Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates, Aug. 24, 2015
* Gov. Wolf Releases Oil Train Safety Report With 27 Recommendations

Gov. Tom Wolf Monday released a report written by Dr. Allan Zarembski focused on the safety of Pennsylvanians and protecting people from the potential of Bakken crude oil train derailments. In the report, Assessment of Crude by Rail Safety Issues in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dr. Zarembski presents 27 recommendations.

* EPA Proposes New Standards To Reduce Methane Emissions From Oil & Gas Operations

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tuesday announced proposed standards to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds from the oil and natural gas industry.

* PEC: EPA Announces Important Methane Controls, It’s Time For PA To Do The Same

The PA Environmental Council issued the following statement by John Walliser, Vice President for Legal & Government Affairs, in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed methane emission reduction rule covering oil and gas operations.

* Environmental Defense Fund Statement On Proposed EPA Oil & Gas Methane Rule

The Environmental Defense Fund issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed methane emission reduction rule covering oil and gas operations.

* Nature Abounds Welcomes EPA Methane Regulations Covering Oil & Gas Operations

Nature Abounds issued this statement in support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposal to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas operations—

* AP: House GOP Plans Veto Override Votes Tuesday On Parts Of State Budget

The Associated Press reported Friday House Republicans plan to hold votes on Tuesday to override Gov. Wolf veto of the Republican budget passed in June one section at a time.

* StateImpact: U.S. EIA Reports PA Drilling Revenues Much Lower Than Other States

StateImpact reported Friday a U.S. Energy Information Agency study found Pennsylvania receives much less revenue than other states from oil and gas drilling operations; less than 1 percent of state revenues are from the Act 13 drilling impact fee.

* Analysis: Electronics Recycling Effort Shrinking In PA, The Law Needs To Be Fixed

Pennsylvania’s electronics recycling law passed with fanfare in 2010 has so far failed to provide the robust electronics recycling opportunities intended by its supporters. 

* PA Environment Digest Google+ Circle, Blogs, Twitter Feeds

PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA.  Let us join your Circle.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Gov's Schedule

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* Joint Conservation Committee Issues Green Paper On Fluoridation

The Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee Friday issued one of its periodic Green Paper Environmental Issue Monographs; the topic this time is the fluoridation of public drinking water.

* Apply Now For REAP Farm Conservation Tax Credit Program

Pennsylvania farmers who want to use best management practices or purchase on-farm conservation equipment can now apply for 2015-16 Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Program tax credits.

* EPA, Delaware County Authority Resolve Water Quality Violations Thru Settlement

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Justice Monday announced a settlement with the Delaware County Regional Water Quality Control Authority resolving alleged Clean Water Act violations involving combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to the Delaware River and its tributaries.

* Ephrata Area Authority Receives Recognition From Partnership For Safe Water

The Ephrata Area Joint Authority water treatment plant, located in Lancaster County, recently received the “President’s Award” from the national Partnership for Safe Water. The treatment plant provides drinking water service to approximately 17,937 people.

* Register Now For River Alert Information Network Source Water Protection Conference

Registration is now open for the River Alert Information Network Source Water Protection Conference on September 17 in Pittsburgh.  The theme of the Conference is Celebrating and Enhancing Source Water Protection.

* Manada Conservancy: How Healthy Is Your Stream? Sept. 8 In Hershey

The Manada Conservancy and Penn State Extension will hold a hands-on outdoor workshop on September 8 in Hershey to teach participants how to check up on the health of your local stream.

* DEP Studies Shipwreck Habitat In Lake Erie

On August 12, staff from the Department of Environmental Protection went aboard the Regional Science Consortium boat to study the S. K. Martin shipwreck site in Lake Erie.

* CBF-PA Teams With Heroes On The Water, Trout Unlimited For Paddling Event Aug. 29

Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA is teaming up with Heroes on the Water and local Trout Unlimited chapters on August 29 to celebrate and salute our veterans through a day of fishing and paddling on the Susquehanna!

* Aug. 17 Watershed Winds Newsletter Now Available From Penn State Extension

The August 17 issue of the Watershed Winds newsletter is now available from Penn State Extension featuring articles on--

* Updated: DEP To Webcast Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force Meeting Aug. 26 Live

The Department of Environmental Protection late Monday announced the August 26 DEP Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force meeting will be webcast live starting at 1:00.  Click Here to view the meeting online.

* PEC TV: Environmental Focus Pipeline Task Force Show Now Online

The August edition of “Environmental Focus,” the PA Environmental Council’s monthly half-hour television talk show, is now available online.  The topic of this month’s program is DEP’s Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force.

* 70% Of Natural Gas Drillers Do Not Respond To Survey On Use Of Small Businesses

State Secretary of General Services, Curt Topper Wednesday announced the release of the 2014 annual report as required by Act 13 of 2012 on the natural gas industry's utilization of Small Diverse Businesses in natural gas extraction across Pennsylvania.

* August 20 DEP News Now Available

The August 20 issue of DEP News is now available from the Department of Environmental Protection featuring articles on--

* Fresh Coat Of Paint Grants Awarded By Keep PA Beautiful, Glidden, The Home Depot

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is pleased to announce the eight grant recipients of their 2015 Fresh Paint Days Pennsylvania Program.  This year’s event is held in partnership with support from Glidden Professional and The Home Depot. 

