PEC Opposes Bill Mandating Different Environmental Safeguards For Conventional Wells
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council Tuesday sent a communication to the Pennsylvania State Senate to express its opposition to the recently introduced Senate Bill 1378 (Scrantai-R- Jefferson, Hutchinson-R-Venango) (P.N. 2053).
Former Rendell Officials Now Say Marcellus Natural Gas Drilling Exploited State Forests
StateImpact, the Patriot-News, Post-Gazette and the Citizens Voice Thursday reported former DCNR officals in the Rendell Administration now say the leasing of 137,000 acres of State Forest land for drilling exploited State Forests as a “cash cow.”
Environmental, Other Groups Oppose More State Forest Drilling
Civic, religious and environmental groups Thursday called on Gov. Tom Corbett to reverse his decision to permit additional leasing of mineral rights in state parks and forests for natural gas drilling during a news conference organized by Rep. Greg Vitali (D-Delaware), Minority Chair of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.
Budget Preview: 28 Days Before State Budget Deadline, Will Zack And Miri Get A Raise?
The deadline to have a state General Fund budget in place is July 1. When the Senate and House return to session on June 2 they will have 28 days left before a budget should be done.
Delaware County High School Team Claims State Envirothon Honors
Students of Penncrest High School in Delaware County walked off with first-place honors after competing May 20 and 21 in the 31st Pennsylvania State Envirothon at Susquehanna University and PPL Montour Preserve.
Add Us To Your Google+ Circle
PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA. Just go to your Google+ page and search for DHess@CrisciAssociates.com, the email for the Digest Editor David Hess, and let us join your Circle.
Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule (Updated)/Bills Introduced
Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--
Senate Environmental Committee Considers Nuclear Plant Fees, Heritage Area Bills June 3
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet June 3 to consider legislation to increase nuclear power plant fees, establishing the Heritage Areas Program in law and to fund private lateral sewage line repairs. The bills include--
House Environmental Committee Considers Gas Royalty, Nuclear Plant Fees Bills June 4
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet on June 4 to consider three Senate bills addressing oil and gas well royalty issues and legislation to increase nuclear power plant fees. The bills include--
House Democrats To Hold Hearing On Additional Gas Drilling Proposal June 2
The House Democratic Policy Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on the proposal to expand gas drilling leasing on state lands on June 2.
Rep. Heffley Announces Waste Coal Energy And Reclamation Tax Credit Bill
In an effort to promote the reclamation of former coal mining sites across the Commonwealth, Reps. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) and Jaret Gibbons (D-Lawrence) Wednesday announced the introduction of House Bill 2265 creating a Waste Coal Energy and Reclamation Tax Credit.
May Issue Of Environmental Synopsis Now Available From Joint Conservation Committee
The May edition of the Environmental Synopsis newsletter is now available from the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee.
Schuylkill River Celebration Highlights PA Rivers Month Activities
Plans for fun on the Schuylkill River -- from canoes and kayaks slicing through headwaters to leisurely tube floats in urban environs -- is expected to draw hundreds of paddlers, campers and other outdoors enthusiasts to a rebounding waterway named River of the Year for 2014.
Schuylkill River Student Expedition To Inspire Watershed Action June 7-14
From June 7-14 ten high school students from communities throughout the headwaters of the Schuylkill River to its terminus in Philadelphia will embark on a weeklong expedition throughout the 2,000-square-mile Schuylkill River watershed.
USDA Chooses Chesapeake Bay Region For Additional Farm Bill Conservation Funding
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Tuesday announced the Chesapeake Bay region has been selected as one of eight Critical Conservation Areas, part of the new Regional Conservation Partnership Program, in the federal Farm Bill.
2014 Annual Water Resources Education Network Grantee Meeting June 10-11
Community leaders from across Pennsylvania will gather at Dickinson College in Carlisle, at the annual PA League of Women Voters Water Resources Education Network Grantee Meeting, June 10-11, to network and share lessons learned from successful 2013-2014 local projects. The 2014 meeting theme is "Making a Splash for Clean Water."
Water Resources Education Network Spring Water Policy News Now Available
The Spring issue of Water Policy News is now available from the PA League of Women Voters Water Resources Education Network.
PennVEST, DEP Invite Comments On Clean Water, Drinking Water Intended Use Plan
The PA Infrastructure Investment Authority and DEP published notice of an opportunity to comment and a June 10 public hearing on the 2014 Intended Use Plans for the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs.
