CBF-PA Supports Severance Tax If It Funds PA Clean Water Efforts
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA Wednesday issued the following statement from Pennsylvania Assistant Executive Director Lee Ann Murray, explaining its conditional support of a severance tax on natural gas extraction in the Commonwealth.
Chesapeake Bay Executive Council Releases 25 Management Strategies For Bay Program
On July 23 the Chesapeake Executive Council released twenty-five management strategies outlining the Chesapeake Bay Program’s plans to meet the goals of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, advancing the restoration, conservation and protection of the Bay, its tributaries and the lands that surround them.
CBF-PA: Somerset County Joins PA Clean Water Counts! Campaign
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA applauds the Somerset County commissioners, for adopting a Clean Water Counts! resolution, calling on state officials to make clean water a top priority for the Commonwealth.
How Clean Are Streams In Your County?
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA has a new online tool available to help you find out which streams in your county do not meet water quality standards.
Path Ahead For DEP Developing A PA Plan To Meet EPA Clean Power Rule
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will announce the final version of its Clean Power Rule under Section 111(d) of the federal Clean Air Act on August 3, according to PennFuture.
Budget Impasse Week 4: Looked A Lot Like Week 3 Or Week 2 Or Week 1
House Speaker Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) Monday raised the specter of bringing Gov. Wolf’s veto of the Republican-passed budget up for a veto override vote during remarks at the Pennsylvania Press Club.
First Secretary, Current Secretary Celebrate DCNR’s 20th Anniversary
Two decades separated their milestones when they assumed leadership roles, steering DCNR through waters that sometimes could be rough, often challenging, but always part of a sea that is beautiful.
PA Environment Digest Google+ Circle, Blogs, Twitter Feeds
PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA. Let us join your Circle.
Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule[Updated]/Gov’s Schedule
Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest--
July Environmental Synopsis Newsletter Available From Joint Conservation Committee
The July edition of the Environmental Synopsis newsletter is now available from the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee featuring articles on--
DEP Accepting Comments On Proposed Settlement For Ash Spill Into Delaware River
The Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday said it is accepting public comment on a proposed settlement for natural resource damages with Talen Generation, LLC, formerly known as PPL Generation, LLC, and Martins Creek, LLC, formerly known as PPL Martins Creek, LLC.
PEC Blog: Helping Municipalities Comply With Stormwater Permits
By Susan Myerov, PEC Watersheds Program Director
PA Farmers Invited To Chesapeake Bay Panels On BMPs, Water Quality
The Department of Agriculture Monday extended an invitation to Pennsylvania’s farmers to attend one of four panel discussions hosted by EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program on agricultural Best Management Practices and water quality starting August 10.
Nominate Your Chesapeake Bay Forest Champions By Aug. 12
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay with support from the U.S. Forest Service is soliciting nominations for their annual Chesapeake Forest Champions Contest. Nominations are due August 12.
2015 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Forum Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s 10th Annual Chesapeake Watershed Forum, held September 25-27 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV.
CBF-PA Teams With Heroes On The Water, Trout Unlimited For Paddling Event Aug. 29
Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA is teaming up with Heroes on the Water and local Trout Unlimited chapters on August 29 to celebrate and salute our veterans through a day of fishing and paddling on the Susquehanna!
Pitt Report: Fortifying Stormwater Systems With Green Infrastructure
By Coleen P. Engvall, Research Analyst, Joint Conservation Committee
PA Environmental Council Comments On DEP Stormwater Permit
The PA Environmental Council Tuesday submitted comments supporting many of the proposed changes in DEP’s PAG-13 NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, but suggested more explanation was needed on how applicants will meet the critical requirement in the permit for 5 percent nutrient and 10 percent sediment reductions over the five year life of the permit.
Updated: River Alert Information Network Holds Source Water Protection Conference Sept. 17
The River Alert Information Network in Western PA will hold a Source Water Protection Conference on September 17 with the theme Celebrating and Enhancing Source Water Protection.
July Newsletter Now Available From Stroud Water Research Center
The July edition of UpStream, the newsletter from the Stroud Water Research Center in Avondale, Chester County, is now available featuring articles on--
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Holds Aug. 6 Hearing On Withdrawal Requests
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission will receive public comment at a hearing on August 6 on project applications for several water withdrawal and consumptive water use applications; a request by Panda Power Funds for transfer of ownership of Hummel Station LLC; and amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the Water Resources of the Susquehanna River Basin.
EPA Report: Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Is Accelerating Cleanup, Protection
During its first five years, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, including Lake Erie, implemented more than 2,500 projects to improve water quality, clean up contaminated shoreline, protect and restore native habitat and species and prevent and control invasive species in the Great Lakes, including Lake Erie in Pennsylvania.
Keep PA Beautiful Urges Participation In National School Recycle-Bowl Competition
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is encouraging educators in Pennsylvania to get their schools involved in the Recycle-Bowl Competition. The Recycle-Bowl competition begins October 19 and runs through November 15.
PA Resources Council Special Waste Collection Events In Allegheny, Beaver Counties
The PA Resources Council will hold six special collection events in August, September and October for electronic waste, household chemicals and other often hard to recyclable materials.
Pittsburgh Church Sponsors Electronics Waste Recycling Event Aug. 1
The dog days of summer are upon us. Do something really “cool” in all this heat by helping the environment.
