Scrapbook Photo 01/27/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
February 7, 2005
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 02/07/05
* Professional Services Directory Added, More Display Options for Articles
This week we are pleased to announce several improvements to the Digest’s website.
* Senate Environmental Com. to Consider Wild Resource, Hazardous Sites Fund Bills
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee has scheduled a meeting for February 7 to consider two bills: Senate Bill 149 (M.White- R-Venango) to provide funding for the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (to be filed) and Senate Bill 133 (Musto-D-Luzerne) eliminating the limitation on providing General Fund monies to the Wild Resource Conservation Fund.
* House Committees Set to Consider Green PA Plan, Other Bills
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet on February 8 to consider the recently proposed Green PA Plan in the form of two bills – House Bill 2 (Quigley-R-Montgomery) would authorize placing a question before voters to incur $800 million in indebtedness for the Green PA Plan; and House Bill 3 (Quigley-R-Montgomery) that would establish the endowment account, extend the existing Growing Greener fees and provide for the sale of the $800 million in bonds proposed in the program.
* Senate, House Republicans Outline Legislative Agenda, Including Growing Greener
Senate and House Republican Leaders stood side by side this week to announce their legislative agenda for the year— the “Republican Playbook for Progress.”
* PA Members Report on Cost-Effective Bay Cleanup Methods
The legislative members of the Chesapeake Bay Commission from Pennsylvania this week released copies of their latest report identifying the most cost-effective steps to restore the Chesapeake.
* Nutrient Trading Efforts Get Joint Conservation Committee Spotlight
The Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control Conservation Committee chaired by Rep. Hutchinson (R-Venango) held its first Environmental Issues Forum of the year this week on the issue of watershed-based nutrient trading.
* Report on ATV/Snowmobile Grants Program Released
The Joint Legislative Budget and Finance Committee this week released a report on DCNR’s Implementation of the Grants Portion of the Snowmobile and ATV Program .
* Environmental Legislation Introduced So Far in the General Assembly
Here’s a quick reference list of environmental legislation introduced in the General Assembly so far this year and the current status of the bills attached to this story.
* Reminder: Growing Greener Grant Applications Due March 4
The Department of Environmental Protection is accepting applications for watershed restoration and protection grants for the seventh year of Growing Greener until March 4.
* USDA Provides Up to $5 Million for Chesapeake Bay Watershed Innovation Grants
The U.S. Department of Agriculture this week announced that up to $5 million is available in fiscal year 2005 Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) for the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
* Chesapeake Bay 2005 Riparian Buffer Plant Give-Away Set
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is offering free plants for riparian forest buffer projects to qualifying groups and projects in the Pennsylvania portion of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
* 1st Annual Adams County Fishing & Outdoors Expo – March 5 & 6
The Watershed Alliance of Adams County is planning a joint fundraiser with Adams County Trout Unlimited. The event is the "1st Annual Adams County Fishing & Outdoors Expo" to be held March 5 & 6.
* Wetland Monitoring Report
DEP Wetland Monitoring Report Now Available
* Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show Opens in Harrisburg
More than 1,000 outdoor product suppliers and conservation organizations are participating in the 50th Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show in Harrisburg running from February 5 through 13.
* Three New River Conservation Plans Approved by DCNR
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week gave notice that it has approved three new River Conservation Plans and added these segments to the Pennsylvania Rivers Registry—
* Watershed Management Toolbox Workshop Set for March 16
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s Watershed Assistance Center and DEP’s Watershed Academy are offering a one-day workshop on the new"Watershed Stewardship Guide" on March 1 in Williamsport and March 16 in Harrisburg.
* Post 9-11 Water System Security and Liability Seminar
The Pennsylvania-Section, American Water Works Association and LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae L.L.P. are co-sponsoring a seminar entitled "Post 9-11 Water System Security and Liability" to discuss and identify how vulnerabilities affect a public water supplier's liability should a malevolent act occur.
* Small Water System Training

* Game Commission Presents Annual Report to House Committee
The Game Commission this week delivered the agency's 2003-04 annual report to the House Game and Fisheries Committee at an informational meeting in the Capitol.