* Save The Date: PA Resources Council Awards Dinner Nov. 12

The PA Resources Council will hold its annual awards dinner on November 12 from 6-9:00 p.m. at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia.

* Save The Date: PA Environmental Educators Conference March 14-16 Pocono Manor

The 2016 annual conference of the PA Association of Environmental Educators will be held March 14-16 at The Inn at Pocono Manor in Pocono Manor, Monroe County.  The theme will be “Breaking Bad, Creating New.”

* Volunteers Needed To Paint Wissahickon Environmental Center Porch Aug. 29

Friends of the Wissahickon is seeking volunteers to help paint the porch of the Wissahickon Environmental Center, (the “Tree House”), 300 W. Northwestern Ave., Philadelphia on August 29 at 9 a.m.

* Lacawac Sanctuary Wally Lake Fest, Other Upcoming Educational Programs

The Lacawac Sanctuary is sponsoring a variety of educational programs over the next month at the Wallenpaupack Environmental Learning Center in Hawley, Wayne County, and other venues.

* PUC Finalizes Rule On Supplier Information On Natural Gas Bills

The Public Utility Commission Thursday finalized recommendations that will provide consumers with more information from their natural gas suppliers on their utility bill.

* PUC Urges Utilities To Take Precautions To Prevent Spread Of Avian Flu

The Public Utility Commission Wednesday urged utilities and their truck drivers to understand and practice biosecurity measures when operating on or near poultry farms, as part of a cooperative statewide effort to safeguard against the outbreak of avian influenza.

* Updated DEP Schedule For Mosquito Spraying

The Department of Environmental Protection and West Nile Programs across the state announced mosquito spray dates in the coming week.  They include--

* Natural Lands Trust Transfers 54 Acres For French Creek State Park

Natural Lands Trust has purchased and transferred a 54-acre parcel of land to French Creek State Park in Chester and Berks counties, improving the public’s access to the popular park.

* Agriculture Secretary Highlights Updates To Clean And Green Tax Relief Program

Pennsylvania’s Clean and Green Law has been providing Pennsylvanians with voluntary rural property tax relief for nearly four decades in recognition of their commitment to preserving the land in production agriculture, open space or forested tracts, Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding reminded Pennsylvanians Thursday.

* Wildlands Conservancy Annual Green Gala Nov. 20, Other Upcoming Events

The Wildlands Conservancy will hold its annual Green Gala November 20 at the University Center on the DeSales University campus in Center Valley, Lehigh County.  Click Here for more information on volunteering, sponsoring and more or contact Alan Raisman, Communications Associate, 610-965-4397 ext. 135 or send email to:

* Brodhead Watershed Assn. Develops New Website For Pocono Hikers

A new website featuring preserves and trails in the Poconos gives hikers a comprehensive resource for finding outdoor adventures is now available from the Brodhead Watershed Association.

* Susquehanna Greenway Issues 2014 Progress Report

The Susquehanna Greenway Partnership this week issued its 2014 Progress Report which highlights the work it does with many partners to make it possible to walk, bike or paddle from river town to river town along the Susquehanna River.

* Hawk Mountain Fall Raptor Count Now Underway

The Fall raptor count is now underway at the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Berks County with regular daily reports are available onlineClick Here to subscribe to regular email updates from Hawk Mountain.

* Wildlife For Everyone: Hereford Manor Lake Restoration Underway In Beaver County

The Wildlife For Everyone Endowment Foundation has partnered with Restore Hereford Manor Lake and the Beaver County Sportsmen’s Conservation League to facilitate the quick repair of the Hereford Manor Lake Dam.

* Central PA Conservancy: Support Preservation Of LeTort Watershed

The Central Pennsylvania Conservancy has obtained a purchase option on 30 acres on the LeTort headwaters in Cumberland County, including the watercress farm and adjoining property. The total cost of the acquisition will be $315,000. 

* Fish Commission Special Mentored Youth Fishing, Photo Contest Labor Day Weekend

Summer may be winding down, but fishing opportunities for families and kids are increasing, thanks to Wednesday’s announcement by the Fish and Boat Commission that it will be stocking trout in four waters for a special mentored youth event on Labor Day.

* Peter A. Yeager Foundation Remembers Former DEP Employee By Supporting Education

The Peter A. Yeager Memorial Foundation was created in 1991 to provide financial support to college students, school faculty, and educational organizations dedicated to the principles of environmental conservation.

* DEP’s Dan Vilello Receives County Commissioners’ Friend Of County Government Award

Dan Vilello, Local Government Liaison for DEP's Northcentral Regional Office in Williamsport, was recently honored by the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania's Friend of County Government Award during their annual conference in Pittsburgh on August 4.

* Help Wanted: Delaware Estuary Partnership Grant Coordinator, Watershed Outreach

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary in Wilmington, DE, is looking for qualified candidates to fill the positions of Coordinator of Grants and Watershed Outreach Specialist.  September 10th is the deadline for the Watershed Outreach Specialist and September 30th for the Coordinator of Grants.  Click Here for all the details.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Environmental NewsClips - All Topics

Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more--

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Environmental Quality Board published final regulations in the August 22 PA Bulletin relating to Land Reclamation Financial Guarantees and Bioenergy Crop Bonding.

* CLICK HERE To Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout UnlimitedSponsor: 2016 Keystone Coldwater Conference, State College, Feb. 26-27.

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