Vote For Your Favorite Great American Cleanup Of PA Video
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is requesting your help to choose the winner of the 2014 Great American Cleanup of PA video. Go to Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Facebook page and like your favorite video!
3 Rivers Cleanup Announced As Part Of The National River Rally June 1 In Pittsburgh
Paddle Without Pollution will lead a river cleanup on June 1, along the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers as part of River Rally May 30 to June 1 in Pittsburgh. River Rally is an annual event organized nationally by River Network that brings more than 750 advocates for healthy rivers and watersheds together from across the world.
StormwaterPA Offers New Case Study In Clean Your Water Series
The StormwaterPA website now has available a new case study in the Clean Your Water series on efforts in the Tookay/Tacony-Frankford Watershed cleanup initiatives. Explore StormwaterPA for creative solutions to stormwater management solutions.
May 20 Tour Highlighted Environmental Benefits Of Manure Digesters
DEP Secretary E. Christopher Abruzzo and External Affairs Director Katherine Hetherington Cunfer participated in the Center for Dairy Excellence Bio Digester Tour on May 20 with visits to Cliff and Andrea Sensenigs’ Farm and the S&A Kreider Farm in Lancaster County.
May 29 DEP News Now Available
The May 29 edition of DEP News is now available. Click Here to sign up for your own copy.
DEP: How Pennsylvania Regulates Methane From The Oil And Gas Industry
The May 29 DEP News contained this summary of how Pennsylvania regulates methane emissions from the oil and gas industry--
PA Energy Development Authority Invites Comments On Proposed PEDA Energy Plan
The PA Energy Development Authority is inviting comments on a proposed PA Energy Development Plan outlining the Authority’s policy goals, general operating principles and investment priorities. (formal notice)
CFA Awards $3.4 Million In Clean, Alternative Energy Grants To 4 Projects
The Commonwealth Financing Authority Tuesday announced the award of $3.4 million in clean and alternative energy project grants to four projects.
PUC Updates PaPowerSwitch, Offers New Video On Variable Electric Rates
The Public Utility Commission Tuesday announced several PAPowerSwitch.com updates to address this winter’s variable rate issues in the retail electricity market, including additional information on types of rates.
Opinion: Public Silenced In Adoption Of New Variable Electric Rate Regulations
Rep. Robert Godshall (R-Montgomery)
Philadelphia Housing Authority Wins Award For Green Norris Apartments Housing
The Philadelphia Housing Authority’s LEED Gold Norris Apartments has been recognized for outstanding achievement by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.
EPA Grant Helps Train Philadelphia Residents For Environmental Jobs
EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin visited the site of a North Philadelphia training center Tuesday where a nearly $200,000 EPA grant to the Energy Coordinating Agency will help train local residents for environmental cleanup jobs.
EPA Brownfields Grants Help Western PA Communities
Several Western Pennsylvania communities will share in a nationwide total of $67 million in brownfields funding announced Wednesday by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to support cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties.
Center For Coalfield Justice Appeals Longwall Mining Permit In Greene County
The Center for Coalfield Justice Friday filed an appeal of the issuance of a coal mining permit authorizing Consol Energy to conduct longwall mining operations on 3,175 subsidence control plan acres at the Bailey Mine in Greene County.
Friends Of The Wissahickon Schedules June Walks, July 12 Family Picnic
Enjoy June in the Wissahickon, when Friends of the Wissahickon Trail Ambassadors are offering free hikes in Wissahickon Valley Park in Montgomery County. Click Here for a schedule of walks and other events.
Lackawanna College Environmental Ed Center Offers June, July Programs
Take advantage of upcoming programs in June and July from the Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center. Click Here for a calendar of events.
Counting American Chestnuts Workshop, Hike May 31 In Carbon County
On May 31 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., The American Chestnut Foundation will be sponsoring an Appalachian Trail MEGA Transect Chestnut Project training workshop at Lehigh Gap Nature Center, Slatington, Carbon County.
Delaware Highlands Conservancy Family Tree Summer Workshop Series
Join the Delaware Highlands Conservancy for a series of three free educational workshops in summer 2014. The Family Tree series will provide fun, hands-on learning outdoors in three different locations, including the new woodland trails at the Conservancy’s Bethel, NY office.
Game Commission Offers Summer Workshops For Educators
Schools might soon be letting out, but educators and others who work with youth have a chance to continue their learning through wildlife-focused workshops.
Susquehanna Riverlands Projects Receive Funding From DCNR
With funding assistance from DCNR, the Lancaster County Conservancy is awarding $72,125 in grants to six organizations that support the initiatives of the Susquehanna Riverlands Conservation Landscape.
