now has available its January EE and Higher Education newsletter.
Conservation Groups Featured at 2005 State Farm Show
Thousands of visitors to the 89th Pennsylvania Farm Show had the opportunity to see dozens of exhibits, including a significant number of displays by conservation and environmental organizations.
Nominations Due for Western Pennsylvania Environmental Awards
If you know a person or organization that has helped to enhance the environment of western Pennsylvania, nominate them now to win a Western Pennsylvania Environmental Award.
What’s on the Minds of Pennsylvanians? Economy, Higher Taxes, Education
A poll put out this week by Issues/PA, a nonprofit public interest group, tried to gauge what’s on the minds of Pennsylvanians as we begin the new year.
Looking for Internships? Check Out These Agencies, Groups
State agencies and nonprofit groups often hire college students for Spring and Summer internships, but the number of positions vary from year to year. To check out the available positions for this year, use these contacts:
Geologists Association Looking for Executive Director
The Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists is looking for an Executive Director to increase program offerings, work as a lobbyist with the Legislature and manage the organization. Applicants should apply by January 31.
Quick Clips
A sampling of NewsClips on wind projects, recycling, deer hunting, adopt-a-highway and increase home values by plantings.
The Art of Environmental Education in Steel Valley Middle School
An innovative teacher at the Steel Valley Middle School in Munhall, Allegheny County is using the environment to help her sixth grade students express themselves with art and learn new math and language skills.
Watershed NewsClips
A sampling of NewsClips on watershed issues from around Pennsylvania.
The latest on the upcoming Environmental Quality Board meeting, correction to fee proposal for geologists, landscape architects.
Technical Guidance & Permits
Proposed new general permit for water obstructions and sewer extensions.
Calendar of Events
Upcoming meetings, conferences and workshops, plus links to other calendars.
Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - DHess@crisciassociates.com or go to www.PaEnvironmentDigest.com .