Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates, June 22, 2015
* DEP Citizens Advisory Council Discusses Comments On Deep Mining Impact Report

At its Tuesday meeting, DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council began the discussion of its draft comments on DEP’s Act 54 report on the impact of underground coal mining with the intent of finalizing its comments at its July 21 meeting. Among the draft recommendations are--

* DEP: Pipeline Task Force Members By Mid-July, Little Impact From EPA Water Rule In PA

DEP Secretary John Quigley reported to the DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council Tuesday he expects the 34 members of the Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force to be announced by mid-July saying so far the agency has receive 150 applications for membership.

* Bill Fink Elected Chair, Don Welsh Vice-Chair Of DEP Citizens Advisory Council

The DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council elected Bill Fink as Chair and Don Welsh as vice-Chair at its meeting on Tuesday.

* DEP’s Quigley On PA Chesapeake Bay Cleanup: Clearly Not Enough

Lancaster Online reporter Ad Crable Monday reported DEP Secretary John Quigley’s reaction to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency report Thursday saying Pennsylvania’s efforts to meet its Chesapeake Bay commitments are “substantially off track”--

* CBF-PA:Philadelphia County, Groups Join Clean Water Counts! Campaign

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA’s Clean Water Counts Campaign has gained significant momentum with Philadelphia County joining 14 other counties in adopting the clean water resolution, and more than 75 organizations, groups and businesses signing clean water statements of support.

* DEP Assesses $8.9 Million Penalty Against Range Resources For Leaking Gas Well

The Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday announced it has notified Range Resources-Appalachia, LLC, of Fort Worth, TX that it intends to assess an $8.9 million civil penalty against the company, and has directed Range Resources to prevent methane and other substances from escaping from a leaking gas well and polluting groundwater and a stream in Lycoming County.

* PA Environment Digest Google+ Circle, Blogs, Twitter Feeds

PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA.  Let us join your Circle.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Gov’s Schedule

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* Bills On Governor's Desk

The following bills were given final approval by the Senate and House and are now on the Governor's desk for action--

* Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--

* Sen. Yudichak: Legislation On Moon Lake Park Transfer Goes To Governor

Sen. John Yudichak (D-Luzerne) Wednesday praised House passage of Senate Bill 699 which will allow for the transfer of Moon Lake Park from Luzerne County to the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

* Senate Committee Considers Bill On Reuse Of Treated Mine Water June 22

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet on June 22 to consider Senate Bill 875 (Bartolotta-R-Fayette) encouraging the reuse of treated mine water for fracking gas wells (sponsor summary).

* House Committee Considers Water Well Standards, Regulatory Review Bills June 24

The  House Consumer Affairs Committee is scheduled to meet on June 24 to consider bills setting standards for the construction of private water wells and provide additional review of regulations by the General Assembly.  The bills include--

* DEP Publishes Updated Nonpoint Source Management Plan For Comment

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the June 20 PA Bulletin it has developed a draft Nonpoint Source Management Plan-2014 Update for public comment designed to reduce nonpoint source pollution-- stormwater and agricultural runoff-- and meet pollution reduction milestones.

* DEP Expands Drought Watch From 27 To 37 Counties

The Department of Environmental Protection Wednesday expanded its drought watch declaration from 27 to 37 counties across Pennsylvania.

* NRCS Reminds Landowners To Apply For Chesapeake Bay Grants

Denise Coleman, State Conservationist for the Pennsylvania USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service is reminding partners to submit applications for the second round of funding for the new Regional Conservation Partnership Program.

* Halfmoon Creek Restoration In Centre County Improves Trout Stream

In an effort to restore wild trout population on a three mile stretch of Halfmoon Creek at Centre Stables, significant stream restoration, spearheaded by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, remains ongoing thanks to the Wildlife For Everyone Endowment Foundation.

* June Newsletter Available From Stroud Water Resource Center

The June newsletter is now available from the Stroud Water Research Center featuring articles on-

* DEP: Update On Aftermath Of Miller Chemical Plant Fire, Refrain From Using Creek

The Department of Environmental Protection Friday issued the following update on the cleanup efforts and environmental impacts of last week’s fire at Miller Chemical, a fertilizer plant in Adams County.

* Attorney General Files Charges Against Former Steelton Water Plant Superintendent

Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane Thursday announced her office has filed criminal charges against the former Steelton Water Treatment Plant superintendent, who is accused of failing to properly monitor filters at the plant and submitting false records.

* PA Housing Agency Requests Proposals For Drilling Impact Fee Housing Funding

The PA Housing Finance Agency Monday issued a Request for Proposals for projects to improve the availability and affordability of housing in the Marcellus Shale region of the state.  The funding to address housing needs comes from Marcellus Shale impact fees.