Centre County Adds Misc. Plastics Recycling Containers At Centre Hall Drop Off
The Centre County Recycling & Refuse Authority has placed a container for recycling miscellaneous plastics in the Centre Hall Snappy’s parking lot.
EPA Announces 2 Brownfields Grants To Philadelphia Authorities
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Wednesday announced three brownfields grants for a total of $600,000 - $400,000 to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development and $200,000 to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority.
Report: PA Ranks 2nd In U.S. For Electric Competition
The Public Utility Commission Tuesday announced Pennsylvania now ranks as the No. 2 U.S. state, behind only Texas, for residential, commercial and industrial electric competition, according to the 2015 Annual Baseline Assessment of Choice in Canada and the United States.
CFA Green Building, Renewable Energy Programs Accepting Applications
The Commonwealth Financing Authority is now accepting applications for energy-related programs-- the High Performance Building Program and Renewable Energy Program. Applications are due September 9 for action by the Authority on November 10.
Phipps Center For Sustainable Landscapes Energy Workshop, Tour Aug. 18
The West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund and the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh have organized an August 18 workshop and tour of its Center for Sustainable Landscapes housing groundbreaking sustainability research, education programs and serves as a key part of the garden’s visitor experience.
Duquesne University Hosting Climate Change Conference Sept. 30-Oct. 2
Climate change will be the topic of this year’s Duquesne University Presidential Conference to be held September 30 to October 2 in Pittsburgh.
Dept. Of Health Reports First Human Case Of West Nile Virus In Venango County
The Department of Health Thursday announced Pennsylvania’s first probable human case of West Nile Virus infection in 2015 has been detected. A Venango county woman was hospitalized due to WNV. She has since been released from the hospital and is recovering at home.
DEP Schedule For Mosquito Spraying Next Week
The Department of Environmental Protection and West Nile Programs across the state announced a series of mosquito spray dates in the coming week. They include--
Forest Service Workshop On Aquatic Organism Road-Stream Passage Nov. 16-20
The U.S. Forest Service and its partners will host a workshop November 16029 in State College providing training on a Stream Simulation Design Approach for Providing Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings.
Lake At Cowans Gap State Park Reopening To Swimming In Fulton County
The departments of Health and Conservation and Natural Resources Friday announced, effective August 1, swimming will again be permitted in the lake at Cowans Gap State Park, Fulton County. The lake had been closed to swimming since July 22.
Pennsylvania Wilds Again Offering Mini Grants
The Pennsylvania Wilds Planning Team is pleased to announce a new mini-grant program for up to $25,000 in funding. Applications are due September 1.
Friends Of Allegheny Wilderness Hickory Creek Wilderness Trail Cleanup Aug. 15-16
The Friends of Allegheny Wilderness will have a cleanup of the 13-mile Hickory Creek Wilderness Trail on August 15-16 in Warren County.
Delaware Highlands Conservancy August 14 Star Watch
Join the Delaware Highlands Conservancy and local astronomer John Kocijanski for a free Star Watch program on August 14 from 9 p.m.-11 p.m. at its office in Bethel, NY.
Allegheny Land Trust Summer Happenings: Blue Myst Hike, Bird Days Of Summer
The Allegheny Land Trust is hosting two interesting and fun events at the beginning of August: the Irwin Run Blue Myst Hike on August 7 and the Bird Days Of Summer Hike on August 8.
Natural Lands Trust Outlines August Events In Southeast PA
The Natural Lands Trust has posted its list of education programs, volunteer opportunities and other unique events in Bucks County and Southeast PA. Click Here for NLT Calendar.
Delaware Highlands Conservancy Announces Free Community Picnic Aug. 29
The Delaware Highlands Conservancy is pleased to announce a free community event, August 29 from 12 p.m. -4 p.m. at its Bethel, New York office.
July 29 DCNR Resource Newsletter Now Available
The July 29 issue of the Resource newsletter is now available from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources featuring articles on--
PEC’s Lindsay Baxter Recipient Of 2015 McCloy Fellowship In Environmental Policy
The PA Environmental Council Friday announced Lindsay Baxter, PEC’s Program Manager for Energy & Climate, has been named one of two Americans to receive a 2015 McCloy Fellowship in Environmental Policy through the American Council on Germany.
Opportunity To Bid On DEP Mine Reclamation Projects In Centre, Tioga Counties
The Department of Environmental Protection published notices in the August 1 PA Bulletin announcing an opportunity to bid on mine reclamation projects in Centre County and Tioga County.
Help Wanted: DEP Chief Information Officer, Director Of Information Technology
The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking qualified individuals to fill the position of Chief Information Officer/Director of the Bureau of Information Technology. The deadline for applications is August 26. Click Here for all the details.
Help Wanted: PA Horticultural Society Plant One Million Trees Manager
The PA Horticultural Society is looking for qualified candidates to fill the position of Plant One Million Regional Project Manager which coordinates and advances the PHS Plant One Million and TreeVitalize Watershed reforestation program activities, primarily within Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties, with some overlap into Philadelphia and the Plant One Million tri-state target area. Click Here for all the details.
Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events
This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.
Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
Environmental NewsClips - All Topics
Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more--
Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits
No new regulations published this week. Pennsylvania Bulletin - August 1, 2015
CLICK HERE To Print Entire PA Environment Digest
CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.
Stories Invited
Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to: DHess@CrisciAssociates.com.
Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited. Sponsor: 2016 Keystone Coldwater Conference, State College, Feb. 26-27.