Scrapbook Photo 01/27/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
February 28, 2005
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 2/28/05
* Transit Funding Off Track
Gov. Rendell’s talks with Republican Leaders from the Senate and House on funding transit, the largest remaining hole in the current year’s budget, didn’t go well this week.
* Senate Committee Sets Hearing on Environmental Hearing Board Nominee
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee scheduled a public hearing on the re-appointment of Bernard A. Labuskes, Jr. to the Environmental Hearing Board for March 15.
* DEP, DCNR Budget Hearings Coming Up
Next week the departments of Conservation and Natural Resources and Environmental Protection have three of their four scheduled hearings before the Senate and House Appropriations Committee--
* Joint Conservation Committee Forum, Environmental Synopsis
The Joint Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee will hold another in its series of Environmental Issues Forums on March 14. The topic will be a presentation from Dr. Harold Schobert, Director of The Energy Institute of Penn State on the Institute’s project to turn coal into jet fuel and related projects on the use of coal by-products.
* USDA Provides $9.3 Million For Watershed Recovery In 12 States
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that $540,000 in Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) funding would be available in Pennsylvania for locally-sponsored watershed protection projects resulting from recent floods and other natural disasters such as tornadoes, fires, drought and hurricanes.
* Public Meetings Set on Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy
The Department of Environmental Protection will host five public meetings on Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy. The meetings will be held as follows:
* Hay Creek Added to PA Rivers Conservation Registry
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week published notice of its approval of the Hay Creek Watershed Management Plan and that it is placing Hay Creek and all its tributaries in Berks County on the Pennsylvania Rivers Conservation Registry.The Rivers Conservation Registry was established to promote river conservation and recognize rivers or river segments in communities who have completed river conservation plans. The registry is also an avenue to endorse local initiatives by binding them together in a statewide recognition program. In order for a river to be placed on the registry, it must have an approved plan and local municipal support. Registry status must be achieved to qualify for implementation, development or acquisition grants.
* PPL Invests $630 Million in Voluntary Pollution Controls
PPL Corporation will invest an estimated $630 million in pollution control equipment for three coal-fired generating units in a project that will further reduce air emissions, create jobs and improve the competitiveness of key generating plants in Pennsylvania.
* Changes Requested in Mercer County Air Plan
DEP Requests Revised PM 2.5 Designation for Mercer County
* Free Air Quality Emails
Sign Up for Free Bad Air Day Warnings
* EPA Grants Address Environmental Health Threats to Older Persons
The Temple Center for Intergenerational Learning was one of 19 organizations nationwide to share $492,180 in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Aging Initiative grants. The grants are designed to encourage a better understanding of how to reduce the environmental health hazards associated with older persons.
* EPA Region Sponsoring Industrial Byproducts Beneficial Use Summit
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3's Solid Waste Program is co-sponsoring the fourth annual Industrial Byproducts Beneficial Use Summit in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Protection, and Waste News, to be held at the Wyndham Plaza Hotel in Philadelphia Nov. 29-30.
* Brownfields Loan Transforms Vacant Lot to Business Center
The City of Philadelphia is preparing to make its first loan under the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) under a cooperative agreement with Region 3 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
* DOE Special Projects Solicitations Open to Businesses, Non-profits
Pennsylvania is now soliciting proposals for this year's U.S. Department of Energy Special Projects funds from industry, small businesses, institutions of higher learning, non-profit organizations, Native American organizations, and Federal facilities in Pennsylvania.
* Canal History Video Gets Emmy Nomination
“My Name is Jeremiah,” a video about canal life in the 19th century in America and the Lehigh Valley, was nominated for an Emmy Award from the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the National Television Academy.
* PUC Keystone Competition Newsletter Now Online
The winter edition of Keystone Competition, a newsletter published by the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission is now available online.
* Youth Bass Anglers School Invites Students to Apply
The Youth Bass Anglers Conservation School is inviting students 14 to 17 interested in fishing and learning about warm-water fisheries to apply for the 2005 program.
* Parks and Forests Foundation Seeks Executive Director
The Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation is seeking a person to fill its executive Director position.
* Quick Clips
NewsClips from around Pennsylvania on a variety of issues.
* Taking Positive Action - Johnson & Johnson Recognized as Corporate Environmental Leader by EPA
For the first time, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is recognizing corporate-wide environmental leadership under its National Environmental Performance Track program. Johnson & Johnson was selected as one of EPA’s first three Performance Track Corporate Leaders.
* Feature: Flooding and the Value of Riparian Buffers – Conservation Tools for Landowners
By Brian J. Vadino, Wildlands Conservancy
* Op-Ed: Taking the Next Step in Watershed Protection – Private Support for a Public Good
By Ed Wytovich, Catawissa Creek Restoration Association
* Web Resources: Teaching Environment & Ecology In School and at Home
Teachers in all grades and home schoolers can find a wealth of information available online for teaching environment and ecology lessons.
* Watershed NewsClips
NewsClips on watershed issues from around the state.
* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection and Fish & Boat Commission published several regulatory notices this week on a water quality standards review, additions to the Class A Trout Streams list and an unsuitable for surface mining petition in Clearfield County.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of a final guidance document on sampling water sources and a draft guidance on protecting surface water from underground bituminous mining.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links on other calendars
* Contributions Invited
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