* PA Land Trust Association Statement Supporting Severance Tax Proposal

The PA Land Trust Association Tuesday began circulating this statement of support for Gov. Wolf’s proposed severance tax on natural gas production—

* Keep PA Beautiful: Winners Of Great American Cleanup Of PA Video Contest

The winning entry of the annual Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Great American Cleanup of Pennsylvania video contest, sponsored by the PA Waste Industry Association and the Department of Environmental Protection, was submitted by Tri County Community Action for the Great Harrisburg Cleanup. They received a $200 cash prize.

* Keep PA Beautiful: 3 Allegheny County Men Convicted Of Illegal Dumping

Three Allegheny County men have received written citations for illegally dumping trash. Charles Gilbert Scott (65) of Braddock, Michael Paul Leese (33) of Pittsburgh and Terrell Montgomery (46) of Pittsburgh were found guilty of littering on three separate occasions by the Honorable Jeffrey A. Manning, according to Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.

* Ohio River Sweep Set For June 20, Volunteers Needed

The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission will hold its annual Ohio River Sweep on June 20 where volunteers cleanup riverbanks to collect tons of trash and debris along the Ohio River and all of its tributaries, including in Pennsylvania.

* PA Coal Alliance Opposes EPA Clean Power Rule In Coal Caucus Hearing

Pennsylvania Coal Alliance CEO, John Pippy addressed legislators Tuesday on the effects of the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan on Pennsylvania's jobs, electric rates and economy at a House and Senate Coal Caucus hearing.

* July 7 Hearing On Proposed Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant In Luzerne County

The Department of Environmental Protection will host a public hearing to take testimony from residents regarding an application filed by Moxie Freedom Energy, LLC of Virginia for an air quality plan approval to construct and operate a 1050-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant in Salem Township, Luzerne County.

* PUC Releases Outlook Report For 2014 Natural Gas Markets

The Public Utility Commission Thursday released the 2014 Pennsylvania Gas Outlook Report, which provides insight into trends in the natural gas market, both nationwide and within Pennsylvania.

* FirstEnergy Offering STEM Education Grants In Its Service Territories

FirstEnergy Corp. is offering education grants for creative classroom projects involving science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) planned for the 2015-2016 school year in its service territories.  Applications are due September 18.

* Delaware Estuary Teacher Workshops August 1-7 Various Locations

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary will hold a series of 4 teacher workshops from August 1 to 7 at various locations around the estuary.  Here’s the workshop schedule--

* PA Firefly Festival June 27 In Tionesta, Forest County

The Pennsylvania Firefly Festival will be held on June 27 from noon to midnight in Forest County, at the Black Caddis Ranch B&B, in Kellettville, 15 miles east of Tionesta on  Route 666.

* House Recognizes June 21-27 National Mosquito Control Awareness Week

The Pennsylvania Vector Control Association is observing the week of June 21 – June 27 along with the American Mosquito Control Association as “National Mosquito Control Awareness Week.”

* PA Farmland Preservation Program Supports Sustainability Of Agriculture

During the June meeting of the PA Agricultural Land Preservation Board, an additional 20 farms in 15 counties were added to the state’s nation-leading farmland preservation program – totaling 1,718 acres of additional farmland.

* Summer Penn’s Stewards Newsletter Now Available From PA Parks, Forests Foundation

The Summer edition of the Penn’s Stewards newsletter is now available from the PA Parks and Forests Foundation featuring articles on--

* June 17 Resource Newsletter Now Available From DCNR

The June 17 edition of the Resource newsletter is now available from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources featuring articles on--

* Lacawac Sanctuary: Summer Notes From The Forest Newsletter Now Available

The Summer issue of Notes From The Forest newsletter is now available from the Lacawac Sanctuary Foundation in Northeast Pennsylvania, featuring articles on--

* Fish & Boat Commission Lease Creates Somerset Lake Nature Park

The Fish and Boat Commission Monday officially transferred management of its Somerset Lake property to Somerset County, formally creating the Somerset Lake Nature Park.

* DCNR Hearing On 2015 Wild Resource Conservation Grant Applications Aug. 12

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will hold a hearing August 12 on applications submitted for FY 2015-16 Wild Resource Conservation Program grant funding.  The hearing will be held in the 6th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg starting at 10:00 a.m.  (formal notice)

* Help Wanted: DEP Director Of Bureau Of Waterways Engineering, Wetlands

The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking candidates for Director of its Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands.  The deadline for applying is June 24.  The job posting is only open to current Commonwealth employees.  Click Here for the Job Posting.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week 

* Environmental NewsClips - All Topics

Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more--

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

No new regulations were published this week.  Pennsylvania Bulletin - June 20, 2015

* CLICK HERE To Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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