* Water Plan Meetings
Water Resource Committees Set More Meetings
* EPA Awards Wet Weather Funding for the Ohio River
EPA Region 3 awarded the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission $125,000, as part of an ongoing initiative supporting state and interstate efforts on water quality standard attainability and insuring a proper scientific and designated use foundation for water quality management programs. The project is designed to investigate the level of recreational use that can be attained during periods of wet weather flow on an industrial section of the Ohio River, near Wheeling, W.V.
* Fish Commission Seeks Applicants for Boating Facilities Grant Program
The Fish and Boat Commission announced a new grant program this week for county and municipal governments interested in the planning, acquisition, development, expansion, or rehabilitation of public boating facilities.
* Bloomsburg, PPL Montour Preserve, Host 2005 PA Envirothon
On May 23 high school Envirothon teams from across Pennsylvania will travel to Bloomsburg University located in Bloomsburg, Columbia County and use PPL’s Montour Preserve as the site for their 2005 competition.
* Coatesville School Join EPA’s Tools for Schools Indoor Air Quality Program
The Coatesville Area School District, in Coatesville, Chester County has joined the EPA Region 3 Tools for Schools program to help eliminate its problems with mold, odors, housekeeping and thermal comfort.
* West Penn Sustainable Energy Fund Seeking Proposals
The West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund (WPPSEF) has released a request for proposals for the development of clean energy toolkits and clean energy technology development within the West Penn Power service territory.
* PPL Releases Annual CERES Principles Report on Environment
The Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) is an organization of environmental, investor, and public interest groups working together for an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable future.
* DEP Corrects Mercury Reporting Error
DEP Corrects Mercury Reporting Error
* Housing Alliance Opposes Increasing Real Estate Transfer Tax to Fund Transit
The Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania, a nonprofit advocate for affordable, safe housing for lower income families, has come out in opposition to plans for funding mass transit through an increase in the real estate transfer tax. A portion of their letter to legislators follows:
* Grant for Research Into Beneficial Reuse of Municipal Waste Combustion Ash
The York County Solid Waste Authority announced this week it will fund up to $250,000 in research and development work to identify viable non-traditional commercial uses for municipal waste combustion ash from the York County Resource Recovery Center (YCRRC).
* EPA Completes Construction on Mifflin County Superfund Site
EPA completed construction at the Jacks Creek Superfund site, Lewistown, Mifflin County.
* Internship for High School Students
High School Internship: Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program
* Fish Commission Mourns the Loss of Leon H. Reed
Leon H. Reed, member of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, died on January 29, 2005. He was 82 years old.
* New Book from PHMC: “ Voices of the Knox Mine Disaster”
The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) this week announced the publication of "Voices of the Knox Mine Disaster: Stories, Remembrances, and Reflections on the Anthracite Coal Industry's Last Major Catastrophe, January 22, 1959."
* Quick Clips
Environmental NewsClips on: Tom Ridge Center, New Wind Farm, Montco Open Space Milestone, Bean-Based Fuel, Preserved Farms Higher Prices, Raptors, Green PA Plan Reaction
* Taking Positive Action: Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show Presents Annual Outdoor Achievement Awards
In commemoration of the 50th Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show this week in Harrisburg, the sponsors of the show began a new tradition of honoring the unsung heroes who have made a difference in the outdoors during the last year.
* Black History Month - Ralph E. Brock, Pennsylvania’s First African-American Forester
Ralph Elwood Brock was born on February 15, 1881 and raised in Pottsville, Schuylkill County. He graduated from the Howard School in Wilmington, Delaware.
* Inspiring Folks to Get Involved in Their Watershed By Jo Ellen Litz
There are so many great motivational leaders from whom we can learn—Colin Powell is one of these leaders. His pearls of wisdom are strung throughout this article.
* Watershed NewsClips
NewsClip on watershed issues from around the state.
* Regulations
The latest from the Environmental Quality Board, Governor's Office and Public Utility Commission on regulations.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
Proposed technical guidance changes from the Department of Environmental Protection.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other calendars
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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