Quigley To PEC Conference: Biggest Challenge DEP Faces Is Meeting Basic Obligations
DEP Secretary John Quigley told the PA Environmental Council’s Policy Conference Monday the biggest challenge the Department of Environmental Protection faces is meeting its basic obligations in the face of the cuts DEP’s budget has taken over the years.
CBF-PA: It’s Time For PA To Reboot Its Commitments To Chesapeake Bay Agreement
By Harry Campbell, PA Office Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
PA Environmental Council’s Environmental Policy Conference Interviews
The PA Environmental Council held its 2nd Annual Environmental Policy Conference Tuesday in Harrisburg which heard from a variety of speakers, including the keynote address by DEP Secretary John Quigley.
Progress Report On The State Budget: No Progress, Again
Once again this week Senate and House Republicans and Gov. Wolf failed to go beyond posturing to make any progress on the budget, almost literally going to opposite ends of the state to say the same things they have been saying for the last 111 days.
PA Environment Digest Google+ Circle, Blogs, Twitter Feeds
PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA. Let us join your Circle.
Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Gov’s Schedule/ Bills Introduced
Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--
October Environmental Synopsis Now Available From Joint Conservation Committee
The October issue of the Environmental Synopsis newsletter is now available from the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee featuring articles on--
DEP Publishes Proposed Changes To Stormwater General Permit PAG-03
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the October 17 PA Bulletin of changes to the NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (PAG-03).
PEC: Philly Water’s Soak It Up Adoption Program Continues To Expand
Since its launch in 2013, the Philadelphia Water Department’s Soak it Up Adoption Program has grown from seven to 16 neighborhood organizations including civic associations, community development corporations, and other non-profit community groups.
PA Farm Groups: Initiative To Credit Farmers For Their Conservation Efforts Begins
Pennsylvania’s farmers deserve credit for the work they do to ensure clean water and healthy soil. In order to give them the proper credit, the PA Association of Conservation Districts is asking farmers to voluntarily complete an online survey.
Series Of 4 MS4 Municipal Stormwater Workshops Set In Western PA
The Southwest PA Planning Commission is hosting a series of four MS4 Municipal Stormwater Planning Workshops in Western Pennsylvania in October and January.
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Proposes Changes To Rules On Water Withdrawals
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission published notice in the October 17 PA Bulletin of proposed changes to the regulations covering the process for transferring approvals and to add sections dealing with general permits and modifications to approvals.
Rain Garden Blooms In Downtown Stroudsburg
The Brodhead Watershed Association, in its continuing effort to “green” downtown Stroudsburg in Monroe County, has installed a rain garden on Quaker Alley, in partnership with Sarah Street Grill.
DEP Staff Participate in First-Ever Columbia County Water Education Day
Six DEP Northcentral Regional Office staff: John Ryder, Jared Dressler, Dave Rebuck, Steve Means, Derik Dressler, and Cheryl Sinclair, led stations on groundwater, general water quality, and fish ecology at the first Columbia County Water Education Day on September 16 at Briar Creek Park near Berwick, Columbia County.
Brodhead Watershed Assn: Please Don’t Feed The Ducks!
The Brodhead Watershed Association in Monroe County has proof of bacteria and pollution in the Brodhead, Pocono and McMichael creeks in Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg and Stroud Township from a study done last summer.
October Catalyst Newsletter Now Available From Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition
The October edition of The Catalyst newsletter is now available from the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition in Butler County featuring articles on--
Oct. 13 Watershed Winds Newsletter Now Available From Penn State Extension
The October 13 issue of the Watershed Winds newsletter is now available from Penn State Extension featuring articles on--
Gerald Smith Water Treatment Plant Receives Partnership For Safe Water Award
The PA American Water Company's Gerald C. Smith Water Treatment Plant in Hershey, Dauphin County recently received the "President’s Award" from the Partnership for Safe Water for achieving stringent individual filter performance goals for turbidity.
Wolf: PA Signs Cooperative Agreement With West Virginia, Ohio On Shale Gas
Gov. Tom Wolf Tuesday announced Pennsylvania entered into a three-year cooperation agreement with West Virginia and Ohio to collaborate on areas critical to maximizing economic growth in the shale gas region.
Marcellus Shale Coalition Releases New Video: The Faces Of Shale
Following its annual meeting last week, the Marcellus Shale Coalition released a new year-in-review video titled The Faces of Shale.
PA Environmental Council Opposes Bill Making It Easier To Block Regulations, Policies
The PA Environmental Council Wednesday wrote to members of the House expressing its objections to House Bill 965 (Godshall-R-Montgomery) that would make it much easier for the General Assembly to block regulations and statements of policy by executive agencies.
PUC RFP To Evaluate Utility Energy Efficiency, Demand Response Programs
The Public Utility Commission Friday posted a request for proposal for a statewide evaluator to provide long-term, statewide evaluation of electric distribution company energy efficiency and demand response programs.