Susquehanna River Trail Roaring Bull Canoe, Kayak, Paddleboard Races June 7
Join the Susquehanna River Trail Association on June 7 for the Roaring Bull Canoe, Kayak, and Standup Paddleboard Races beginning at the mouth of Mahantango Creek (6 miles north of Millersburg at the Dauphin County line) and finishing at Millersburg’s MYO Park.
PA Celebrates Get Outdoors Month In June
Outdoor recreation areas across Pennsylvania will be hosting special events and activities during June as part of a statewide Get Outdoors Month observance, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Ellen Ferretti said Thursday.
Game Commission Urges Residents To Get Outdoors PA!
Never kayaked before, but itching to give it a try? Been hearing a lot about geocaching, but have no idea what it means?
June 8 Fun Day At Game Commission Headquarters In Harrisburg
The Game Commission has teamed up with Members 1st Federal Credit Union to put on "Family Fun Day with the Game Commission," an event to be held June 8 at the Game Commission's Harrisburg headquarters.
June 18 Open House Invites Comments On Planned Kinzua Bridge State Park Exhibits
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will hold an open house meeting for stakeholders and interested members of the public on June 18 to help plan the interpretive exhibits that will be included in a new park office/visitor center at Kinzua Bridge State Park, McKean County.
PA Parks & Forests Foundation Launches 2014 Photo Contest
Capture the beauty, wonder and fun of Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests and share those experiences in the PA Parks and Forests Foundation’s Through the Seasons 2014 Photo Contest. Submissions are due September 3.
May 28 DCNR Resource Newsletter Now Available
The May 28 issue of DCNR’s Resources newsletter is now available. Click Here and go to the bottom of the page to sign up for your own copy.
2nd Annual Pennsylvania Fly Casting Championship Sept. 6
Fly casters will gather at the Carlisle Fairgrounds Sports and Outdoor Nationals show September 6 for the 2nd Annual Pennsylvania Fly Casting Championship.
Game Commission: Do Not Disturb Young Wildlife
The leaves are green, the flowers are in bloom and, once again, it’s that time of year when a new generation of wildlife is making its arrival.
Attorney Harry Klodowski Nominated For President Of Air & Waste Management Assn.
Pittsburgh environmental attorney Harry Klodowski with Hull & Klodowski LLC, has been nominated to run for president of the Air & Waste Management Association, a leading environmental professional organization with more than 5,000 members worldwide.
DEP Staff Recognized For Response to I-81 Tanker Fire & Spill
DEP Secretary E. Christopher Abruzzo visited the department's Southcentral Regional Office on May 16 to present certificates of recognition to those staff who participated in the cleanup efforts following a large tanker truck fire that happened a year ago on an overpass of Interstate-81 in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County.
DEP's Logan Honored As Finalist For Financial Executive Of The Year
DEP Executive Deputy Secretary for Administration and Management Jeffrey M. Logan was honored recently by the Central Penn Business Journal as a finalist in its 2014 Financial Executives of the Year program.
Northeast U.S. Forestry Group Honors DCNR Forester Mark Lewis
Accomplishments in cooperative forest management have earned a Bureau of Forestry employee Mark Lewis prestigious honors from the Northeastern Area Association of State Foresters.
AMR Community Leader Jim Resh Retires From Indiana Conservation District
Jim Resh has been an employee of the Indiana County Conservation District for 21 years where he served as District Manager and will be retiring this week. Since 2001 he has been an active and respected member of the AMR community for nearly as long and has served as the Secretary for Western Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation since February 2013.
DCNR Opportunity To Bid On Projects In Centre, Clinton, Tioga Counties
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources published notice of an opportunity to bid on projects in Centre, Clinton and Tioga counties.
Your 2 Cents: Issues On Advisory Committee Agendas
This section gives you a continuously updated thumbnail sketch of issues to be considered in upcoming advisory committee meetings where the agendas have been released
Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
Budget/Quick NewsClips
Here's a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state--
Marcellus Shale NewsClips
Here are NewsClips on topics related to Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling--
Flooding/Watershed NewsClips
Here are NewsClips on watershed topics from around the state--
Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of final 2018 ozone season allowance allocations.
Calendar Of Events
Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW means new from last week. Go to the online Calendar webpage.
CLICK HERE To Print Entire PA Environment Digest
CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.
Stories Invited
Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to: DHess@CrisciAssociates.com.
Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.