PEC TV: DEP Secretary Talks About Climate Change On PCN Oct. 18
DEP Secretary John Quigley will be the guest on the October 18 Environmental Focus TV program produced by the PA Environmental Council to be aired at 4:00 on the PA Cable Network.
DEP’s Next Listening Sessions On EPA’s Clean Power Climate Plan Oct. 22, 28
The next in the series of 14 listening sessions DEP is holding on the federal Clean Power Plan to reduce carbon emissions from power plants will be held October 22 in Lehigh County, October 28 in Schuylkill County, October 29 in Erie, October 30 in Clarion and Clearfield counties and November 4 in Lycoming County.
PA Clean Power Climate Plan Comments: Consumer Energy Alliance
Listening sessions held by the Department of Environmental Protection around the state are gathering comments on EPA’s Clean Power Climate Plan to help Pennsylvania develop a plan for meeting those requirements.
PA Clean Power Climate Plan Comments: American Lung Association-PA
Listening sessions held by the Department of Environmental Protection around the state are gathering comments on EPA’s Clean Power Climate Plan to help Pennsylvania develop a plan for meeting those requirements.
PJM Approves $59 Million In Electric Transmission Projects
The PJM Interconnection Board Thursday authorized dozens of electric transmission improvements, including a record number that address market efficiency issues.
DEP Instructs Keystone Landfill To Answer Issues On Permit Expansion Application
The Department of Environmental Protection Friday issued its first Environmental Assessment review letter to Keystone Sanitary Landfill in Lackawanna County regarding the facility’s permit application for expansion.
Attorney General Charges 2 With Dumping Sewage In Carbon County
Indicted Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane Friday announced criminal charges have been filed against two Palmerton-area men accused of illegally disposing of waste in Carbon County.
High School Students Demonstrate Robotics To Bureau Of Mine Safety Staff
On October 8, DEP's Bureau of Mine Safety hosted Cornerstone Christian Prep School's Robotic Team from Allegheny County at their New Stanton Office in Westmoreland County. The high school students shared robotic equipment they developed to aid in mining efforts.
Chinese Delegation Visits DEP's New Stanton Office
This week, 25 delegates of the China State Administration of Coal Mine Safety sponsored by the Sino-Canada Technology Exchange Centre/Markham in Ontario Canada visited DEP’s New Stanton Office to meet with members of the Bureau of Mine Safety.
DEP Chemist Speaks To Cumberland County Students During Career Day
DEP's June Black recently visited Good Hope Middle School of Cumberland Valley School District in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County to talk to 8th grade students about careers in science.
October 15 DEP News Now Available
The October 15 edition of DEP News is now available from the Department of Environmental Protection featuring stories on--
Lackawanna Heritage Valley Mini-Grant Applications Now Being Accepted
Lackawanna Heritage Valley in Northeast Pennsylvania is now accepting applications for its mini-grant program which awards up to 10 grants worth $500 to elementary and high school educators and cultural, historic and environmental organizations to produce heritage, art and environmental projects.
5 PA MBA Programs Ranked In Top 121 Sustainability Business Programs In World
Five graduate business degree programs in Pennsylvania universities have been ranked in the top 121 business programs focusing on sustainability in the world, more than any other state. Duquesne University’s Sustainability MBA has again been ranked in the top 10 schools.
Secretary Of Health Releases Landmark Report On Lyme Disease In PA
Secretary of Health Karen Murphy Wednesday announced the release of the first-ever comprehensive report on Lyme disease in Pennsylvania to help guide the Commonwealth’s strategy to address this growing health problem.
DCNR/PRPS Green Parks Award Nominations Now Being Accepted
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the PA Recreation and Parks Society are now accepting nominations for the Green Parks Award. The deadline for nominations is January 15.
Friends Of Pinchot State Park Tree Planting For Wayside Tells Pinchot Story
The Friends of Pinchot State Park had a tree planting over the weekend to create a wayside that tells the Gifford Pinchot conservation story in this York County park.
PA Forest Products Assn: Celebrate National Forest Products Week Oct. 19-25
The PA Forest Products Association provided this appreciation for National Forest Products Week October 19-25--
Bowman’s Hill Preserve Hosts Naturalist, Interpretive Guide Training, Other Programs
The Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve in Bucks County will host a diverse series of special events over the next few months, including an interpretive guide certification, naturalist training and native plant workshops as well as a deer drive. Here are the details--
Help Wanted: SolarCity Energy Provide 1-Day Hiring Spree, Including In Norristown
SolarCity, the nation's #1 solar energy provider, will host an all-day hiring event on October 21 with the aim of adding 500 employees to its sales force across ten states.
Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events
This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.
Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
Environmental NewsClips - All Topics
Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more--
Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission published notice in the October 17 PA Bulletin of proposed changes to the regulations covering the process for transferring approvals and to add sections dealing with general permits and modifications to approvals. A public hearing is scheduled for October 29 in Grantville, Dauphin County. Comments are due November 9.
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Stories Invited
Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to: DHess@CrisciAssociates.com.
Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited. Sponsor: 2016 Keystone Coldwater Conference, State College, Feb. 26-27.